Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

31wk wiped bright blood

Hi I'm at 31wks I had sex yesterday morning, and tonight I just wiped bright blood. It's 3am I'm panicking. Baby is moving no other symptoms, anyone else have this experience? What should I do?


Those with an anterior placenta

I wouldnā€™t say I feel baby loads and Iā€™m worried I wouldnā€™t spot a reduced movement or am I overthinking it?


Hurts in pelvic area

Hi am 34 weeks +4 and recently am struggling with any kind of movements from turning in bed getting up from settee, getting out of the bath bending to take my trousers off and just the littlest thing hurts ect itā€™s so painful and uncomfortable, some times I just feel like crying itā€™s that bad. Has anyone else had this?


Belly drop

Hey šŸ‘‹šŸ¼! So my belly dropped slightly over a week ago and it happened to be right after a cervical exam and routine gbs testā€¦. šŸ˜³ I since havenā€™t been able to walk, back pain and contractions but not frequent or close enough together for me to think I should head to the hospital. Has anyone else belly dropped &ā€¦


Sick Leave Guilt

Does anyone else ever feel guilty for taking time off sick for their morning sickness? Iā€™m currently 11+6 and I just messaged my boss letting her know I wonā€™t be in as Iā€™m still up at 2:30 vomiting but I just have this overwhelming feeling of guilt over it. Tbf it probably doesnā€™t help that mentally Iā€™m feeling ...



Has anyone actually cracked this colic and reflux? I know itā€™s persistent until months in but we must be able to get more settled than needing to be held to stop crying all day and night? Itā€™s exhausting. I have tried to so much been back and forward to the gp and nothing seems to work.


Back labour

Has anyone had back labour experience? Iā€™m 36 +1 been having extremely bad lower back pain and cramps in my lower stomach. Only thing which relieves the pain is to lean over something. Itā€™s a constant pain and then shooting pains. This has been going on since 2 and called twice just told to take paracetamol and have...


Weird random pain

Wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if I should be worried. I have nasal issue which causes me to blow my nose quite hard, sometimes when I do this, it causes a sharp intense pain in my lower right side of my stomach. Only happens when I blow my nose or cough hard but itā€™s not every time. Pregnancy is ...


38 weeks. Random sickness and diharhea..

It was at a time I never normally need to go to the toilet. I havent eaten anything out of the ordinary to flare my stomach up. Google said could be sign of Labour?? Has anyone else had this?


Movement Query

I want to start by first stating that I still feel baby move etc, but these movements have slightly changed. Iā€™ve noticed from about 31/32 weeks (Iā€™m 34 weeks tomorrow) that I donā€™t feel babies kicks as often as I used to. I would wake in the morning to lots of kicks, and feel some throughout the day (but not as m...


Baby bump dropping..

Hi all I just wanted some peoples opinions on what my midwife said to me, Iā€™m 35 weeks pregnant and had my midwife appointment the other day and she said that my bump hasnā€™t measured any bigger since our last appointment 2/3 weeks ago and she feels like my bump has dropped. Any advice/ personal experiences would be ...


Period smell?

Hi guys Iā€™m 37 weeks and I was wondering if thereā€™s a reason why it smells like period blood down there? For a sec I really thought I was on my period but remembered Iā€™m pregnant šŸ˜‚ does it mean Iā€™m close to labor? Iā€™ve been having bad period like cramps and at times sharp pains like as if heā€™s about to come out.ā€¦


Labour or braxton hicks

37 & 3, belly is tightening and making me feel sick. Period cramps and back ache all evening Is this the start?


Working, exercising and momming

Iā€™m about 12 weeks pp this week. Just returned to work last week full time. Iā€™m of course having body image issuesā€¦ not sure how to get back to working out or even having the energy. Getting up around 5:45 to make sure I can get ready, feed baby and get him ready for day care. Getting home around 5 or sometimes late...


Need advice

Hi guys, Me and my partner had intercourse, he said he didnā€™t do anything but Iā€™m not too sure. Iā€™m due on my period in a few days too, should I still take the morning after or no?


Sunday Night Anxiety

Does anyone else get super anxious and depressed come Sunday evening cuz you know tomorrow youā€™re gonna have to take care of your baby without your husbandā€™s help? My baby so so high maintenance, and he always contact naps, not to mention we also co-sleep, so i literally never get time alone. It can be really diffic...


24 Weeks Baby Bump

didnā€™t have anywhere else to post this seeing as iā€™m in my bra lmao ! but i love my bump my pregnant body growing is so cool to see im looking in the mirror CONSTANTLY šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗšŸ’—


What is this??

I had unprotected sex a couple of weeks ago (My partner didnā€™t pull out) during ovulation. I am now 13 Days late for my period and when I wiped yesterday(12 Days late), I had this very light pink discharge. I have taken 3 test prior and theyā€™ve all come back clearly negative, with my previous pregnancy my tests woul...


Weird question

Iā€™m 36 1/2 weeks. The last few days I have felt like my vagina is being stretched, like from the inside. I havenā€™t had any painful contractions or any pain at all but Iā€™ve also been kind of constipated, so when I push it almost feels like there is something inside my vagina that Iā€™m pushing out too. I havenā€™t got ch...


Mouth so dry..

Is anyone else's mouth soooo dry? All I do is drink water and it makes me uncomfortable because it makes my stomach so full! But my mouth just feels so dry all the time šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜« I'm Eating loads of ice poles and just drinking water water water but the second I stop drinking it's dry again. It's got to the point where Iā€¦


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