How do I increase my milk supply- losing hope!

Please can anyone advise/recommend how I can increase my milk? I’m 18 PP, had an emergency c section. I’ve tried power pumping for 3 days. Pumping after every feed, pumping 4/5 times a day- I have the Elvie pump. Eating oats as well as oat milk. Having 3 meals a day, increasing my water intake. I don’t know what else to do. I BF every time my baby wakes up for a feed but he’s still so hungry afterwards that we have to top him up with formula. I feel so bad because formula isn’t agreeing with him as he has been vomiting frequently when we give him the bottle and can struggle to wind. But my stupid milk won’t increase and I feel so much pressure and guilt. Please help!
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I’m having the same issue, no matter what I do I can’t seem to give him enough and it makes me so sad :(

What’s making you think you have low supply? Keep feeding babe at every opportunity, make it the first thing you’re offering as soon as they start fussing. Baby will tell your body how much milk they need, it’s all about supply & demand. Lots of skin to skin, even them just being close to you will tell your body to produce more milk. Make sure you’re feeding through the night if baby wakes as that’s when production is highest xx

Have you also heard of pace feeding when giving a bottle? Xx

Breast pump Massage Hand express in the shower Keep latching baby on even if just for a few mins

I’ve been producing quite a lot of milk. I was given some advice of making sure to drink lots of water every time you’re feeding. I also got these teabags on Amazon called Hottea Mama Milks up (has fenugreek and fennel) it’s meant to help with breast milk production. I also harvested colostrum from 37 weeks so not sure if any of that has helped me but my poor little girl gets squirted in the face sometimes mine is coming out that much 🙈😂 worth trying more fluids and the teas and I know it’s easy to say but try not to stress as that can effect it too xxx

@Stacey just because nobody had told me before, there can be problems with over supply too. I was really proud of my supply and was starting to stockpile excess in the freezer. My little one has had problems with belly ache, pain during pooing and foamy poos. This led me to read about the foremilk/hind milk imbalance. Foremilk has more sugar and lactose, hind milk has more fat. Fat slows transit time so gives their guts more time to digest the milk. If you have too much milk and baby is getting proportionately more foremilk than hind milk, the lactose doesn’t get digested well and can over feed the gas producing bacteria in the gut, causing wind and colic symptoms. I had to try and suppress my milk supply by only feeding from one breast until it was empty before switching. After 2 days of alternating every 8 hours (instead of every feed), my supply dropped a lot.

Thank you so much mummy’s for all of the advice. I honestly appreciate it. I’ve just ordered the hottea mama and have been drinking during feeds. I’m already pace feeding, doing skin to skin, understand supply and demand. He hasn’t had formula during the night for a while as he seems to be getting enough breast milk until early hours of the morning. @Gemma I reckon I have low supply bc when I BF baby will unlatch after a while and will still fuss and cry bc he’s hungry and not able to get anymore milk from me. I can also tell that he’s just suckling and not swallowing. Thank you for sending me the insta links I’ll definitely have a look. My nipples feel like barbed wire today when he’s been latching on- it’s awful

@Lottie I completely agree. It’s been disheartening for me too. We can only keep going if we want to continue to BF. Feel free to message me if you want to ever talk about it. It helps to connect with someone that can relate x

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