11-Month-Old Baby: Milestones & Development

11-Month-Old Baby: Milestones & Development

Wow, where is the time going? Now you’ve got an 11-month-old baby!
It’s the last month you can officially call your sweet thing a “baby” before they enter toddlerhood. Crazy!

The last 11 months have no doubt seen many ups and downs, but you should be so proud of the job you have done raising your little human. Go you!

As you marvel at your awesomeness, you’re likely noticing some changes in your 11-month-old baby’s personality and physical abilities, too.

Babies at 11 months are in a hurry to show off what a grown-up, independent toddler they are, so you may expect the beginnings of some tantrums (oh dear) and boundary-pushing.

Hold on to your hats – here’s what to expect from an 11-month-old baby!

In this article: 📝

  • 11-month milestones
  • 11-month-old development
  • What words should my baby be saying at 11 months?
  • How much should an 11-month-old eat?
  • You and your 11-month-old baby

11-month milestones

What should my 11-month-old be doing? is an often asked, but difficult to answer, question.

Each 11-month-old baby will be doing different things and will have their own preferences for toys, foods, and activities, so try not to get too hung up on the specifics.

If you’re worried that your 11-month-old baby is lagging in terms of physical or cognitive ability, then, of course, it’s best to have a chat with your doctor.

But most likely, there’s nothing to worry about. With that in mind, here are some possible 11-month-old milestones to look out for!

11-month-old development

  • They’re your mini-me. Your baby has been learning from you for months now, so role-play toys can be great at this age. Think play kitchens, dolls, or a toy phone or tools. They will love to stretch their imagination and impress you with their abilities.

  • On the go. Whether your baby is crawling, cruising, or taking a few steps by themselves, getting more independent by improving their mobility plays a big part in their self-confidence growth at this age. Making sure your home is baby-proofed has never been more important as your baby starts to see what they want and literally go for it. If they’ve not been big climbers before now, you may be surprised when they suddenly grab for things that were previously out of reach.

  • Understanding simple commands. Now’s the time you can start asking for a little help in return for, you know, all the stuff you’ve done for them over the last 11 months! They’ll probably understand simple requests or phrases, like putting their fist through their sleeve while you’re dressing them, or putting a toy back in their toybox (though they probably will get it straight back out again)!

  • Happy clappy. When you sing a recognizable song, think “If You’re Happy And You Know It” or “Wheels On The Bus,” you might expect some adorable audience participation in the form of clapping, or baby’s first dance moves (think bobbing up and down). Adorable!

  • Little adventurer. Your 11-month-old loves nothing more than exploring new things and places, so if you haven’t already, now is an excellent time to introduce them to the wonders of a playground. Swings and slides (with plenty of assistance from mama) can open up a whole new world of fun. Getting out and about for new experiences is a great way for them to use up their energy, so you may be rewarded with a great nap too! Win-win!

What words should my baby be saying at 11 months?

Your 11-month-old is a pro-cruiser and can successfully stack toys, but they’re not talking much yet?

No need to worry, mama. Your baby will find their voice when they’re ready. Around now, most 11-month-olds might only have a “mama” or “dada” in their vocab, plus a lot of other “words” that are more like very cute gobbledygook – though they might say them with the conviction of a judge!

Their language skills will pick up speed in their 2nd year of life, so for now, just keep verbalizing your actions as much as possible (without driving yourself mad!) and make time each day for a storybook or two. Asking them questions will help them to get involved in the story too — “Which book would you like to read?” or “Which animal is this? The dog! What does the dog say? Woof!”

Don’t miss: 11-Month-Old Baby Activities

How much should an 11-month-old eat?

The 11-month-old baby food list is a pretty long one!

Finger foods, mashed up foods, protein, dairy, vegetables, fruit, grains.

You might find yourself looking at their gourmet lunch wondering why you don’t put that much effort into your own meals!

It can be frustrating when some days your baby is a hungry, hungry hippo, but the next, they put their nose up at whatever you offer.

The key is consistency, so consider a predictable meal routine of 3 meals and 2 snacks per day to help your little one know when to expect food.

Offering new flavors and textures often will keep their attention.

They may reject a certain new food the first couple of times, but keep offering (but not forcing) it.

Sometimes it can take dozens of tries before a baby will accept a new food.

Having family mealtimes can help your little one understand some of the expected behaviors of mealtimes, like not throwing food, drinking from a cup, or using their own cutlery.

This can be tricky in the evenings if they have an early bedtime, but a family breakfast or lunch counts, too.

You and your 11-month-old baby

At 11 months, milk (be it breast or formula) still accounts for about half of your baby’s required calorie intake.

Expect to give them around 24-30 ounces of milk per day, which might be spread across 3 or more feeds.

Their weight gain might start slowing down around now, but this doesn’t mean you have to increase their bottles, or worry about your supply if you’re breastfeeding.

It’s natural to see this when your baby is using more energy moving around, so no need to panic.

You are doing an awesome job, and you’ve almost got your first year as a mama in the books. Go you!

🤰 Read next: 12-Month-Old Baby: Milestones & Development

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