2 Months Pregnant: What to Expect During Pregnancy

2 Months Pregnant: What to Expect During Pregnancy

At 2 months pregnant, you’re firmly on the road to meeting your baby.

At this point, you may still be feeling (and looking) like your old self.

Something magical is happening, but no one would know if you didn’t tell them.

That being said, many of the famous pregnancy symptoms — nausea and vomiting, food aversions, peeing a lot — tend to kick in at about 6 weeks.

And, since your pregnancy hormone levels are still skyrocketing, you might be discovering delightful new symptoms every day.

But you’ve got this, mama!

And since knowledge is power, let’s take a look at what’s going on for you and your growing babe this month.

In this article: 📝

  • How many weeks is 2 months pregnant?
  • What does 2 months pregnant look like?
  • What is the baby doing at 2 months pregnant?
  • 2 months pregnant ultrasound
  • 2 months pregnant symptoms
  • What should I avoid at 2 months pregnant?

How many weeks is 2 months pregnant?

If you’re two months pregnant, you’re right in the middle of the first trimester and about 8 weeks along.

You might have known that you’re pregnant for as much as a month because blood tests and most home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate from the day your period is officially late.

But if you didn’t test until your favorite foods started smelling weird, you might have only just received the news.

Even though we say that pregnancy is 9 months long, full term is technically 37 to 42 weeks, which is closer to 10 months.

Another fun fact?

When you’re 8 weeks along, your baby has only been growing for 6 weeks.

This is because the first 2 weeks of pregnancy (i.e., the first 2 weeks after the first day of your last period) are when your body prepares to support the baby, but before conception actually happens.

If the numbers seem all over the place, don’t worry.

Basically, your little bun in the oven is about 20% done.

What does 2 months pregnant look like?

Despite the symptoms you might have, you probably won’t have much of a 2 months pregnant belly.

For most of the first trimester, your uterus still sits inside your pelvis.

It won’t “pop” up and out until it runs out of space at about 12 weeks.

If you do feel like you’re showing, it’s more likely to be early pregnancy bloating.

This can happen as the extra progesterone in your body slows your digestion.

And is your stomach hard at 2 months pregnant?

Again, because your uterus has only gone from the size of a tennis ball to the size of a small grapefruit, you might not notice much of a change just yet.

But there are exceptions.

If you’re 2 months pregnant with twins or if you’ve been pregnant before, there’s a good chance you’ll show earlier.

But try not to fixate on your 2 months pregnant belly size.

There’s a lot going on in there, even if you can’t see it just yet.

What is the baby doing at 2 months pregnant?

Just take a look at your little one’s resume, mama.

At two months gestation, they’ve already graduated from zygote (the single-cell combination of sperm and egg) to blastocyst (a ball of cells that doubles in size every couple of days) to embryo.

Wondering about the size of a 2 month pregnancy?

Right now, your little peanut is ¼ to ½ inch, or 7-14mm long, which is about the size of a raspberry or blueberry — feel free to choose your favorite!

They’re just starting to look like a little human, albeit with a very large head and teeny tiny arms and legs.

They also have a tail right now, but that’ll disappear into the bottom of their spine in the next few weeks.

And they’re busy laying down the building blocks of all their vital organs, too:

  • Their heart and liver are developing — and chances are, your doctor could find the first signs of their heartbeat on an ultrasound.
  • Their fingers and toes are starting to grow at the end of their arm and leg buds, and their elbows and knees are starting to take shape.
  • Their neural tube has closed, and now it’s busy becoming their spinal cord and brainstem, so they can start making use of all those brand-new limbs and organs.

The other good news is that the placenta and umbilical cord are getting stronger every day.

Right now, your baby is still getting most of their nutrition from a structure called the yolk sac.

Once the placenta takes over the job of feeding and sustaining them, you might notice that your symptoms ease up a bit.

2 months pregnant ultrasound

In a lot of countries, you won’t have a routine ultrasound until after the first trimester is behind you.

But there are some exceptions where you’ll have an ultrasound to check up on your baby.

