Gas pains at night

I've pinned down that a common culprit of our baby's frequent nighf wakings are gas pains. He relatively easy to settle so long as we cosleep, but this is less than ideal. Does anyone have any suggestions on reducing gas pain. Could it be as simple as his latch, or more likely trouble with solids?
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We've started giving our lo Infacol before bed and that seems to have helped with the gas

Tummy massage and leg exercises. We have been using gripe water and that seems to be helping our boy since weaning.

Our boy had this around 5 months and we figured out it was the lactose in his milk. Whilst he not allergic or really intolerant it’s enough to bother his belly, make it bloated and be gassy. We now do a 50/50 mix of his milk, 50% normal with lactose and 50% hipo organic combiotic for colic with no lactose, much gentler on the tummy. It worked! Less bloating and sleeping longer. It was the Gp who suggested this, might be worth consulting yours too x

I use infacol with every bottle my boy had and have done since he was 6 weeks old, since starting he had never suffered gas pains, has never had a problem burping or passing gas ( usually as soon as he sits up he gets it out) and also found he doesn’t spit up any milk either. Have tried twice not using it and noticed burping was taking a lot longer and also spitting up after every other bottle x

Thanks all. We're trying infacol this evening. Fingers crossed.

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