What's the Best 1-Month-Old Sleep Schedule?

What's the Best 1-Month-Old Sleep Schedule?

Warning: the phrase “1-month-old sleep schedule” may contain words that don’t belong in the same sentence.
We probably don’t need to tell you that the sleep patterns in the first month of baby’s life are anything but regular.

While newborns love a good nap, they are vehemently opposed to any sort of routine that might cramp their style.

So what might their sleep habits look like when they hit the one-month milestone—and how can you help ensure that they’re getting optimal zzz’s?

In this article: 📝

  • How to get 1-month-old on a sleep schedule
  • How long should a 1-month-old sleep at night without eating?
  • How much should a 1-month-old sleep?
  • What is a normal sleep pattern for a 1-month-old?
  • 1-month-old baby sleep schedule
  • What time should a 1-month-old go to bed at night?

How to get 1-month-old on a sleep schedule

The reality is, a 1 month-old sleep schedule is a bit of a misnomer.

At this point, you’re a bit more on the defensive game when it comes to parenting.

The move towards a sleep schedule has to do with establishing your baby’s circadian rhythms—something that they are interestingly not born with.

At this early stage, they sleep in bursts throughout the day and night, rather than in the longer, more regular schedules you can come to expect later.

But don’t worry. As this literature review explains, by about 10 to 12 weeks of age, they get a better hang of these rhythms.

When they are about four months old, you can start sleep training.

How long should a 1-month-old sleep at night without eating?

Another primary reason for their erratic sleep schedules is that one-month-old babies need to eat all the time.

They are gaining weight at a rate of about an ounce a day—with the possibility of a serious growth spurt happening at about the one-month mark.

They need all the sustenance they can get—and there’s only so much those little stomachs can hold.

As a result, they will probably need to eat every two to four hours at night, depending on whether you’re breast or bottle feeding.

You may also be experiencing the joys of cluster feeding.

Typically coinciding with growth spurts, cluster feeding is when your baby needs to feed in several short bursts across a couple hours during the day—or night. Phew.

How much should a 1-month-old sleep?

Babies sleep a lot. As in, between fourteen and seventeen hours a day. And with good reason.

You know the story of the Elves and the Shoemaker? Basically, while the shoemaker is sleeping, the elves go about doing his work so that he wakes up refreshed and with his work complete.

Well, the inner workings of your baby are a little something like this. While they are getting their rest, there is so much work going on inside them.

Don’t be fooled by that picture of tranquility that you see on the outside. Inside, both mind and body are consistently growing and developing.

As this study explains, sleep plays a vital role in all sorts of important processes—brain development, memory, information processing, and physical growth. Those fourteen to seventeen hours of slumber really matter.

But that doesn’t mean they’re getting all of this sleep in one go. Let’s take a look at the, um, creative sleep habits of the infamous one-month-old.

What is a normal sleep pattern for a 1-month-old?

Normal? Mmm. That’s a tricky one.

All babies are different, so the idea of coming up with a nap map that works for everyone is almost impossible.

That being said, there are patterns to watch out for. Here’s what you can expect.

1-month-old baby sleep schedule

Here’s the deal—your baby likely won’t be sleeping through the night until they’re about two to three months old, and that’s if you’re lucky.

For the first month of your baby’s life, they were likely waking up every two to three hours to eat.

By this stage, they might expand those intervals to four-hour stretches. Luxury!

Those fourteen to sixteen hours may include six or so naps during the day that are 30-90 minutes long.

You’ll generally be taking their lead on this. And it’s likely that they won’t be able to keep their eyes open for much longer than an hour and half at a time.

One helpful way to get into a semblance of a routine is to follow this pattern: “eat, play, sleep”.

That means, when they rouse from their nap, it’s boob or bottle time, followed by a period of some sort of activity, followed by their next nap.

When you notice that they’re getting sleepy, it’s time to transition to naptime, whatever that means for you right now.

Not all babies this age will nap happily in a crib, so a nap might mean a walk in the baby carrier, a trip in the car to get a sibling from school, or a snooze on mom or dad in the rocking chair.

If they’re sleeping in a crib, swaddling them for naps and nighttime sleeps can help them get a peaceful rest.

By about four to six months of age, they may be in a more consistent routine when it comes to their napping schedule. You’re working towards about three naps a day and a long snooze at night.

What time should a 1-month-old go to bed at night?

With all that in mind, it may be a little early for the concept of “bedtime”—but you can start to at least attempt something that fits into your schedule.

Considering all the naps babies take at one month, bedtime at this age might happen pretty late—even 9 or 10 pm.

At this point, when your baby sleeps is less important than how.

Because your baby is still figuring out life in the outside world, they are far more vulnerable.

Luckily, there are simple measures you can take to protect them from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and other sleep-related issues.

These are the recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics:

  • Stick to room-sharing for the first six to twelve months. This means that you place your baby’s bassinet or crib in your bedroom rather than a separate room.
  • Place them on their back to sleep, rather than their stomach or side.
  • Make sure your crib meets safety standards.
  • Use crib sheets. Avoid putting anything else in their crib, as this may increase their risk of suffocation.

We know. As awe-inspiring as this period is, it can also be really tough.

You don’t have to do it alone. Your Peanut community is here to support you.

Wishing you all the best.

👶 More one-month-old baby guides:
When to Stop Using a Sleep Sack for Your Baby
Your Guide to Baby Sleep Regressions
1-Month-Old Baby: Milestones & Development
1-Month-Old Baby Activities: Suggestions to Try
7 Toys for a 1-Month-Old
When to Stop Swaddling

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