I feel stuck..

somedays I don’t feel like myself and it’s driving me and my partner away.. somedays I wish I could click a button and restart my life but then again I wouldn’t have my baby.. I feel like i’m going no where. It’s hard.
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I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. My thought is to try and find time to do things that make you feel like yourself. I had similar feelings and then I started getting up earlier in the mornings to have time to myself journaling and praying before my daughter wakes up. I have found it really restoring and helpful. Maybe there’s something in your life that you can add back in to help you feel more like yourself. Hang in there, you will find your way.

thank you that means a lot

I went through .. still do here and there but have gotten way better! First, if you're sleep deprived.. have someone take the baby for a day and sleep as much as possible (stay off your phone), take a nice long shower, do your hair, spray on something that smells nice to you. And only get dressed if it won't give you a clothes fit. You need YOU time! Also keep in mind post partum depression is REAL. Talk to your OB about how you're feeling. Sometimes a short term anti depressant can help.

First let me say, don’t let yourself feel guilty about these thoughts and feelings. We don’t talk enough about how normal it should be to sometimes mourn our past lives after becoming parents - it’s just too drastic a change for anyone to expect it to be handled well. Yes, we love our children and wouldn’t wish them gone, but it’s ok to remember and miss the old life you had sometimes. You’re human! We thrive on independence and freedom, and neither of those things exist when we have kids. Give yourself some grace. Try to find hobbies that keep your mind occupied. I’ve been reading a lot and joined book clubs - both physical and virtual - to have things to talk about with other people. Little things here and there, one day at a time…

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