
Life with a newborn brings lots of time to think and lots of things to worry about: from formula and breastfeeding to sleep and self-care. Peanut is here to share real stories from real women and expert information to support your first year of motherhood.

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I’m under investigation at work 😬

A healthy and safety questionnaire asked if I was pregnant whilst on a training day. I said I wasn’t. I was still very early in my pregnancy and hadn’t even told my family. I was worried but just didn’t feel ready to tell people. And if training was too strenuous (which it really wasn’t) I knew I could stop and ask ...


NHS Policy on Bathing Baby

Hi all, did the hospital give you the choice of bathing baby after birth or did they do it without asking like standard procedure? I’d like to avoid bathing her at the hospital, so need to know if they’ll ask me or do I have to let it be known after I give birth


Making bottles wrong??

I think I've been making my formula bottles wrong and now I feel real mum guilt. I've been boiling the kettle and only leaving it for 5 mins to cool before making a bottle and then popping it in the Nuby. I've read on different websites that you should boil the kettle and leave for up to 30 mins but no less than 2...


Travel system or separate car seat?

Hi! I’m a first time mum due in early June, and slowly starting to look into all the gear that we will need. I was just wondering what’s everyone’s opinion, experiences, or recommendations on getting a full travel system, or buying a push chair and car seat separately? Safety wise, practicality etc. Thank you!


Colostrum collection

After many unsuccessful attempts to express colostrum i have successfully done three 1ml syringes in the last 3 days! Im so glad I didn’t give up 🙏💪 My midwife provided me with 4 syringes in total, but as i still have over 2 weeks to my due date I would like to continue collecting. Im assuming that it’s okay to do…


Age baby should crawl?

My baby girl is 8 months old and still not crawling at all yet. She can roll over and move round in circles on her tummy but can't master crawling yet. Just wondered if anyone else's baby hasn't started yet as I know other babies who have been crawling since about 6 months and I'm worried she's so far behind


Partner back at work

Hi all, my partner goes back to work Monday. He works very long hours (up at 4am and home about 5:30/6pm) so I'll be doing pretty much all the feeds and changes in the week. Baby is combination bottle fed so takes formula and breast milk which means I'm having to pump every 3-4 hours, sometimes I leave it a bit long...


How old is too old to breastfeed?

I have two kids. My first I breast fed till she was just shy of 4 years old. My second will be 3 in a few months and still breast feeds. The only time I wasn’t breast feeding was the time I was pregnant with my son. I don’t know how to wean him. To my kids breast feeding for so long after being babies has been more ...


Do I stop breastfeeding?? 😭

So I get married at the end of May and also have my hen do mid May. Before I had my baby I always said I would switch to formula after three months (which would be end of March as my baby was born start of January) but now we are close to the date I don’t think I want to stop breastfeeding! Do you think it’s feasi...


Anxiety when partner goes away

I know this sounds really stupid and so many of you are parenting alone but this is the first night ive been alone with the baby (he's 6 months old) and I am almost frozen with anxiety. I rely on my partner heavily as I get such bad anxiety anyway. Has anyone else dealt with this fear? Or have any tips for dealing w...


Breastfeed before food or after at bedtime

Hello, just wondering what other mums do…. My son goes to sleep at 7pm every night, we do food at around 5/5.30pm then bath at 6 when we can and BF/sleep by 7. However I have been reading that you should breastfeed before food? Is that right? 🤯



What time does your little one go to bed?


Rough nights

Hi ladies Not sure what I'm looking for here whether advice or just recognition that it will get better 😰 Baby has been doing 4/5 wakeups a night for some time and some nights even more!! He's EBF and I'm struggling. My husband does take some of the wakeups but he's sick atm so unable to do so. I'm also pretty…



Now this is a life saver! Baby was so miserable last night with gas! A friend recommended this, got it today and baby's doing great. She's burping after each feed! She's letting out some explosive poo but likely because she still has a lot of trapped gas (she's 3 days old).



Hey! Just wondering what your routines are with your little ones, if they have one! I’m feeling like my baby boy should be going to sleep earlier than he is. He is 4 months old 💕


Mamas weight

Has anyone else struggled/struggling to gain weight postpartum? I’m an exclusively breastfeeding mama, I’ve never had issues with milk supply and I feel like I eat enough of a varied diet with plenty of calories throughout the day 😩 I think it’s time to get back into a gym routine, shake off the hibernation cobwebs…

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