How many times did you go back?

How many times did you get back with your BD? Did it ever work out? We’ve broken up twice and now he wants to get back together and I’m on the fence about it. I’m due in 5 weeks, we’ve broken up twice during my pregnancy. And I have been spending time with him but as a friend. I hangout with his 4 year old daughter to give him breaks to catch up on things (he’s been working on his car and doing other projects lately) and I play video games, go for walks and watch movies with him. Just casual hanging out stuff but he messages me “Good Morning beautiful” every morning and I notice the way he looks at me. Sometimes when we’re watching a movie he’ll hold my hand or rub my legs. And I’ve been trying so hard not to give in 😭 I love him but I just know we’re gonna break up again and I can’t do that shit a 3rd time, I’m gonna feel like a damn fool, AGAIN.
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It’s okay to walk away from the relationship and just focus on co-parenting. If you know that going back isn’t going to work, let it go. Motherhood is overwhelming enough and you’ll want to make sure you’re in a healthy space to care for your child to the best of your ability. I’d say walk away and give yourself the peace you need to move forward.

Why did you break up the first two times? If it was for cheating, stand your ground and just stay friends

I went back once. I told him if we broke up the second time that was it no going back. I only give two chances.

It’s hard… atleast he likes you. My baby daddy hates me and we live under same roof, secretly despising eachother. We have a 5 month old son. It’s hard… so hard. We will eventually part ways at it is not healthy for him to be raised by two people who can’t even communicate without arguing. I’m dreading it but I’ll admit I have Stockholm syndrome. But I will HAVE to part ways after his first birthday….

I have 3 kids with my partner he the farther to all when I was pregnant with me first we broke up but ended up together again when she was born we then broke up 2 more times and I thought no I'm not going back wanting to move on but he was doing the same things as you say in your post so when my oldest turned 2 I decided to give him another shot and sense then we have stuck by each other she is now 5 in 2 months time so to me is you can walk away if you don't want to get hurt again cause it sucks or give him another shot and maybe see where it leads too

I stayed 7 years. I can’t say I regret it, it was wonderful. But in the end it was wasted time. Wasted chances, wasted hopes. Living in a forced illusion of “happy”. You’ll get tired. But you’ll know when it’s time. All you scan do is enjoy the moment while it lasts. Cause if you’re asking now, you already know. But in my experience, I knew the first year, and no amount of hope and believing in a person will change them into who you see in your heart. You’re not the only one who will be confused and hurt. The kids will be too and at a disadvantage because they are kids. But you’ll know.

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