Articles & Expert Guides on Baby

Medically-reviewed expert guides, tips, real-life stories, and articles on Baby.

The Breast Pumps Loved by Modern Moms

The Breast Pumps Loved by Modern Moms

By Phoebe Corcoran
When Do Babies Learn Their Name?

When Do Babies Learn Their Name?

By Katie Mill
How Long Does Potty Training Take?

How Long Does Potty Training Take?

By Katie Mill
What’s an Epidural Headache & How Can I Treat It?

What’s an Epidural Headache & How Can I Treat It?

By Katie Mill
What Does It Mean If Baby Arches Their Back While Crying?

What Does It Mean If Baby Arches Their Back While Crying?

By Katie Mill
What is Purple Crying? And What Does It Stand For?

What is Purple Crying? And What Does It Stand For?

By Katie Mill
Breath-Holding Spell: What to Do When Baby Stops Breathing While Crying

Breath-Holding Spell: What to Do When Baby Stops Breathing While Crying

By Katie Mill
When Do Babies Get Tears?

When Do Babies Get Tears?

By Katie Mill
Helpful Resources for Parents of Children with Down Syndrome: What to Know & Where to Find Support

Helpful Resources for Parents of Children with Down Syndrome: What to Know & Where to Find Support

By Holli Sheahan
Why Do Babies Cry On Airplanes?

Why Do Babies Cry On Airplanes?

By Katie Mill
Your Complete Guide to the 4th Trimester

Your Complete Guide to the 4th Trimester

By Tassia O'Callaghan
Childs Farm’s Complete Guide to Baby Sleep Routines

Childs Farm’s Complete Guide to Baby Sleep Routines

By Katie Mill
The Best Bottles for Breastfed Babies Loved by Real Mums

The Best Bottles for Breastfed Babies Loved by Real Mums

By Katie Millington
First Night Home from the NICU: What to Expect

First Night Home from the NICU: What to Expect

By Dr. Frankie Harrison
Postpartum Discharge: How Long Does It Last?

Postpartum Discharge: How Long Does It Last?

By Keshia Sophia Roelofs
Childs Farm’s Complete Guide to Baby Skincare for Parents

Childs Farm’s Complete Guide to Baby Skincare for Parents

By Tassia O'Callaghan
Postpartum Workout Plan Tips: How to Start and Why

Postpartum Workout Plan Tips: How to Start and Why

By Keshia Sophia Roelofs
Postpartum Preeclampsia: Risks, Symptoms, and Treatment

Postpartum Preeclampsia: Risks, Symptoms, and Treatment

By Keshia Sophia Roelofs
Postpartum Hemorrhoids: What You Need to Know

Postpartum Hemorrhoids: What You Need to Know

By Deborah Vieyra
What is Postpartum Thyroiditis? Triggers and Treatment

What is Postpartum Thyroiditis? Triggers and Treatment

By Keshia Sophia Roelofs

From the community

Recent discussions

Antenatal Health Visitor visit

Hi so just had a lovely call and have booked health visitor to bob round. Wasn't worried at all. However my sister has just told me we get reviewed and rated for several things including cleanliness and clutter - is that right? Soon to be FTM and now confused as i whether I need to have a very busy few days or not...


Breastfeeding boys

Posting on here in absolute tears, I’ve had to stop feeding my baby and put him down and walk away from him for a moment as I can’t carry this on I’m 6 weeks post c section every single time i feed him no matter what position he kicks me straight in my belly, i lay him down he kicks me i hold him he kicks me, and i...


Breast feeding in public

Just need some advice or words of encouragement really! I’m a FTM, I’m 8 days PP and planning to go out in public for lunch tomorrow so some family can meet the baby. I’m really excited to get out, but the idea of breast feeding in public is really overwhelming. Particularly in-front of in laws and my partners fami...


Smear test

I’ve received a letter today for my first smear test. Opening the letter turned my stomach. My daughters nearly 2 and I still haven’t returned to sex as it’s too painful for me I don’t know how I’ll handle a smear. What should I expect?


Just a rant

So as you can imagine, I’m heavily pregnant and maybe most can relate that its a struggle doing the most basic tasks. I’m deep in my nesting phase trying to get prepared for baby and did my first load of her washing today. It took me over half an hour to hang up her tiny clothes and hats etc. My neighbours backing m...


Baby must be held 😬😳

Baby is 10 days old today and cries unless she is held... so I end up holding her on my lap the majority of the day, whilst she feeds or sleeps, then my partner will usually take her and hold her to give me breaks. At night, we've started co sleeping with her on sofa during shifts. As she will not stay down asleep i...


Milk supply

I think my milk supply has dropped and I've no idea why? I express and was doing it 2-3 times a day and getting between 800 and 900ml but in the last two weeks, it's dropped to 600ml. When I noticed, I started pumping every 2-3 hrs to bring it back up but I'm barely getting 700ml with the additional pumps. I don't ...


‘Chilled babies’

Hey my little one is nearly 6 months but she’s just not very chilled, she’s generally good at night but in the day the naps are often non existent and there tends to still be a lot of crying or shouting. The reason I’ve put ‘chilled babies’ is because everyone I’ve spoken to or seen seems to have a chilled baby and ...


Harvesting Colostrum

I’ve tried harvesting colostrum for the first time this evening and got the below. Feel quite proud as it’s my first time and think I’ll get a bit better each time. I just have a few questions I’m hoping others can answer… It seems very pale and watery, is this normal? Do I need to use a new syringe everytime, o...



Before you start attacking me, I know the safest way for my baby to sleep is flat in his crib without any blankets or pillows, but my baby has been dealing with reflux and it is so frustrating to see him grunting and squirming in his sleep and have doctors tell me my baby is fine. what do you think about this suppos...
