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Breast milk vs formula

Hello, I’m currently feeding my little one expressed breast milk. He’s 3 weeks and drinking 4oz, when he’s finished he looks uncomfortable despite being winded and he’ll also show feeding queues from around an hour after. I’ve introduced a couple formula feeds due to supply and he drinks less around 3oz and seems ...


TTC help

Hello all! I’m right at the end of my period (came off yesterday) I took an ovulation test last night and this morning just to see what by base LH levels would be and they have come Up stronger than any result I’ve ever had? Am I gonna have a strong ovulation this month or it normal to be this way right after a per...


Free Baby Boys Clothes

Hello I have a bag of fairly used , used and some brand new baby boys stuff. It includes sleep suits , hats , vests , leggings . We would like to give it to someone that is genuinely in need of it . Please drop me a message if you prefer . If not , where in Luton can we donate these baby bits to?

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Refinery 29

A space where women can seek advice and support from those on similar journeys.

Evening Standard