Baby Milestones

Want to learn more about your baby’s milestones? We’ve got you. Explore expert advice and real stories from real mamas on Peanut.

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Uncontrollable crying

Ladies I’ll be honest, I’m really not enjoying being a mum. My child melts down+++ - they scream ALL the day. They don’t sleep. They don’t feed well. It’s relentless. How do you stop an uncontrollable baby?


8 month old not crawling yet

Should I be worried? My 8 month old has absolutely no interest in crawling.. will roll everywhere and slide around on her tummy but she tries to pull herself up and will stand up holding onto sofa by herself her legs are very strong.


Boy not talking

At what point would you think there is something wrong? Books/ google/ whatever says babies start saying their 1st word at around 12 months. My boy is 2 next week. Nothing.


Clapping / waving

My son will be 11 months on the 8th. He still isn’t clapping or really waving. He also has said dada 2 months ago but now does it rarely - he babbles other things but not closer to some of the basic words. He is crawling (fast), pulling himself up to stand, screaming, responding to his name, and showing personal...


Finger and hand flapping/wriggling

My almost 8 month old wiggles and flaps his hands and fingers a lot. Especially if excited or having a tantrum. Is it normal at this age or not?


Talking milestone

I know that every baby is different but my 15 month old doctor told me that she’s delayed on speech. My oldest didn’t really start talking until she was almost 2 and same with my 2nd born. She only says about 5 words and the doctor said that she should be at 15 words by now. Should I be worried or no.


11 week old SCREAMS in car seat

I don’t drive much so have only taken him in the car a handful of times, but today we did a 3 hour drive and he screamed for the vast majority. He fell asleep for 40 mins halfway but just cried relentlessly the rest of the time. I tried all sorts- dummy, toys, white noise, leaning over and stroking his face, he just...


Yelling and screaming

My 15 month old yells constantly. It’s her way of communication right now but it turns into screaming. I was told to either ignore the yelling and respond to not yelling but I feel like it just turns into screaming either way. Please tell me I’m not alone, kinda drives me crazy 😂



How many words is your LO saying/trying to say? Other than Mama/Dada


Toddler growling at people?

My 2.5 year old seems to have some issues socially? Anytime we’re out and about if people smile at him, or try to interact with him he’ll scream in their face or growl at them. It’s the same if we go to music/sensory classes, with the class leaders who he’s seen multiple times. Any one have anything similar and how ...



Anyone else’s little one feel the urge to stand on absolutely everything 😂



My lo has been screaming a lot when we don’t let her do something she wants (normally because it’s dangerous or will break something). I was just wondering if anyone else’s toddler does this and how do you react? I’ve tried not commenting on it or trying to calm her.


Asking for things vs whining?

I know I'm certainly worrying too much, but my kid hasn't picked up words for things she asks for daily (easiest example is berries, since she has them at meals and loves them.) Is pointing and whining or grunting for things they want still typical at this age? Do any more experienced parents have an idea when they ...


How do you feel qhen others tell your toddler off

Unless he's done something really bad I don't agree with it but I guess I'm soft.


Slapping phase!

Anyone else’s little one going through a slapping phase? I think for my little one it’s the sound he gets out of doing it!


Temper tantrum

Anyone else experience their toddler hitting their head on the ground purposely during temper tantrum?

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