Buggy toddler + baby

Hello! 👋 I am after some recommendations of a “double” pram that works for both my 2.5 year old toddler and the baby that will hopefully arrive in October! Thank you!
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No personal experience but ones I see recommended most are top end - bugaboo Donkey , mid - baby jogger, budget - joie aire twin or Ickle Bubba Venus max. Personally I'm going to see how we go first with baby in sling / carrier and a buggy board for the existing pram. Hoping that will work as I really don't want to buy a double 🙈😂 there'll be 21 months between my 2 x

Tough one been round the houses as I’m similar but my baby will be 19 months by the time the next one arrives. I am thinking of putting money aside and working it out when she comes. So not sure if could manage with a sling and carrier for walks as it will be going into winter not sure how much the need. Hoping to sustain this till they both can be in seats and then get an abc zoom as the seats can face each other which I think is nice as toddler can face out but not at floor level like other doubles and baby can face in but also be facing her brother. I have looked at so many. My preference would be the bugaboo donkey as you can parent face one and outward the other but it will not fit through my door! I hate the though of stacking one seat on top of the other too and the toddler being facing out and so close to the floor

They'll be 18months between my yougest. Ive been considering the silvercross wave tadem. I'll be looking on market place. They seem to be reasonably priced second hand

@Stacey oh baby wearing in winter is my favourite! Personal hot water bottle and I don't have to put loads of extra layers on baby because they have my body heat, sling and jacket 😂

Outnabout are quite affordable

@Sîan I used to have the carrier under the pram and was forever pushing an empty pram about haha

Following as I need one too , have no idea where to start 😩

@Stacey you're my kind of woman 😂 if have just used the carrier loads but I like having the pram for bags and coats 🙈🙈

@Sîan there will be 22 months between mine and I was going to do the same with a sling and maybe a buggy board.

I decided to get a mazelaki hammock instead. Well save me getting a double buggy and bigger car and I can use it with the pram and stroller I already have. Baby will go in the pram/stroller and toddler in hammock. The owner is offering free trials so I did that to test out before buying one

Thanks everyone for your awesome suggestions!!! Very insightful!

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