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I had someone who I haven't talked to in like 5 or more years, ask to borrow money bc they are in a tough spot and I would consider it but we just don't have the means to do so helpp idk what to say....

Be honest. Tell them you don’t have the means to assist monetarily. If there is a another way you can help and are comfortable offering, let them know.

Say no. That you don’t have the means to financially assist them.

FYI idk where you’re from or who they are this is a new common thing with people doing drugs. Idk the backstory but I have a former friend constantly doing this. Claiming they need money for xyz because of some reason and it’s for them to actually get more drugs.

@Caitlin my family member does this! You’re just enabling whatever they truly need it for if you send the money I never send money unless it’s my best friend or my man

@Nala same. I just say “I don’t financially help anyone due to my own financial situation. Maybe if I win the lottery.”

@Caitlin oo I like that I might steal that because I usually say “no sorry I need it for my kids diapers/wipes” depending on the mood 😂

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