
Looking for breastfeeding advice? We’ve got you. From latching and nipple care to pumping and positions, explore expert advice and real stories from real mamas.

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Tips on increasing breast milk supply

Hi girls, im struggling to increase my breast milk supply, my baby is one month old and im producing literal drops only, I try to breast feed her 3/4 times a day but she gets frustrated and I have to give her formula after because she’s still giving me hunger cues It’s so heartbreaking because I feel like I’m not d...


Breast milk question

Does anyone know what this is or if it’s ok for my baby to drink? I exclusively pump and constantly see this in the bottles during and after feeding my little one. Is it just fat?


Will my 15 month be okay having no milk

I’ve just stopped breastfeeding my 15 month old as he was a booby monster and wasn’t eating enough or drinking enough water, he would just scream for the boob all the time and mentally I couldn’t do it anymore! He’s doing so well with he’s food and water intake the only thing he won’t accept is milk! I’ve tried cows...


Breast Milk Jewellery

Has anyone ever gotten their breast milk sent off and made into jewellery at all? I keep seeing adverts about it and I'm in two minds about it. Any experiences here?


Baby still rooting even after spitting up

I don’t know what to do because my 1 month old is spitting up all over me but continues to scream and root because she wants the comfort of my boob and I don’t know what to do because I don’t want to overfeed her. Clearly she’s full and spitting up all over but I don’t know how to calm her because she wants my boob....


Breastfeeding mums - night sleep

How many times are you feeding through the night? The longest stretch we can get is 2hr 45 at the start of the night, then every 2 hours thereafter until about 5 when it’s every hour


Stopping breastfeeding

What’s the best way to stop breastfeeding baby. It’s been 5 days and eventhough the latch is good I can’t cope with the pain and constantly dreading the next feed. Any advice on how to go onto formula asap x


Bottle refusal

Hi, My baby is 10 weeks old and we’ve been mixed feeding for weeks already where she has breastmilk during the day and bottles at night. I want to start transitioning to bottles fully, so I wanted to start by moving 1 feed from breastmilk to bottle. She’s refusing completely and she starts crying and screaming. Did ...


Infant choking when breastfeeding?

FTM, 5 weeks pp. often, my baby chokes when breastfeeding. Does this happen to anyone else ?? What could this mean?


Where is she

Is anyone experiencing the same thing I am where is my period, I breastfeed and it’s been 7 months and no period 😳… what the hell going on



I’m on my 3rd day of trying to get some colostrum and having no luck, I’m 36+5. I feel really bad that it’s not working and not sure if having my nipples pierced before can cause an issue? How can I stop feeling bad about it? I do plan on breastfeeding xx


Low supply

Not sure if this is normal, I’m 12 days pp and have been pumping everyday around 4 times a day because I want to up my supply but haven’t been able to feed LO because he’s tongue tied so cannot latch but also I was on antibiotics. While on the antibiotics I pumped loads and have loads frozen (baby blues wouldn’t all...


Periods, EBF mamas

Exclusively breastfeeding mums only, when did you get your periods again? Were they the same, better or worse? I had awful periods, possibly due to a large cyst. Still have the cyst but asymptomatic. Really hope my periods easier on me when it returns Also how are you juggling baby with the first few cycles with mo...


Momcozy pump

I really want a in bra momcozy pump , I have a borrowed calypso pump from the hospital but just find it so bulky . Any model at all recommended please from any of the momcozy ladies ? 💕🙏


Pumping schedule!

Hi, I have been ebf my 3 week old and have been introducing bottle in morning for my mum to take over so I can have a lie in over the last week. I have been using the hakka and collecting let down and giving that for my lil girl to drink. However we’ve noticed lil girl would like to drink more (3oz) and I’m struggl...


Not taking any other milk than breastmilk.

I’d like to start reducing breastfeeding soon and finally stop in two or three months, but my baby has never taken a bottle and doesn’t like any milk other than mine. I’ve tried all brands, but he refuses to drink them after the first sip. Is anyone else in the same boat? I feel like every other baby is happy to ha...

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