Taking my toddler to nursery

So I’m in a bit of a situation because I’m looking in to sending my LO to nursery once he turns 2 but my partner is adamant he doesn’t want him to go. The main reason I want him to go is because I want him to interact with other toddlers and make friends and he will learn a lot more at nursery than he would at home. My partner keeps hearing stories about toddlers bullying other toddlers and he is worried about him eating there and worried that he won’t be monitored and he may choke (it’s not like our son eats anyway). His brother said that some nurseries have cameras and you are able to watch your child throughout the day. I’m not sure if that is true but he said if he can watch him, he will consider it. Just not sure what to do 😩 also, I’m such a shy person so the anxiety I have to view some nurseries is sky high. I’ve got a viewing tomorrow just to see what it’s like even though he doesn’t want him to go. I was hoping my partner could come just to see it but he is working. He would only be going for two days a week anyway.
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Hi yes they do have cameras in most nurseries these days and also an app where you can see what they’ve eaten played with nappy changes etc

Sending you good vibes so you can both be on the same page regarding nursery attendance, that’s half the battle! Then you can find the best nursery setting for your family. Some nurseries have cameras and you can view it for a limited amount of time a day. You can choose when to log in and have a check on little one. Most nurseries have an app where they would update how much little one has eaten, what they ate, how much they slept, nappy changes, what they have been doing throughout the day, what they are working towards development wise etc It definitely will give him peace of mind. It would be great if your partner could visit the nurseries with you after you shortlist them, and then he could be the one to do some of the settling in days, so he feels secure about the chosen nursery

My toddler has been in full time nursery since 8m and loves it! His nursery uses the NurseryCam website so I can have a peak throughout the day whenever I like and for how long I like. They also use EYLog which records all meals, daily activities, nappy changes and naps. They also send developmental updates and photos and videos. Also, would just say that toddlers don't "bully", they're learning new and complex emotions every day 🤷🏻‍♀️ and being around other toddlers doing the same would probably be a great way to start to learn how to deal with those emotions. Toddlers can choke anywhere and tbh if my son was going to choke at nursery, I'd take some comfort in knowing that the all the early years practitioners are paediatric first aid trained (which is more than I could say for myself!) so will know what to do (definitely ask your prospective nurseries if they are all first aid trained ☺️). Hope your first visit tomorrow goes well - think you'll find your stride once you've got a couple done!

Thank you everyone ☺️

I think your partner needs to try and understand he can’t wrap him in cotton wool forever, sounds like he’s super protective (which is absolutely not a bad thing!) but the experiences they get at nursery can be so great for development. Mine has been since 11 months (he’s almost 19 months now) and he’s doing amazingly! He only goes 1 morning per week but he has a blast, his speech is really good and he’s so sociable and confident. I don’t think you’ll be able to watch him on a camera due to data protection with their being other children there. It wouldn’t be a safe thing for them to do. We have an app where they update everything throughout the day, we know when he has nappy changes, sleep, what he’s eaten and get pictures of what he’s been upto! X

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