Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Milestones

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.

baby bouncer

my sons 17weeks and every time he gets put in the baby bouncer now his screaming and going stiff it seems to be his starting to hate it. am I able to put him in a baby walker or high chair or something different?


Upgrading to a crawling area

My LO is 13 weeks today and I know it's still too early for crawling but I was wondering what space I should set up for her for when the time comes. How big a space do they need? I have wooden floors and she currently has the mamas and papas little playmat that sits on top of foam puzzles. Do you recommend a play pe...


Why do babies so this

So she’s been doing this for the past few days. I know she’s happy but this is new to me. FTM. Is this just her learning her voice? You can tell she’s a happy baby.



So I was drawing shapes and pictures on my boys board …he can identify all the simple shapes for a while now whats impressive! So I thought I would try a number….so I drew the number 2 and asked him what number is it …..and he said 2 ….so I thought ok ….what about this number and did the number 3 and he said 3 ……I t...


Banging everything on everything

My son looooooves to bang. Any toy or item on any surface, the louder the better. Anyone have luck minimizing this behavior? We live in an apartment and know our neighbors must hate us from the constant noise 😩 also my husband has zero patience and can’t stand it lol (We try to have him bang his drums but he…


Autistic signs?

I'm asking for family. I feel like their child might be autistic. They aren't the greatest parents and would be oblivious to it. There's a couple things I've noticed but wanted to know others experience before talking to them and worrying them for no reason. For one, he is 16 months old and not independently walking...


Temper tantrums

Please tell me I’m not the only one whose baby hits, pulls hair, head butts when frustrated or mad. He will scream, cry and try to hurt me when he’s upset. Sometimes even hits when excited. When he’s excited and doing it I try to redirect it to a high five. When sad I usually just hold down the affecting hand and sa...


6 month old pulling up to stand?!

Need advice or is anyone else dealing with this? My son turned 6 months at the end of April and is literally pulling himself up to stand on anything he can. My daughter didn't do this until 9 or 10 months. Is this really something some kids do this early?



Advice on how to deal with tantrums when toddler isn’t getting their way? Biggest thing is touching things she shouldn’t (ie trash can) and then throwing a tantrum when getting corrected


"No" to everything!

My toddler says no to everything. Even changing diaper or wearing clothes or eating or brushing teeth. It takes the life out of me trying to convince her. It's exhausting. Does this stage go away? I honestly dread being alone with her all day. It started about 3 months back. I'm waiting for this stage to pass.


My toddler cries at cat videos LOL

My daughter who is a little over 1 has always cried when she sees a video or a movie with cats and if it has music with it whether it’s a happy or sad one. Like why?? lol I just find it so interesting that she may just have such a connection to find them beautiful or something. 😂 I’m truly so curious why this…


Am I a bad mom help!

My toddler has been insane lately, not listening at all, laughing if I try to discipline him, throws things, hits his sister etc. Am I failing as a mom or is this “normal” behavior for a 3 1/2 year old boy? He’s so active and wild and sweet most of the time but when he turns it up I feel like I’m the worst mother or...



For the last couple of days it’s like my son learned to complain lol he grunts and cries like he is frustrated or over it when he never did that before unless he was hungry or sleepy. I barely put him to play and he starts :( anyone else


How are people handling tantrums?

My girl can throw a good one! How are people going about dealing with them? I’m not sure if I’m doing the right thing - we distract, redirect. She will also pinch and sometimes bite when another takes her toy or she can’t articulate what she’s wanting. I’m so fucking tired of the whining and body throwing 😬 I get…


Baby hysterically crying in the evenings

My little girl is 8 months old and for the last week when we put her to bed she hysterically cries, can be up to 2/3 hours that she's screaming for. She's abso shattered just won't drop off at all! Just don't know what it could be, has anyone had similar?



My kiddo has been such a brat these last few weeks, hitting, clawing, biting. I have tired everything to get her to stop. I can’t wait for these terrible twos to go away


Rough play

Is anyone else’s babies super rough/aggressive when they play? My son throws everything, bangs everything and is so rough with our dog! Anytime I try to correct it, he laughs and continues to do it 🙈


Baby boy is not speaking

He can sing he can repeat everything you say but he doesn’t engage in conversation his doc says he’s a late bloomer he’s fine should I seek another opinion?


Toddler things

Does anyone else’s little one every take your finger and have you point to something maybe in a book or idk point to a body part for learning? So I googled it and I feel like every little thing I google comes up with autism.. I understand there is major red flags but like how can everything be linked to that.. if th...


Worried mum!

Please I need help. I’m making myself ill with the worry. My son is 22 months old. Doesn’t talk, just shouts when he wants something. He points and will take us to where he wants us to get something from. I’ve tried everything with him and he just isn’t talking yet. He will babble and say the obvious ‘mama’ and ‘dad...


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