Breastfeeding/Nursing & pumping Mamas

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Breastfeeding/Nursing & pumping Mamas

To help support all the mamas who are breastfeeding, nursing, pumping or all 3šŸ˜Šā˜ŗļø It can be hard. So this group is to support you mamas. PLEASE SHARE THIS GROUP WITH ANY FRIENDS OR FAMILY WHO MAY WANT TO JOIN. The more the merrier šŸ’•

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E in Breastfeeding

C-Section baby, licking but no latching

My daughter was born at 6:40pm last evening. I've fed her multiple times but it's mostly spoon feeding expressed milk or her licking milk as I express it. She's suckled a few times but isn't fully latching so she only gets a little at a time. Any tips or tricks? I'm assuming a nurse will try and help us again in t...

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A in Baby sleep

Why is my 2 month old up every hour in the night?

My almost 10 week old baby has never really seemed to have slept for long periods (in the day and at night) unless heā€™s being held and in the day will usually wake up literally after about half an hour and often wonā€™t go back to sleep for a few hours so just doesnā€™t seem to get much sleep. Then at night heā€™ll go dow...

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A in Breastfeeding

When does BF get easier

I BF my daughter during the day and bottle feed (pumped milk) in the night. With BF she is hungry again in 1-2 hrs whereas with bottle she is usually content for 3 to 5 hrs. BF sessions last 20-35 mins of active feeding, then I burp her and keep her vertical to prevent reflux, change diaper or let her sleep for a b...

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Cracked nipple fix

My baby is 4 months old and since the beginning Iā€™ve constantly gotten cracked sore nipples from breastfeeding. Itā€™s mainly on the areola part where the skin has slightly scraped and is leaking watery fluid on it that keeps catching clothes fluff on it before drying out. Baby had a corrected tongue tie and latch has...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby digestion

Newborn spitting up

I breastfeed my baby, sheā€™s 2 weeks and Iā€™ve noticed sheā€™s been spitting up. However I donā€™t know whatā€™s normal. I plan on calling my pediatrician first thing in the morning. She spits up when sheā€™s on her back and her face turns red and her eyes start to water when she spits up. Im a FTM and seeing her do this worr...

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  • Incognito
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