2-Month-Old Baby: Milestones & Development

2-Month-Old Baby: Milestones & Development

Wow. A 2-month-old baby. Boy, did that go fast.
First things first, congratulations. You’ve survived the newborn phase.

You’re getting to know this little being a whole lot better and you’ve no doubt spent countless hours simply marveling at them.

Sure, there are moments when you speak softly to your 2-month-old baby asking them to please learn a language you can understand as quickly as possible so that they can just tell you what they want!

But then there are also moments where you just can’t believe what you ever did to deserve this perfection in your life.

It’s true: watching your baby grow and develop can be a wild combination of absolutely thrilling, completely heartwarming, and devastatingly nerve-wracking.

In this article 📝

  • 2 month old milestones
  • How much should a 2-month-old eat?
  • How much should a 2-month-old weigh?
  • How much should a 2-month-old sleep?
  • How to play with a 2-month-old baby
  • How often to bathe 2-month-old
  • How far can a 2-month-old see?
  • 2-month-old baby FAQs
  • You and your two-month-old baby

2 month old milestones

What can a 2-month-old baby do?

The short answer? Scream, swallow, sleep, stink – and sometimes smile. They are also the source of endless delight, curious fascination, and a whole lot of laughs.

You know what’s really pretty amazing about a 2-month-old baby?

Well, quite a few things, but one of them is that they’re learning to drive their bodies a little more every day.

  1. They’re getting ahead in life. Terrible puns aside, your 2-month-old baby is gaining more control over their head, able to hold it with a little more stability than before. Yes, this giant ball atop their neck is no longer as foreign to them as it once was.
  2. They’ve started sucking. Rather than a mortifyingly insulting sentence, this is actually a simple reality. You may notice them sucking, sometimes on some of their fingers and sometimes by shoving their whole hand in their mouth. Look, we all have our creature comforts. This is theirs.
  3. They have seriously mixed feelings about this whole sleeping thing. While they love to sleep (as in love it so much they are happy to do it for about 16 hours a day), they’re not that into getting into establishing a proper routine. Their sleeping schedule may very well be all over the map at this point – but they are starting to at least contemplate routines and patterns.

Other milestones, like rolling over, talking, and sitting up might be just around the corner…

How much should a 2-month-old eat?

When it comes to feeding, babies and their mamas are all different. You may be breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, or a combination of the two.

If you’re wondering how many ounces should a 2-month-old eat?, some ballpark figures however are:

For breastfed babies: somewhere between 12 and 32 ounces a day.
For formula-fed babies: somewhere between 16 and 32 ounces a day.

And while we’re on the subject of feeding, let’s quickly venture into the pumping zone, shall we?

In one of the weirder things you’ll ever have to do in your life, pumping is essentially milking yourself so that you can freeze and save your supply for when you need it.

Particularly if you are going back to work in the not-too-distant future, pumping can be a real lifesaver.

So, like most things parenting, hard and fast rules are non-existent.

If pumping makes sense for you, perhaps consider starting once you’ve got into a bit of a groove with breastfeeding.

(Having said that, many new mamas pump from Day 1 for a variety of reasons so this is yet another reminder that, seriously, you do you.)

How often should a 2-month-old eat?

Your 2-month-old will likely be eating about six to eight times a day.

When it comes to a 2-month-old feeding schedule, this can work out at around every two to four hours for breastfed 2-month-olds and up to every hour for formula-fed babies on a cluster-feeding schedule.

Over the next few weeks and months, you can try feeding for longer with larger breaks between feedings.

🍼 Read more: Newborn Baby Feeding Schedule Ideas

How much should a 2-month-old weigh?

The average weight of a 2-month-old baby is 3.2kg (7lb 2oz) for females and 3.3kg (7lb 6oz) for males – but there are so many reasons why your baby may not be the average.

The good news is you don’t have to track your baby’s weight alone.

Generally, your healthcare provider will help provide a 2-month-old baby weight chart and help you monitor baby’s weight and height through this initial growth period.

How much should a 2-month-old sleep?

Your 2-month-old baby will likely be sleeping a lot.

They could be sleeping anywhere from 15 to 17 hours per day ‒ 8 to 10 at night, and 6 or 7 during their daytime naps.

How many naps should a 2-month-old baby have? Typically, about three to five.

When is bedtime for 2-month-old?

Bedtime for your 2-month-old baby is up to you and your schedule.

So if you’re aiming for your 2-month-old to be awake at 7am, then a bedtime between 9pm and 10pm could be ideal.

Of course, baby’s not an alarm clock, so you can’t exactly guarantee they’ll be awake at 7am on the dot, or that they won’t wake up during the night.

