Supporting women and all aspects of womanhood

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Supporting women and all aspects of womanhood

This group is about bringing mums together to support one another, share and get advice and also find Mum friends!

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L in Fertility treatments

Anybody on here suffer from endometriosis

I need some help and advice anybody suffer with endo what do they use to help with the pain and the way you feel doctors are no use and hospital when waiting on appointments?

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S in Breastfeeding


I’m breastfeeding my daughter she’s my second baby, I didn’t get to breastfeed my son so I’m not sure about this but she only feeds from the left she won’t latch on the right and my left is so much bigger then my right is it possible for milk supply to stop coming through on one boob ?

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Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing


Does anyone else’s partner ever just make them feel like complete utter shit ? In our bedroom we have a bar and it’s currently 3 people in the one room so it’s crowded and behind the bar was storage, but now we are getting a puppy in a month and my partner is screaming at me because of all the stuff behind the bar s...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

L in Other

Play date

Hey ladies does anyone in Melbourne want to come to the play date on Tuesday at Lilydale lake? There’s a pinned post for it just not sure if anyone has seen it!

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L in Real talk

Let’s play a game

I thought this could be fun I’ll share mine in the comments

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