34 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a cantaloupe melon!

34 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a cantaloupe melon!

Week 34 at a glance

Whether you’re counting down the days with excitement or still figuring out what to pack in your hospital bag, there’s no denying that at 34 weeks pregnant, there’s not much time left to wait before you are cradling your baby in your arms.

How amazing is that?!

Being pregnant at 34 weeks has its challenges, but the finishing line is almost in sight!

Here’s what to expect at 34 weeks pregnant.

In this article: 📝

  • Week 34 at a glance
  • Baby development at 34 weeks
  • Pregnancy symptoms at 34 weeks
  • Pregnancy tips at 34 weeks

Baby development at 34 weeks

Your baby is now about the size of a cantaloupe melon ‒ a whopping 18 inches long, and around 5.25 pounds!

They’ll continue growing until they’re born, but they might not get much taller than they are at this point.

No wonder you’re feeling pretty stretched.

So what else is going on with fetal development at 34 weeks?

Well, your fetus at 34 weeks has already learned to sleep with their eyes closed and keep their peepers wide open while awake.

Figuring out this sleep pattern in utero will help them (and hopefully you) catch some zzz’s once they’re earthside.

If you’re expecting a boy, their testicles will probably descend into their scrotum this week, although between 1-4.5% of full-term baby boys will be born with undescended testicles.

They usually sort themselves out before the age of 1 though, so it’s not necessarily anything to worry about.

Are babies fully developed at 34 weeks? Sort of.

They’ll look pretty much like a newborn (albeit smaller and skinnier) and their nervous system is ready to go, but their brain and lungs are still maturing.

Pregnancy symptoms at 34 weeks

Your pregnancy arch-nemesis is back ‒ good old fatigue.

Your 34-weeks pregnant belly is taking more effort to carry around, and your aching back and pelvis are probably letting you know.

You might be experiencing constipation and its ever-faithful sidekick, hemorrhoids, plus shortness of breath thanks to your growing uterus.

What other symptoms of pregnancy might you feel at 34 weeks pregnant?

Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP)

This tongue twister can be super uncomfortable.

PUPPP is an itchy rash of small red pimples that can commonly appear in the stretch marks around your abdomen and hips during the latter stages of pregnancy.

Blurred vision

Nope, you’re not imagining things, you really might have blurred vision occasionally.

Your eyes might be itchy and dry, too, thanks to those extra pregnancy hormones, which can actually alter the shape of your cornea and interrupt tear production.

Luckily, it’s only temporary!

34-week pregnant signs of labor

While you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge as your pregnancy progresses, it should be milky and non-odorous.

At 34 weeks pregnant, if you notice regular cramping (contractions) and blood-streaked mucus or watery fluid in your underwear, it’s time to call your doctor!

Is it safe to deliver at 34 weeks?

A 34-week-old baby is classed as late preterm, so although it’s not ideal to give birth now, they have a really good chance of being just fine (about 99%).

They may face some initial struggles, like jaundice or difficulties feeding, and they may require some help in a NICU, to begin with.

How many months is 34 weeks pregnant?

34 weeks pregnant in months is around 8 and a half ‒ only 6 weeks to go before your due date.

Pregnancy tips at 34 weeks

Want some tips for what to do at 34 weeks pregnant?

Here’s your checklist:

  • Get baby added to your insurance policy so they’re all set up for when they arrive.
  • Schedule your Group B Strep test ‒ usually for 35-37 weeks.
  • Get reading about newborn care, but don’t worry, you’ve got plenty of time to prepare!
  • Plan ahead for labor, especially if you have pets or other little ones to think about.
  • Be prepared for any situation with a baby first-aid kit and take an infant CPR class to feel confident in your abilities.
  • Put the finishing touches on your baby’s nursery and create a cozy space for your little one to call home.
  • Pack your hospital bag with all the essentials (and don’t forget a few snacks for the road!).
  • Get all the remaining baby gear you need and stock up on postpartum care supplies for yourself.
  • Learn about labor and delivery, but keep in mind that every mom’s experience is unique and different (so don’t stress!).
  • Keep up with your Kegels to prepare for childbirth and recovery.
  • Finalize your birth plan and don’t be afraid to ask other moms for their experiences and advice.
  • Keep track of baby’s movements and kick counts to ensure their health and well-being.
  • Stay on top of your prenatal appointments and check-ups.
  • Get meal prep underway to make sure you’re both well-fed when baby arrives.
  • Install your car seat and practice putting it in and out of your car. Safety first, mama!
  • Have a car safety check done – you can never be too careful!
  • Sign up for a breastfeeding and/or pumping class if you want to breastfeed or pump.

There you have it, mama!

34 weeks – you’re almost there!


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