The best thing to do is a little trial and error, since not every baby will sleep the same.

My 2-month-old won’t nap ‒ help!

We get it, a 2-month-old baby that won’t settle down for a nap can be super stressful.

But there can be a few reasons and ways you can send them off to slumber-town:

  • Overtired: If your 2-month-old baby didn’t get as much sleep as usual the day before, they could find it tricky to settle down to nap. Try to create a calming environment for them to settle down.
  • Overstimulated: There are so many new things to see and do for a 2-month-old baby, so they might have a busy brain that won’t quiet down for a nap. Try to take them out of any noisy or busy place and move them to a more peaceful environment.

😴 More on baby sleep: What’s the Best 2-Month-Old Sleep Schedule?

How to play with a 2-month-old baby

Look, coordination is not at its peak for your 2-month-old baby so this is not quite the phase for going all out with the toys.

So, while 1000-piece puzzles are likely out, some fun things your 2-month-old baby might enjoy are:

  • Batting (or just looking) at a toy
  • Tummy time
  • Responding to a rattle
  • The soothing sound of your voice reading a book (War and Peace, anyone?)
  • Applauding for you (with your gentle help of course). Put their hands together gently to create the semblance of a clap.

You know what your 2-month-old baby also likes to do? Look in a mirror.

You may not be the only one who is admiring their beauty. The funny thing is, they don’t actually know that they are looking at themselves.

And if one of your big questions is “Do 2-month-old babies recognize their parents?” you may just like the answer you get.

Your baby likely recognizes you around month 2. Congratulations!

👶 Read also: 2-Month-Old Baby Activities

How often to bathe 2-month-old

A clean baby is a happy baby!

Aim for a bath for your 2-month-old around 2-3 times a week.

Bathtime isn’t just to keep them clean, it’s also a fantastic developmental opportunity for them to get involved with some engaging play.

A word of warning: bathing your 2-month-old baby too often can cause skin dryness, so keep to twice or thrice a week.

How far can a 2-month-old see?

Your 2-month-old baby can see about 12-18 inches away, although they might not be that clear.

The clearest objects they can see are 12 inches (1 foot), so they can certainly see your face during feedings.

2-month-old baby FAQs

How do I safely cut my baby’s fingernails?

You’ve probably realized right now that you’ve had to take on a whole new role that you might not have planned for: baby beautician.

Yes, those nails are growing and the scratch potential is getting pretty real.

So, your 2-month-old baby is going to need to get their fingernails done about every week and their toenails about every two weeks.

But with those minute little digits, the whole process can be more than a little anxiety-inducing.

So. Take some deep breaths. Find your zen.

And then get out that pair of baby nail scissors or the handy nail file that some thoughtful person gave you at your baby shower.

You may want to try this when they are at their most relaxed – as in asleep kind of relaxed.

The hardest part is ensuring that you clip the nail and not the skin.

You can make this a little easier by pushing down on the fingertip before you get a-chopping.

And don’t be afraid to ask for help (moral support or otherwise) from partners, friends, Peanut mamas, and/or your nurse or doctor.

Why is my 2-month-old drooling?

At 2 months old, your baby’s saliva glands are starting to develop, and since they don’t yet have the teeth to act as a sort of dam to prevent the drool coming out.

So, yeah, drooling is all par for the course with a 2-month-old baby!

Why is my 2-month-old sleeping a lot?

If your 2-month-old baby is sleeping more than usual for a couple of nights, it’s nothing to be worried about, mama.

They’re just doing a lot of growing, and that kind of development takes energy!

Or they could be getting over a minor illness ‒ 2-month-old babies can catch colds, too.

If you’re really worried about your 2-month-old sleeping more than usual, it’s best to check in with your doctor.

Why is my 2-month-old baby eating less than usual?

At 2 months old, it might seem like baby is eating less than they were before.

Typically, 2-month-old babies eat more in a shorter period of time, so they sleep more at night, so they can grow.

If you’re concerned about baby eating less than usual, have a chat with your doctor.

How often should a 2-month-old poop?

Pooping is a big part of your 2-month-old baby’s life!

Usually, most 2-month-olds poop about 1-4 times a day, so they’ll be getting through a lot of diapers!

If your 2-month-old baby goes more than one day without pooping, it’s a good idea to pay a visit to your doctor.

You and your two-month-old baby

Finally – please listen up for this one – remember that you still exist.

Although all your focus may be on nurturing this amazing little two-month-old baby that has chosen you as a parent, you have to ensure that you make time for yourself, too.

Taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your baby.

👶 Read next: 3-Month-Old Baby: Milestones & Development

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