4-Month-Old Baby: Milestones & Development

4-Month-Old Baby: Milestones & Development

A 4-month-old baby is better entertainment than even the most addictive series (#bingewatchyourbaby). They’re in the process of trying on this brand spanking new human form they’ve just acquired—and often with hilariously adorable results.
The period of babydom known as “The Golden Age” starts right about this time and continues until around 18 months. And you’ll soon see why this stage deserves such a title.

A 4-month-old baby is over the newborn phase (think an irrational amount of crying; think worrying you might accidentally break them if you squish too hard)—but they haven’t yet reached the tantrum phase.

(Okay, sorry. We shouldn’t have brought up this future phase that shall no longer be named.

Let’s just stay in the happy 4-month-old baby stage for now.)

Onwards to 4-month-old milestones:

4 month milestones

Before we go any further, let’s spend a moment on this concept of “milestones”.

While there are phases that are typical of different stages of development, there is no such thing as right and wrong in this discussion. Human babies—just like their adult counterparts—are all unique.

If you’re worried about a specific aspect of your child’s development, chat with your healthcare provider to rule out any medical concerns.

And then just go about the job of enjoying your time with this awesome little creature that has come into your life.

Now, back to your baby at 4 months. (Seriously. How can such big thrills come from such a little person?)

What skills should a 4-month-old have?

Those 4-month milestones are particularly entertaining. Some things to watch out for are:

  • Object permanence. This is the If a tree falls in a forest moment in your little one’s development. They come to the understanding that the world continues to exist even if they can’t take it in through any of their senses. What this wisdom is truly great for is a good ol’ game of Peek-a-Boo. (And now there’s no such thing as too much Peek-a-Boo in one day.)
  • Rolling over. Expect a cuteness overload as they explore how very 3D their body is. This is where the whole tummy time thing comes in handy so have some fun with getting them bottom up for short periods.
  • Movement tracking and depth perception. They’re getting better and better at living in a world that moves. The concepts of near and far, and here and there are starting to take a quick-moving shape. Your baby may even want to reach out for objects that they think could be within their grasp.
  • Toes, toes, toes. Yes, they may even be as fascinated with these adorable appendages as you are.
  • Speaking in tongues. Your 4-month-old baby might just be a bit of a babbler at this point. Such a pity we can’t understand them. Probably revealing the meaning of life, if only we could interpret.
  • Stealing hearts with smiles. Like wherever you go. Which is so unfair. You went through the slog work. Smiles should be strictly reserved for you, don’t you think?
  • Copycatting. They might just mimic your facial expression. Something like a weird mime artist. Pretty cute, huh?

4-month-old baby weight

Again, no hard and fast rules here, but your baby will likely weigh in somewhere between 10 and 20 pounds and be in the region of 22 and 27 inches in height.

4-month-old baby foods

Hmm. What can 4-month-old babies eat?

While they’re not quite ready for sushi (wasabi and your 4-month-old baby might have a somewhat tumultuous relationship if they knew each other), they do enjoy tucking into delicious milk—both of the bottle and of the breast variety.

Here’s a pretty rough guide as to how much feeding should be happening at this point:

  • Breastfeeding your 4-month-old baby: You’re looking at between 24 and 36 ounces of breastmilk over approximately 5ish feeds. And, don’t worry. They’ll more than likely let you know when it’s time for a snack.
  • Bottle feeding your 4-month-old baby: Think approximately 5ish sessions in the day, with each of the sessions pouring about 7ish ounces of formula.
  • Solid food for your 4-month-old baby: The 6-month mark is usually when the wonders of solid food start being introduced—but if you’re looking to introduce these earlier, start with items with puree in the title: banana puree, pea puree, avocado puree. Mmmmm. Or some soft veg like yams and carrots, all done nice and smooth so they can spit them out at you later.

4-month-old baby schedules

The idea of schedules may have gone somewhat out of the window in your house, and that’s totally fine. (Um…remember when ticking off things on a To-Do list was actually possible?!)

One of the pleasing 4-month milestones is that sleep schedules might get a little more regular. As in, fingers crossed, you could even get a full eight hours sleep without a feed. (Might. We say, Might.) On average, a 4-month-old baby sleeps about 14 hours a day. Being that cute can get seriously exhausting.

But it’s also worth noting that sleep regressions do happen, and it’s quite common to experience one when baby is around 4 months old… Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Don’t miss: 4-Month-Old Baby Activities & 6 Toys for a 4-Month-Old Baby

And, if you’re wondering:

Do babies get fussy at 4 months?

Not as much. Which is nice. In this Golden Age, they tend to be a little more chilled than the preceding months.

That nonsensical, insanely intense crying often reaches its very loud climax at about 6 weeks.

Thereafter, things may get a little quieter around the house. (Again, by no means a hard and fast rule, just on average.)

Now: slow down, take a breath, and remember that if you’re finding things hard, it does get easier.

🤰 Read next: 5-Month-Old Baby: Milestones & Development

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