Accidents in op

Random question and I’m hoping to not see so many experiences with this but I have to ask as it’s looking like a C-Section may be in the cards for me now due to new health issues and baby’s positioning. I’ve seen a couple stories on Social media about people believing their baby was accidentally cut during the procedure. I’m just curious how common this is, if it even really happens.
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Baby wasn’t cut but they started going in on the wrong spot for me so I have 2 scars - one long & one about 2 inches!

Never heard of it happening. My beanie was born 💯% perfect, not even any birthmarks or moles. The OB was very annoyed by my fibroid, she kept saying "I can't get around it" and then a tiny Asian woman finally jumped and put all her weight on me, I felt an enormous shifting and then baby girl came out.

They do say there is a risk, but I’ve had two sections. One emergency and one planned, and neither of my babies were cut.

I think this is extremely rare, there’s no way this is a common occurrence. I’ve never heard of it

I’ve seen a few mums post photos of marks thinking it’s a result of the surgery when in fact, it’s a stork bite birth mark (which 40% of babies have). Tbh, I was born scratched up by the forceps and I know a few babies who looked like they’d been through the wars from vaginal instrumental birth. My girl came out without a mark from her section, perfect. It’s very rare and usually as a result of a cat 1 emergency and the urgency needed x

I had an emergency C section and nothing like this happened. He came out perfect.

My OBGYN told me it was a risk for any doctor to cut the baby, along with cutting the bladder (before knowing it was adhered to my uterus). He said it was rare but possible. He didn’t cut anything & was super gentle. And he was a great, very respected & recommended doctor, who was very much about informed consent.

I had a planned c section I heard about they could nip the baby but didn’t happen with us, I did have to have forceps tho as he was so low down ( it was my decision to have a section) he had some bruising on his face and a bump and a slight cut on the side of his head that took a little while to go down but nearly a year on and he’s absolutely fine and they had no concerns with it

It is a risk but very rare. I would say it’s more likely to happen in a cat 1 emergency section where it’s an immediate risk to life situation. We had unplanned section and no marks at all.

It’s a risk you sign for but very very rare to happen

I’ve had 3 c sections. One emergency and two planned. All fine no cuts to any babies! Emergency was cat 1 and she was perfectly fine. It’s a potential very small risk that they have to make you aware of when they go through consent as well as the other usual risks but as everyone has said it’s definitely a very small risk.

@Sasha i had an emergency cesarean under GA three weeks ago and surgeon cut my bladder, I spent 10 days at the the hospital recovering it was quite traumatic

I had 2 c-sections. Nothing happened but comical laughter. First and second came out fighting.

When they took me in for an emergency cesarean they made me sign a document accepting all possible risks. Cuts to the baby was on the list as (one of the many scary) risks 😔 But I don’t know a single person it’s ever happened to.

My daughter was cut on her hip during my c-section. I was really upset by it but luckily it was very shallow and healed quickly, you can’t tell now. This was not an emergency c section, I was scheduled but my water broke early and I went into labor. I waited 7 hours or so before surgery. They told me it happened after they took her to be checked out, I didn’t get to see her when they pulled her out or do immediate skin to skin, delayed cord clamp etc, probably because they had to see how severe it was.

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