When did you wean baby from breastfeeding?

My baby is turning 1 soon and she’s still going strong with breastfeeding but I’m feeling pressure to wean, plus I miss fun little drinks lol. When/how do I wean?
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4mo when he got his teeth 😂. If you can drive, you can breastfeed! Enjoy your drinks lol

I weaned all of mine around 18 months. I slowly dropped feeds until we had one left. I made a choice about what day to stop and have our last feed. I cuddled with them extra and took some last feed ever photos to remember our special bond. Then I go and drink some alcohol lol and some no more milk tea.

Breastmilk is still super beneficial! It adapts as they age! If she still wants it, trust your instincts and def don't let drinks get in your way lol cause you can have the best of both worlds there!

The week of their second birthday I just looked up “how to wean by baby?” Basically they said to read him books and “don’t ask and don’t offer” for a few days then i just cut him off cold turkey

She's almost 2 and still not interested in stopping yet. Still breastfeeding when she wakes in the AM, before nap, sometimes around 4pm(comfort feed because she gets cranky at this time of day usually 🤷🏻‍♀️), and she gets nursed to sleep at night. Sometimes she still latches at night if she wakes up but it's mostly for comfort. My little one asks for "babas" still but sometimes I'll offer and she'll say no now 😱🥲

You can still drink while breastfeeding. You just can’t get drunk. And the longer you can breastfeed the better. But if you’re done take Sudafed and dry up.

When to stop is really a personal choice. I stopped pumping at 1 year and stopped nursing at 2 years. At 23 months I stopped offering it. The day after her second birthday is the last time she asked for it.

I plan to stop by 1 year old but it's a while off yet so who knows. If I've got built up expressed stock I'd still give him it but physically being on me I don't want to go any longer than 1

I’m slowly weaning my almost 18 month old lol. We first dropped unnecessary feeds, then the nap feeds and still working on morning & night 😵‍💫

I continued until 3 years & 2.5 years, mainly for naps & bedtime. What worked best for me to wean was quietly & slowly letting her nurse less time every day (5 min, then 4 min, etc). It only took 3 nights, but she hardly noticed…only couple minutes of light crying on the last night & she fell asleep as I was rubbing her back, then she never asked for it again. Being forceful & telling my son he was done backfired, he got angry & took months to wean.

Don't give in to external pressure. If you and your child are truly ready, go for it, but babies really do need breastmilk until atleast 2 years old, even though some people say they 'can' be weaned at 12m. I think this is increasingly outdated advice. Keep it up if you're able!

I stopped at 3 months but I was advised to by my dr from severe anemia.

Still going at 20 months. I did a breastfeeding course during pregnancy and they advised to drop one feed at a time.

Get those drinks! Very little actually goes into the milk; if you can drive, you can feed! Also beer (hops) is WONDERFUL for lactation; I just can’t stand the taste for beer, lmao. Weaning is personal; honestly, whenever you feel ready. 🤍

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You should feel pressured(not by others tho) it's hard to wean mine is 16m rn I'm due next with and she will not budge! It is easier some days if we are out and about but when she wants it she wants it and will throw a fit .

I stopped at about 15 months because I felt ready to do so. I felt pressure from others before but just tried to drown it out. We stopped day feeds at 11 months when he went to nursery, but I kept morning feed, bedtime feed and over night. Then I dropped morning feed at around 12/13 months.. then stopped bedtime and overnight at the same time. But during that time was practicing other ways of soothing him to sleep, eg walking, rocking, patting etc. so it wasn’t a massive shock when we stopped.

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