Feeling sad

I’m aware that this should be an extremely happy and exciting time and at the beginning it was. We told my partners parents the other week after I had a 6w scan and it was perfect and lovely. This week all I have done is cry, for no reason it seems. I feel insecure and sad and lonely and my boyfriend is perfect and the best support I could ever want but I feel like constantly being negative is going to get to him but it’s just how I feel. I’m not sure if it’s just hormones and I’m hoping it’ll pass soon
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I feel ya! ❤️ sorry you’re feeling this way! Ive been so in my emotions this whole first trimester. Have my first scan today so hoping that’ll give me something positive to think about. Its forsure hard and hoping it gets better in the second trimester or ill be really sad lol I bought a pregnancy journal on amazon (did it with my first) and waiting for that to come. Hoping itll help me get in the mindset and share my feelings ❤️❤️🥰

It’s crazy isn’t it it’s literally just this week though like I feel like the slightest thing just has me sobbing haha Oh that’s exciting, how many weeks are you? Journaling is a great idea

@Sophie i hear ya! Normally I can take inconveniences and role with them but everything’s hitting so hard lol. Trying to stay positive! Im 9+4 today (from what I know) hbu?? Yes I looked back on my sons journal and its soo cute to see what I was thinking and feeling at that same point. I had written that i had a dream at 7 weeks he was a boy (and he was) and had a dream about the new arrival being a boy the other day so will be interesting to see haha. 🥰

It’s rough isn’t it 😔 7+4 today 😊 That’s really lovely

I definitely think it’s hormones. I’m usually v chill but I’m getting so irritated by my partners 2 kids and how lazy they are. Honestly not liking them being around awful as I sound. And my partner is so nice but I’m literally picking up the smallest negatives he says to me. Hopefully it will stop soon as I’m at week 11 this weekend. Maybe try have a nice walk or lunch together or something and tell him how you feel?

I’m sorry you’re feeling that way, I know exactly that feeling of being irritated by things. That’s a good idea, thank you 💕

@Sophie one told me off for eating a brownie she made (there were 5 left for her!) and I went mad at my partner about how selfish she is. I can’t bring myself to apologise as I stand by that it is selfish - so maybe that’s just who I am now haha!! Hope you manage to feel a bit better, it will pass I’m sure xx

No i understand, stress levels are high and it’s understandable ❤️ I hope you feel better soon too

@Sophie I was exactly the same between weeks 5-7 literally so upset all the time! Mine has passed now and I feel good again so hopefully the same will happen to you as well!x

It’s good to hear that it passed- fingers crossed it does for me too 😭 x

Girlie same. I’m 7 weeks and last night I sat and SOBBED over pasta. Yup. PASTA….its hormones lovely, so normal just be patient and be kind to yourself, you’re growing a human being! Your body is freaking out thinking about how it’s going to deal with it so everything is all over the place this early. Remember, a lot of people won’t even know they’re pregnant at this stage, a lot is happening. You got this🤍

I’m the same! I’m 6 weeks and have not stopped crying and feeling like my head is going to explode with stress even though there’s not even that much to stress about. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m hoping it’s the hormones because I feel like a psycho bitch at the moment and feel bad for my boyfriend 🙈

I went through this when I first found out, I felt numb like I was in a dream, I cried and cried and cried because I was terrified about the future and if I’m going to be good enough etc. I kept beating myself up thinking I should be happy! I’m 8 weeks now and those feelings seem to have passed although don’t get me wrong I still have my moments I’m sure it’s just the shock of finding out and hormones. We are all different and it’s okay to have these feelings everything will fall into place just look after yourself . It will get easier 🥰x

I felt similar during my first pregnancy. I felt depressed, anxious, self conscious. I’d cry at the drop of a hat or get pissed off over ridiculous things. I was overly critical of everything my partner did and everything felt like the end of the world. I was so easily agitated. At times I even questioned if I’d made a terrible mistake in getting pregnant, sometimes I’d worry I wouldn’t bond with my baby because of how I was feeling. I felt that way for months. However in the third trimester it just stopped. Like it had never even happened, woke up one day and felt fine! Overnight back to normal and didn’t feel that way again. Pregnancy does funny things to you! I’ve heard most people stop feeling crappy by the end of the first trimester but it can return again in the third, for me it started towards the end of the first trimester and ended in the third. So don’t worry if Google says you should be feeling different than you do at a certain stage.

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