23 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a large mango!

23 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a large mango!

Week 23 at a glance

Exciting news: 23 weeks pregnant is past the halfway mark!

That means you’ve come further than you still have to go.

So, first things first, let’s get our bearings:

How many months is 23 weeks pregnant?

Well, 23 weeks pregnant in months is… wait for it… just less than 6 months.

That third trimester is knocking at your door.

You know what else it means?

You’re going to be meeting your little peanut in just a few months’ time!

Let’s take you on the grand tour of 23 weeks pregnant, shall we?

In this article: 📝

  • Week 23 at a glance
  • Baby development at 23 weeks
  • Pregnancy symptoms at 23 weeks
  • Pregnancy tips at 23 weeks

Baby development at 23 weeks

What is my baby doing at 23 weeks?

Having a dance party?

Your fetus at 23 weeks is gaining some serious strength.

You might be able to feel just how strong they’re getting by the power of those kicks.

Yup, that’s definitely not gas.

How many kicks should you feel at 23 weeks?

You may not need to worry about this just yet.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that you start counting kicks around week 28 ‒ but you can, of course, start practicing a little earlier.


23 week fetus size

Your little one is about 8 inches, measured from the top of their head to the bottom of their tiny toes.

That’s equivalent to the length of an adult toothbrush, the size of a Tyrannosaurus Rex’s fossilized tooth, or a coconut ‒ about one-tenth of the height of Napoleon.

The average weight for a fetus at 23 weeks is 1.1 lbs ‒ a bag of coffee, a block of butter, a can of beans.


Crinkly skin

Adorably, your baby is likely covered in saggy skin.

That’s because their skin is growing a whole lot faster than the rest of them.

But rather than reach for the moisturizer, give ‘em some time.

They’ll have filled out once they’re ready to meet the world.

Those ears are pricking up

At 23 weeks, their ears are still developing.

They’re becoming more sensitive to sound and by 27 weeks will be able to pick up some noises from the outside world.

But for now, they can hear your heartbeat, giving them a sense of safety.

Can a baby survive at 23 weeks?

At 23 weeks, your baby is just short of what’s known as (in medical terminology) the age of viability, which is 24 weeks.

While this means that the likelihood of survival of a baby born at 23 weeks isn’t great, there’s reason for optimism.

According to recent research, up to a third of babies born at this point may survive if given the right treatment.

A premature baby’s survival jumps from 10% to 60% from 22 to 24 weeks.

Pregnancy symptoms at 23 weeks

It’s not just that 23 weeks pregnant belly that’s doing the work.

Your whole body is rallying to get this baby born.

Here are some of the symptoms you can expect at this stage:

Your skin’s doing some redecorating

You may have noticed some hyperpigmentation on various parts of your body.

The linea nigra, or pregnancy line, might be the most obvious of these changes.

Fuzz brain

Suddenly forgetting your brother’s name or what a fork is called?

Pregnancy brain is a real thing.

Some of the fog can be blamed on progesterone (the pregnancy hormone) and some on the fact that sleeping with a tiny dancing human inside you isn’t the easiest of tasks.

Added to this, you’re also going through one heck of a life change.


Swollen everything

If you feel like more than your belly has swollen up like a balloon, you’re not alone.

Hands and feet, wrists and ankles can all swell up during pregnancy.

Where possible, light exercise works well.

Do something you enjoy.

Accept the invitation to the dance party your little one is having inside you.

Also, staying hydrated and decreasing salt intake can really help.

Gum fun

So this is one you might not have expected.

Your gums might get swollen and even bleed.


That blood of yours is flowing at an increased rate to ensure that you provide the best environment for that little lodger of yours.

Routine dental checks are not a bad idea ‒ just stay away from the x-rays.

Oh, the pain

Yup, things hurt right now.

Headaches, backaches, leg cramps.

Massages work wonders, if you have a partner in your life that’s up to the challenge.

And you’re more than allowed to get off your feet when you need to.

Pregnancy tips at 23 weeks

To help you navigate week 23 of your pregnancy, we’ve taken the liberty of creating the ultimate to-do list written just for you, mama-to-be:

  • Stay hydrated! Sip that water bottle all day long to help ease those pesky pregnancy symptoms like cramps and nausea.
  • Moisturize that bump! As your belly grows, so does the itchiness and stretch marks. Treat yourself to a good moisturizer to help ease those itchy sensations and minimize those stretch marks.
  • Keep those prenatal appointments! You may have an upcoming ultrasound, so be sure to have that scheduled. Don’t miss out on seeing your little one grow and develop.
  • Don’t forget those prenatal vitamins! They’re super important for you and your baby’s health. Check out our guide for the best prenatal vitamins.
  • Fuel your body with a balanced diet. Not sure where to start? No worries, we’ve got you covered with a complete pregnancy meal plan. Eating healthy can help keep you and baby strong and happy.
  • Get moving, mama! Exercise is great for you and baby, and it can even help you sleep better at night. Check with your doctor to find out what’s safe for you to do.
  • Plan that baby shower! Whether you’re throwing it yourself or someone else is, start thinking about what kind of baby shower you want. You deserve to be showered with love and gifts!
  • Take a childbirth class. Knowledge is power, and a childbirth class can help you feel more prepared for the big day. Plus, you’ll get to meet other mamas-to-be and make some new friends.
  • Prepare for postpartum recovery. It’s not the most glamorous part of pregnancy, but it’s important to have some supplies on hand for after your baby arrives. Check out our postpartum recovery checklist for ideas.
  • Relax! Take some time for yourself to do something you love, whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or just sitting outside in the sun. You’re growing a human, after all!


You know what else?

It’s okay to not have all the answers.

You probably have a million questions swirling around your head at this point of pregnancy, but that’s entirely normal.

The mamas of Peanut have always got your back, too.


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