Baby Sleep

Sleep: possibly the hottest topic for new mamas. We’ve got expert advice and real stories from real mamas to help you and your baby snag a few more zzz’s with baby sleep schedules, sleep tips, and more.

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Sleeping 💤

My daughter is 5 weeks on Friday and she sleeps on her own from 7pm to 11-12pm either in next to me bed or Moses basket then feed/change her after that I go to put her down and within 10 mins she’s crying cause she wants to be cuddled to fall asleep then she’s in my arms from 1am to 6am Anyone got advice to get her ...


What does this crying mean?

She does this whenever put in her bassinet at night, but will sleep anywhere else. She does it for hours. Please don’t comment on sleep safety, we are fully watching her and she cries like this so much she throws up (hence the muslin currently under her) and kicks her blanket everywhere..


Newborn nights

What do everyone’s nights look like? I think I’ve completely blocked it out from my first and just can’t remember! Are you getting any sleep? Do you even try and go to bed or do you just accept you’ll be awake and watch tv etc.?


Leap 4 we meet again… 😣

Not one of my favourite leaps I must say and why must it last FOREVERRR 😩 so we’re probably half way through and currently in thundercloud week and my god am I feeling it! Fighting naps, more grizzly than usual, super fussy, not drinking as much in the day but then waking up for feeds more often at night now…


Mamas that didn’t sleep train at all

Mamas that didn’t sleep train, when did your LO start to sleep on their own and through the night, on their own?


Anyone still suffering through the 4 month sleep regression for over 4 weeks? Baby has just turned 5 months.

We had maybe a week of decent sleep but that has gone right back out the window along with my sanity.


How could I forget newborns are noisy sleepers!!

I blocked everything out with my first so I don't really remember. I'm lying next to my baby and he's making so many noises that I'm paranoid to fall asleep in case he's waking up😩😂



LB is 8 weeks and we’ve never given a dummy. He is a cling on and struggles to sleep anywhere but on me. He seems to soothe by nuzzling into my neck, or a gentle suckle on his fist that seems to help him get to sleep. Wondering if we should just persist with what we’re doing and resting my hand by his face for him t...


LO going ape during night time nappy changes

Does anyone's LO go crazy during night time nappy changes? My boy goes absolutely ape sh*t, then while I'm feeding him and I stroke his face I swear he slyly pushes my hand away, bear in mind he's only 7 weeks.....


Still rubbish sleep

Feel like so many babies are starting to sleep good 🫣 mine still does 2 or 3 hour chunks, every now and then we get a stretch of 5 hours once a night but that's it. My 13 week old was on off screaming 7pm till midnight trying to get him to sleep, now up fir a feed at 2am 🫣 i just need some regular OK sleep


How to cope with 4 hours sleep?

3 month old and ATM I am getting 4 broken hours of sleep a night. I can’t nap when baby naps, she only contact naps and there’s not anyone who can always fill in. How do/did you survive?


Does your baby sleep on their back/side/front?

I just woke up to find my baby on their front and got the fright of my life as it's 3am and she always wakes between 12-1 for a feed. She seems ok and this is one of her longest stints in a while. I actually sleep on my front too. Wondering what all the other babies do?


own room??

hey i’ll be moving to a 2 bed flat soon, just me and my baby girl who is 8 months old. i’m worlds not anxious person, so feel really worried about putting her in her own room after her being with me all this time🤣 what ages did you put your baby’s in their own room? if i hold off for a bit longer, will it cause any…


Nightime engorgement

My EVF 8 wk old has started sleeping longer stretches at night (hurrah!). He can go 6-7 hours. How long did it take for your breasts to adjust so that they’re not fully engorged in the night??


Another split sleep night! Does anyone know what we should be doing for while they wake up?

So my almost 1 year old (in 10 days) has been having some split nights where she wakes for a couple hours during the night. I think it’s teething related as she bit me on my arm twice! Also learning a lot etc. tbh I have no ideaaaaa! How are we supposed to react? I mean I try and put her back to sleep but I just e...


2 months

My baby is two months old, and lately he’s been extra floppy but still awake, it’s like all of his muscles are completely relaxed, is this normal? He also almost always sounds hoarse and I cannot figure out why

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