Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.

Antenatal Health Visitor visit

Hi so just had a lovely call and have booked health visitor to bob round. Wasn't worried at all. However my sister has just told me we get reviewed and rated for several things including cleanliness and clutter - is that right? Soon to be FTM and now confused as i whether I need to have a very busy few days or not...


Poo 💩

Photo so we don’t get lost 🩵 My boy is just shy of 10 month old, and is pooing so much in the day! he doesn’t seem in pain and it isn’t after anything specific just after everytime he eats he’s pooing. just in need of some advice and if this is normal. To help this is his routine: 7am wake 6oz bottle 8am…


Comfort milk

I thought comfort milk was supposed to help with constipation? When I informed my GP I’ve switched my baby to SMA comfort she said no wonder your baby is constipated the formula is a lot more thicker so it would make her constipated.


Need help?!

My little girl is 6 weeks old and has silent reflux and colic and I am just not coping at all! I also have a near 2 year old to look after! My partner has had enough so I’ve sent him to bed and am downstairs with her in the carrier trying to get her to sleep.. while I’ve had about 2 hours sleep in 24 hours! None of ...


Vaginal dilators- TMI

I'm currently doing pelvic floor PT after having 2 kids in 3 years and come to find out apparently I have a problem relaxing up there and am somehow too tight 😅 my physical therapist says on top of my exercises, I need to do stretches down there and suggested dilators. I'm kinda freaked out about the idea of…


Salmonella infection

My baby has had diarrhoea for 2 weeks now I called the gp did a poo sample and they said it can last a couple of week to get out of her system. There’s no signs of dehydration but just loose stools about 4-5. Not sure what else to do.


Harmony NIPT testing

Has anybody had the Harmony - NPTI test done? If yes, please can you recommend providers. Just had my 12 weeks scan. It was a bit disappointing as they could not get a good scan due to the baby position. That means they could not do my blood tests either for screening. I was thinking of going private for peace of ...


Big baby bath / toddler bath recommendations

Hi everyone, My daughter is 4 months and is nearly outgrown her current baby bath and her mini angel care bath seat! The problem is, we only have a wet floor shower at the moment so it needs to be something that is quite big that will last just up to a year until we’re allowed to get a bath installed! I’m quit...


Wry Neck (Torticollus)

Hi girls , went to the doctors with my baby because his neck is so stiff on right hand side and has been this way since birth. We try everything to get him turning to his right but he really struggles. The doctor said it’s wry neck / torticollus from my delivery because forceps were used and has referred him for phy...


Does any one have problem with colic baby?

Does calming rub cream help?


Hair cut

So my 21 month old needs his hair cut and this will be his 4th time as he has very thick and long hair but he had a major meltdown last time and he is hysterical and I’m dreading it. The main reason we want to cut it again is because it’s really warm and his forehead sweats plus it’s getting in his eyes and it’s ann...



Is it normal that my 4 month old only poops 2-4 times a day?? He was just pooping like 7 times a day then all the sudden it slowed wayyy down


So much poop😅

My daughter eats very very well, all day every day. She eats her 3 meals and multiple snacks during the day. Still drinks her milk too- about 24 oz per day. She’s been drinking whole milk since a little before turning 1. My question is, is it normal for toddlers to poop so much?! This girl poops like 4 times a day....


Poo Tips.

Hey Moms, FTM here… So my son is now on the Similac Gentle (🧡) for a few weeks and we have switched different formulas twice already. But I’ve noticed he doesn’t poop as much as he used to. The stress of breastfeeding got to my supply but when I would BF him he would poop regularly. Now since switching to formula…


Is this possible?

It is possible for a breastfed baby to have eczema, colic and occasionally loose poop and NOT have CMPA?


Liquid fire shooting from my ass

Major tmi..Ive been having constant tummy aches and diarrhea for the past (nearing) 2 hours, My asshole is raw. The guts are bubbling. I’ve groaned in pain twice already. I see why babies scream and cry when they have gas. Send help ASAP..I had to unlatch my daughter with how bad these shits are 😣😣


2.5 months baby didn't poop since yesterday.

My 2.5 months old baby stopped pooping since yesterday he only pees. Is it normal?


Food allergies… help!

My baby has had blood in his poo and the doctor thinks it could be an egg allergy. I’ve eliminated it from my diet but two weeks later he still has blood in his poo. It looked like it was getting better but now now there’s more again. How long did it take your baby to show no symptoms? Does anyone have experience wi...


Silent reflux,?

Hi,.my baby is 10 weeks old and has always had milk spit up so we use Dr brown bottles and pace feed. She recently has became more distressed after feeds, will cry for hours afterwards, only want to be upright (so this is disturbing sleep) and suckle at anything furiously (not a dummy). She's having more spit up bu...


Bath time 🫣

Hey! My little one hates bath time! Absolutely detests it! Just tried and she’s gone into hysterics, thrown up and wee’d on me 🤪 everytime she goes bright red from crying, her cry is hysterical, I’ve tried toys in the bath, I’ve tried leaving the cradle cap treatment to last… no matter what I do it seems to be a…


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