1 Month Pregnant: What to Expect During Pregnancy

1 Month Pregnant: What to Expect During Pregnancy

At 1 month pregnant, youā€™ve just skipped a period, you might be feeling some uncomfortable symptoms, and your little blastocyst may have just turned into an embryo.

Weā€™ll take you through the details.

In this article: šŸ“

  • How many weeks is 1 month pregnant?
  • Can 1-month pregnancy be detected?
  • What is the size of 1-month fetus?
  • How do you feel when 1 month pregnant?
  • Can you go for a 1-month pregnant ultrasound?
  • Does a 1-month fetus have a heartbeat?

How many weeks is 1 month pregnant?

When you hit 1 month pregnant, youā€™re in your first trimester, somewhere between 4 and 5 weeks.

Pregnancy is about 40 weeks or, as you may be more familiar with, 9 months.

(The spectrum is wide, and you can have a healthy baby anywhere from about 34 to about 42 weeks ā€” but 40 weeks is a good ballpark figure.)

At this point, you might be asking, but isnā€™t 40 weeks more like 10 months?

Well, you are sort of correct.

Pregnancy weeks are counted from the first day of your last period.

If you have a textbook 28-day cycle (which a lot of people donā€™t, but thatā€™s a whole other story), then youā€™ll likely ovulate and become pregnant about two weeks after the start of your period.

So when youā€™re 1 month pregnant, youā€™ve actually only been pregnant for about two weeks.


Yep, in the first two weeks of pregnancy ā€” before ovulation has occurred ā€” your body is prepping for pregnancy by thickening up the lining of your uterus and sending an egg off to your fallopian tube to be fertilized.

But youā€™re not actually pregnant yet.

If that egg is fertilized, weeks 3 and 4 will see the newly formed zygote (egg + sperm combo) moving down your fallopian tube.

The zygote will then divide over and over into a ball of cells called a blastocyst and implant itself into the lining of your uterus.

A blastocyst is made of an inner and outer part ā€” the inner part will become the embryo and, eventually, your baby.




Can 1-month pregnancy be detected?

Yep, and you may have even just got a BFP.

To recap: pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period.

That means, at 1 month pregnant, you may have only just had your first missed period.

And because itā€™s a good idea to wait until after your missed period to take a test, you may have only recently found out that youā€™re pregnant.

So at this early stage of the game, what can you expect for yourself and your little embryo? Weā€™ll take you through it.

What is the size of 1-month fetus?

Technically, thereā€™s no such thing as a 1-month-old fetus.

At this point, itā€™s still called an embryo.

Itā€™s only at the 10th week of pregnancy that it graduates to fetus status.

So itā€™s likely that your 1 month pregnant belly will look pretty similar to your non-pregnant belly.




How do you feel when 1 month pregnant?

So how will you know if you are 1 month pregnant?

Well, the most tell-tale sign is usually a skipped period.

If thereā€™s a chance you could be pregnant and your period doesnā€™t arrive, itā€™s a good idea to take a test.

But there are other early pregnancy symptoms that you may experience.

(Not everyone does though, so if youā€™re at all uncertain, testing is the way to go.)

1-month pregnant symptoms include:

1. Implantation bleeding

When that little blastocyst implants in the lining of your uterus, you may experience implantation bleeding.

This could happen before youā€™re officially 1 month pregnant ā€” and can be tricky because it could be mistaken for your next expected period.

Ways to tell the difference?

Implantation bleeding is typically shorter than your period and can be on-and-off (think spotting rather than full-on flow).

The color may also clue you in ā€” more pinky-brown than your periodā€™s bright or dark red.

Implantation bleeding is also clot-free.

But yes, itā€™s confusing.

So if youā€™re unsure, itā€™s best to take a test.

2. Implantation cramps

Like many early pregnancy symptoms, not everyone will experience implantation cramps.

If you do, they will usually come just before your next expected period and can also feel a bit like period pain (yep, again, confusing).

They may be tingly twitches or dull aches.

If you experience any severe pain or cramping, though, itā€™s best to get to your doctor for a check-up.

3. Tender breasts

Your boobs may be the first of the body parts to let you know that youā€™re pregnant.

If theyā€™re feeling a little sensitive and achy, itā€™s likely due to the hormonal rollercoaster youā€™re riding.

The levels of your sex hormones ā€” estrogen and progesterone ā€” kick up production to support your pregnancy.

And this can leave your breasts feeling tender.

This symptom may come and go during early pregnancy.

4. Fatigue

Your body is going through a lot right now.

From hormonal surges to increased blood flow to the symptoms that all of these changes produce, itā€™s no wonder youā€™re feeling pooped.

Some mamas find that their pregnancy fatigue subsides once theyā€™re firmly on the pregnancy train (around the second trimester).

Until then, rest when you can, and be gentle with yourself.

5. Headaches

There are a lot of possible culprits here ā€” but itā€™s likely hormones and increased blood volume levels are responsible again here.

But there are other possibilities.

Fatigue and stress may contribute, or you could be experiencing nasal congestion, which can come with some headachey symptoms.

Talk to your doctor about what medication is safe for you to take at this point.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is a low-risk popular choice ā€” but double-check with a healthcare professional that itā€™s right for you.

6. Nausea and vomiting

We all know the movie scene well ā€” the drama of a big pregnancy reveal often happens hunched over a toilet bowl.

And yes, pregnancy nausea is most certainly a thing.

The Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) likely has a significant role to play here.

This is a hormone thatā€™s found in tiny amounts in non-pregnant people, but really skyrockets during pregnancy ā€” in fact, itā€™s what pregnancy tests look for.

It also may leave you feeling more than a little queasy.

Keep your fluids up, get rest when you need it, and avoid trigger foods.

And talk to your doctor about what medication is suitable for you.

In more severe cases, they might recommend an anti-nausea medication like doxylamine (Unisom) and vitamin B-6 supplements.

7. Mood swings

Hormone changes may leave you feeling more irritable, teary, and/or elated than usual.

And there are other factors to consider here too.

Dealing with symptoms can take an emotional toll.

Plus, being pregnant is a big life change.

And it can come with a whole lot of big feelings.

(Psst. If you need support, your Peanut Community is here.)

8. Needing to pee more often

Thereā€™s a whole lot of extra fluid in your body ā€” your blood volume increases by about 50% ā€” and a whole lot more work for your kidneys to do.

Luckily, theyā€™re up to the task ā€” but it may mean youā€™re peeing more than youā€™re used to.




Can you go for a 1-month pregnant ultrasound?

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, itā€™s not likely that youā€™d have an ultrasound in your first trimester unless they are screening for specific health conditions, seeing if youā€™re having multiples, or checking for an ectopic pregnancy.

Otherwise, the standard procedure is to have an ultrasound in your second trimester, somewhere between 18 and 22 weeks, when they can get a better view of the limbs and organs.

Does a 1-month fetus have a heartbeat?

An embryoā€™s heart starts beating around 5, but it is not necessarily heard on the scan until 8-12 weeks..

(Remember, the embryo becomes a fetus around the 10th week.)

So itā€™s almost time!

Pregnancy is filled with so many highs and lows.

You donā€™t have to go through it alone.

Join us on Peanut.

Weā€™re having the conversation.

āž”ļø Want to see whatā€™s coming up soon? 2 Months Pregnant: What to Expect During Pregnancy


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