Postpartum Care

The fourth trimester is one of the most rewarding yet challenging times. Discover the secrets to better postpartum care from experts and real mamas on Peanut.

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Smear test

I’ve received a letter today for my first smear test. Opening the letter turned my stomach. My daughters nearly 2 and I still haven’t returned to sex as it’s too painful for me I don’t know how I’ll handle a smear. What should I expect?


Feeling SO deflated

I have just come back from a wee play group with my 3 year old and I feel like the shittest mum/feel like everyone thinks I’m awful too. She just acted like a complete brat pushing over other kids and laughing and then when I’m pulling her away from those situations she’s thrashing around screaming and I feel like ...


Braxton hicks

Anyone had this as early as 28 weeks? I can’t work out if what I’m feeling is baby stretching or if it’s braxton hicks just feels so strange


Post partum recovery.

Ladies how’s your post part recovery going? I’m 2 weeks post partum just at home recovering. Are u ladies getting out and about?



So my little girls now 7 months. And let me tell you since having her my body hasn’t been the same. Moody way more regularly which only my partner has noticed. Way more hair loss than before and now have severe scalp issues. And a big one pain when passing feces which I know TMI but god. I love the change in my boob...


Feeling sad about second

Anyone else? Not sad for his arrival but just feeling really sad my little girl (first) will no longer be my tiny baby. She’s two and the most beautifully adorable little girl. She’s just perfect and has the most gentle personality with such confidence. I really don’t want her to be upset or feel any less special ...


Recently had baby

Anyone else recently had a baby and just kinda started to find a routine that’s working out, but family members want to help but they kind of get in the way and throw off routine and baby seems to cry more and it really doesn’t feel like help 😫😫😭


Really struggling after premature birth and NICU stay

I don’t even know where to vent anymore.. I just feel so bottled up. And I can’t seem to move on or make sense of everything. My baby was born 23 weeks gestation in January 2023.. and by God’s grace she is thriving. Doctor even said she’s slightly above other kids her corrected age, it’s just a miracle.. but I’m sti...


Belly Band Postpartum?

Is anyone considering wearing a bellyband postpartum for abdomen and pelvic floor healing? Does anyone know how long you should wait after vaginal birth before you start to wear it? Do we think it’s a hoax, or actually helpful?


Feeling down

Does any other mama go into moods where you feel like you’re not good enough? Like there’s this overly pending doom about to hit and everything you do just feels 10x harder and overthinking doesn’t help. Like I am trying super hard but right now it’s hard to show up and I just feel the depression setting in hard.


Belly Band Postpartum?

Does anyone have experience wearing a bellyband postpartum for abdomen and pelvic floor healing? Does anyone know how long you should wait after vaginal birth before you start to wear it? Do we think it’s a hoax, or actually helpful? 39 weeks on Wednesday!


Separation anxiety

My baby is 10 months old and she’s got separation anxiety. People keep telling me “just leave her with someone and let her cry because she has to learn. But it absolutely breaks my heart ❤️ is there another gradual way or something please help?? I’ve tried people she knows well and it’s still not working even after ...


I hate myself

I have had depression on and off for years and today is a hard day. I laid awake last night with excessive hateful thoughts. This morning I hate myself to the core, I can’t stand how I look I don’t recognise who I have become. I am currently on sertraline this is my second month on them. I’m not sure if there is a l...


Struggling with the newborn phase

My husband went back to work this week and I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed and fed up. I don’t feel up to scratch as a mother and I find myself crying for no real reason Feel like all I do is feed, change nappies and express (we’ve had a few feeding issues). I do love my baby but she’s 4 weeks old and mostly ...


back is broken fr

28 weeks and my back is in so much pain, not my lower it’s the middle/top of my back holy mf how do i relieve it??????? IM DYINGG i can’t even lay down in peace


Hair loss

How y’all dealing with the postpartum hair loss? Just got a little overwhelmed by the amount of hair that was falling out when brushing. Had to empty the hair out the brush after each stroke.

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