
I’m so so lonely and feel like such a failure in life. Today was my birthday, me and baby just sat in bed all day and I just cried all day. I have no one who truly cares, no family and barely any friends and feel so empty and alone. My birthday has always been tough but this is my first one as a mum and I feel awful. I wanted to buy something nice but as a single parent I can barely even afford my bills so the house and baby obviously come first. There’s no point to this but I needed to get it off of my chest.
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i’m so sorry my lovely☹️. here if you ever need somebody to talk to🩵

@Jodie thank you lovely means a lot 🖤

I’m so sorry you’re going through this, but the fact you are just shows how amazing you are. Keep swiping on here and you might find some local friends that you can share future birthdays with. No matter how hard it is now, just know it won’t be like this forever. Your baby loves you so much and that’s all that matters xx

@Briony thanks. Baby looking up at me with pure love and adoration is truly the only thing that got me through the day.

And there’s nothing in this whole universe that can compete with that 🧡

First I wish you happy couldn't wish for any better birthday gift than the one you already have which is your baby and that makes you not a failure .her love for you is incomparable, so hang in there..I wish you all the good things life can offer..Happy birthday

First of all, Happy Belated Birthday to YOU 🥳. I am sure you are not a failure in life whatsoever. I suggest you focus on the small wins to bring positivity back to your days. You already have a beautiful baby who adores you. At the moment I'm counting things like a shower, a healthy breakfast, a hot cup of tea, 15 minutes of time to myself etc as small wins to ensure I'm still validated. Being a single parent is next level, so hang in there and I am confident things will get better and you will have many more a birthday to look forward to!! xx

@thabita thank you 😭

@Vicky this made me sob, I pray things will get easier and better and he knows that I did my absolute best for him. I feel I’ve failed at almost 30 with no friends/family/partner, I had to stop learning to drive, don’t own a house and I’m not sure what to do about returning to work because I have no support system and childcare fees are astronomical! He’s only 3 weeks right now but I can’t help but panic about what the future holds. I love him so so much and I desperately don’t want to fail him. I’ll try to focus on the small things for a while xx

happy birthday to you my love. you are not a failure. you are human you are not a robot you can cry and feel emotions. if you want to buy something for yourself don’t feel bad. the baby will be fine and so will you. so long as your bills are paid and the baby is not going without anything it’s okay to love yourself every once in awhile. bc if you don’t do it mama who will? you have to love yourself and put your needs first sometimes so you can be strong enough to take care of the baby. i can definitely relate to you though, i don’t have any friends, nobody calls me or texts me not even to check up on me. i’ve always just had me and my husband. and even with him it can get lonely, i just have to love myself a little more and do for me sometimes. it’s hard but you deserve to. you are raising a baby you are a strong woman !

Take it day by day step by step don't worry for tomorrow easier said than done I know but I keep telling myself this and it helps ccc

The fact you’re even worrying about being a good mum proves you’re a great mum!! Don’t forget you’re still dealing with all the hormonal changes post birth so be gentle to yourself. Do you have a local children’s centre? They often have lots on during the days and a nice way to get out and have some adult conversation. Also local colleges often offer hair & beauty treatments at discounted prices xx

Thank you everyone for your kind words, I’m trying to take each day as it comes and do my best for my little one. Being a single mum isn’t a situation I thought I’d find myself in and I’m struggling to face that it’s the reality of my situation and I need to make the best of It. We got through another day and he’s so very very loved that I shouldn’t let anything else bother me.

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