
Looking for breastfeeding advice? We’ve got you. From latching and nipple care to pumping and positions, explore expert advice and real stories from real mamas.

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Breastfeeding boys

Posting on here in absolute tears, I’ve had to stop feeding my baby and put him down and walk away from him for a moment as I can’t carry this on I’m 6 weeks post c section every single time i feed him no matter what position he kicks me straight in my belly, i lay him down he kicks me i hold him he kicks me, and i...


Breast feeding in public

Just need some advice or words of encouragement really! I’m a FTM, I’m 8 days PP and planning to go out in public for lunch tomorrow so some family can meet the baby. I’m really excited to get out, but the idea of breast feeding in public is really overwhelming. Particularly in-front of in laws and my partners fami...


Milk supply

I think my milk supply has dropped and I've no idea why? I express and was doing it 2-3 times a day and getting between 800 and 900ml but in the last two weeks, it's dropped to 600ml. When I noticed, I started pumping every 2-3 hrs to bring it back up but I'm barely getting 700ml with the additional pumps. I don't ...


Harvesting Colostrum

I’ve tried harvesting colostrum for the first time this evening and got the below. Feel quite proud as it’s my first time and think I’ll get a bit better each time. I just have a few questions I’m hoping others can answer… It seems very pale and watery, is this normal? Do I need to use a new syringe everytime, o...


Cluster feeding

My son is 9 days old and he’s cluster feeding, the boy is insatiable! Every 20/30 minutes he’s searching my chest for milk or screaming for a feed; I’ve been trying a dummy in between to save my boobs from the pain! Has anyone else experienced this? It seems excessive the amount he’s drinking 🫣


Milk allergy/intolerance

Hey girls. I had plan to EB my baby until September and then give her formula. But today when I had to leave her with friend and gave formula we did end up in hospital as she was vomiting and got pale and floppy. Has anyone had this and it was milk allergy/intolerance, as that was only guess doctor told me. Will any...


Stopping breastfeeding

When did you guys get your period after you stopped breastfeeding, I’ve been stopped for maybe 6 weeks and I still haven’t had a period I’m 12weeks pp


Constantly feeding, send more arms please!

I don't want to jinx it by complaining (yet here I am) as feeding is going well,BUT, I feel so restricted... my little one is 1 month old and already in 3-6 month baby grows. The demand is constant! Not after advice just wanted to know if anyone else has big babies/demanding babies and feel like they want to have M...


Veiny Boobs - Breastfeeding

Hey, to the mums who breastfeed, have you noticed visible veins on your breasts? 🫣


Any EBF moms feel like they’re constantly feeding their baby?

I asked my lactation consultant if it’s possible to over feed you LO if you’re EBF, and she said it wasn’t, but dang my girl is always eating. Anyone else feel like their baby is always on their boob? I love this special time but I’m wondering how she’s going to take to a bottle when I have to go back to work.



I was told I can start hand expressing to collect colostrum but I have no idea where to start! Do I catch it into a bottle then put it into the syringe? Any advice is appreciated🙏



Struggling to get my 8 day old baby boy to latch. We had to start introducing formula milk since Tuesday to stop him from losing weight. I also pump breast milk and give this to him before any formula milk and both of these are fed through a bottle. Feel like I’m having to compete with this bottle as he feeds so wel...


Cows milk

My baby has been drinking cows milk for a week now she used to drink warm bottles but I have started offering cold cows milk she isn’t refusing it and is drinking her bottles but she’s taking between 20-25 minutes to finish whereas before it used to be around 10 minutes I’m wondering if it’s because it’s cold, how w...


Can you add to the same syringe of colostrum?

If I start a syringe tonight, can I keep it in the fridge and add more to it tomorrow? I'm really struggling with how much I'm getting, usually only around 0.1ml per day and feel like I'm just wasting syringes! I'm 37+4


baby's weight

my little girl is 3 months and 4 weeks old and she weighs 15lb 10oz, she loves her milk, but the health visitor says she's concerned about her weight, my baby is on the 90th percentile, is there anything i can do to get her weight back down? should i be worried? she's not moving about like not even trying to roll ...


Milk supply drop

My baby is 6 weeks and I’ve noticed my milk supply drop. Is this normal? How can I increase it again?

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