Spit up

So my baby spits up a lot after each feed. I told the dr and she says it is normal. But it is way too much. I’ve tried total comfort, gentle ease, total comfort, the sensitive one, soy & now I’m using by heart. Any recommendations?
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Organic formula. Farms best. I have an offspring whose mom said she did good on it and stopped spitting up. This was 2014

Mine does too. She is on gentlease but she spits up a lot. Doctor told me if she is gaining weight then there is no concern. She is 13 weeks still using level 1 nipple as level 2 caused her to spit up a whole lot more.

@Ankita I feel you. I constantly have to change her clothes. It’s no discomfort but still it shouldn’t be as much

My babe does, too. He is 14 weeks and is constantly spitting up. No pain or discomfort, and gains weight just fine. He's actually over 15 lbs! Sometimes, it seems like he's spit up everything he drank. I'm constantly changing clothes and doing laundry. It is very normal to spit up, though. They have an immature flap between their esophagus and stomach, so keeping everything in isn't as easy. Sometimes, it could be over feeding, or GERD, but those reasons are less likely than it just being normal.

My current babe spits up but not a lot. I changed the formula(gentle ease, one that didn’t work for your babe) and spits less.. once every few bottles. regardless I started using the bibs just recently today, I’m very late & I only have two of them. I started using the bib to minimize the milk ending up in the crevices of her neck and stinking up.

My baby spits up A LOT and it's totally normal... Its judt because the sphincter for their stomach hasn't formed yet so it's basically judt an open tube of fluid lol. Nothing to worry about unless it's discolored or the texture seems out of normal.

Here is pretty much like @Ashley ! So much laundry. So many burp cloths a day lol. But yeah I was so worried at the beginning but Doc said it’s normal if overall they are gaining weight so I just stopped worrying…. Hopping it will eventually stop in the next coming months.

I know they say around 4 months is when acid reflux peaks, so maybe that’s part of it right now too

Both of my girls had/have this! My 18 month old stopped around 6 months and I thought there was no way our new baby could have the same issue because it was INSANE how much she spit up… sure enough our 3 month old does the same thing and our doctors say as long as she’s gaining weight she’s totally fine. It’s like a Waterfall every time we burp her and then she continues to spit up until her next bottle. It is the most frustrating thing to deal with, especially when people think you exaggerate how much spit up there actually is. Feeding her in public is so awkward and when I pack the diaper bag I have to bring multiple outfits for her and shirts for me. SO MUCH LAUNDRY. I hate seeing that other mommas are dealing with this struggle but I’m also glad I’m not the only one 😩 praying it ends soon.

My baby does this too. Something that has helped me js to really slow her feedings. 4-5oz could take 30-40 minutes just burping after each ounce or pulling the bottle away more so she takes a breath (otherwise she chugs). Then I sit her up right for 20-30 minutes after feeding.

The same was happening to my LO, I recently added oatmeal cereal to the bottle. Not a lot, maybe less than a half teaspoon to a 4 oz bottle, and that has significantly helped

Thanks ! I feel better.

Maybe split up the feed a little make sure to slow baby down and burp then drink the rest.

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