These include if:

  • You’ve had fertility treatment.
  • You’ve had any bleeding since you found out you were pregnant (to check for signs of pregnancy loss.)
  • You have pelvic or abdominal pain (to diagnose or rule out an ectopic pregnancy).
  • You’ve previously lost a baby.
  • You’re not sure when you conceived because you don’t have regular periods or are on birth control.

If you have an early ultrasound, it’ll probably be done with an ultrasound wand inside your vagina (transvaginal) rather than over your belly (transabdominal).

Your little one is still so small that they’re very difficult to spot with a transabdominal ultrasound at this point.

And there’s still no way to tell your baby’s sex with an ultrasound since their genitals don’t develop until a little later on in pregnancy.

2 months pregnant symptoms

Asking yourself, “What should I be feeling at 2 months pregnant?”

Every mama-to-be is different.

At one month pregnant, your symptoms might have been quite subtle.

But for about 70% of women, pregnancy symptoms at two months are pretty unmistakable.

Here are the big ones:

Nausea and vomiting

Potentially all day.

Whose bright idea was it to call this morning sickness?

We’d like to make a complaint.

Digestive symptoms

The big three are bloating, gas and constipation.

Not very glamorous, but they should ease up once your initial surge of pregnancy hormones starts to level off.


Everyone has a hilarious pregnancy food craving, right?

They might kick in this month.

And they might bring their less pleasant cousin — food aversions — with them.

Pass the pickles!

Breast pain

If your boobs are tender or bigger than usual, you can blame your hormones.

If you can, buy some new bras to suit your new cup size.

They’ll be much more comfortable and, since your boobs have a pretty important job coming up, it’s important to look after them.


As in, even the sofa in the doctor’s waiting room looks like the most comfortable bed you’ve ever seen.

Rest whenever you can, mama.

You’re definitely earning it.

Emotional rollercoaster

Mood swings, weepiness, and anxiety are partly hormonal, but you’ve also got a lot going on right now.

Be patient with yourself.

Fun stuff (like your baby’s first kick) is on the horizon!

And two months pregnant isn’t hard for all mamas.

You can have a totally healthy pregnancy even if you feel like you’re breezing through it.

If you are struggling, you don’t have to do this alone.

There’s a superstition about keeping your pregnancy secret until you’re 12 weeks along.

This comes from the idea that you’re much more likely to lose a baby during the first trimester.

But the idea is old-fashioned, unfairly stigmatizes pregnancy loss, and often cheats mamas-to-be out of the friendship and support they need at this exciting, exhausting, emotional time.

This is your news, and you should tell people as and when you want to, especially if it means you get some extra help.

And if you’re still not ready to tell your IRL circle, the Peanut Community is down for discussing the highs and lows of early pregnancy, day or night.

What should I avoid at 2 months pregnant?

Lots of mamas look back at two months pregnant and say that it’s just about getting through each day.

Of course, there are some things that you should always avoid during pregnancy:

  • Smoking (advice on how to quit here)
  • Drinking alcohol (our favorite pregnancy-safe drinks here)
  • Raw or cured foods like deli meats, unpasteurized cheese, or sushi (because of the risk of listeria and other bugs that cause food poisoning)
  • Excessive stress (not always easy to avoid but lots of studies show that extra adrenaline and cortisol can take their toll on you and your baby.)
  • Taking prescription or over-the-counter medications without getting medical advice from your doctor or pharmacist first.

And wherever possible, it’s good to avoid some common childhood illnesses while you’re pregnant.

(We know — this is trickier if you work with small children or if you already have kids. Do what you can.)

Illnesses like chickenpox and parvovirus/fifth disease can make your baby unwell if you catch them while you’re pregnant.

Beyond that, don’t exhaust yourself, don’t injure yourself, and don’t sweat the small stuff.

You’ll find our best advice on pregnancy self-care here.

And, if you feel up to it, we’ve got some great ideas for gentle pregnancy workouts here.

You might feel like you’re in the weeds right now, but it will end, and it will be so worth it.

And before you know it, you’ll be three months pregnant and about to enter the second trimester.

Join us on Peanut.

We’ll be there every step of the way.


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