How to wean off formula.

Hi all, Baby has just turned one and I want to start weaning off formula. Baby currently has 3x6oz bottles a day ( I recently drop an oz in an attempt to start weaning) but I want to start getting rid of the bottles especially the mid day one. Some days she'll only drink 4oz of each bottle other day she'll drink it all and look for more. I have occasionally offered bottles of cow milk but she has had no interest, I'm not too concerned on weather she substitute formula bottle for cows milk bottle as she gets plenty of diary in cheese, yogurts, morning cereal I just want to start stopping formula and bottles altogether. Any advice on how I can achieve this?
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If no interest in cows milk then try mixing half formula and half milk. Also try to up meal size and snacks eventually daytime bottles will be gone. The morning and bedtime bottle is very hard to stop especially if it's for comfort, my little one is 20 months and still has the 2 bottles for comfort as he doesn't take a doody

Hey. I dropped the mid day bottle completely. Try and give her water beaker instead. We still do 2 bottle but they are with milk.

@Alisha Never thought of adding in any extra snack I'll give that a try. Baby usual has 4 meals a day if you included the bedtime porridge. I am conscious of oversnacking and not eating proper meals though how do you find the balance?

@Elaine Shes a good water drinker and has water every meal and throughout the day so I dont know if the switch would work. I'll give the extra snack a try see how we go. In just over washing bottles 😆

Just focus on healthy snacks so fruit or veg slices or yoghurts/ smoothies Some toddlers prefer to pick rather than eat a full meal My boy is a picker rather than meals but we try for 3 meals a day and 3/4 snacks a day plus water or juice any time he wants and then a bottle of milk in the morning and a bottle before bed It's all trial and error at this age to see what works best for them and you

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