4 Months Pregnant: What to Expect During Pregnancy

4 Months Pregnant: What to Expect During Pregnancy

4 months pregnant? Congratulations!

Wave goodbye to pregnancy nausea and other first-trimester joys.

But there are still a lot of changes going on.

And month 4 can bring its own new and surprising symptoms.

Let’s explore what this stage of your pregnancy has in store.

In this article: 📝

  • How many weeks pregnant is 4 months?
  • 4 months pregnant symptoms
  • When to see a doctor
  • What does being 4 months pregnant look like?
  • How does your stomach feel at 4 months pregnant?
  • Can you feel a baby at 4 months?
  • What should you not do at 4 months pregnant?

How many weeks pregnant is 4 months?

Month 4 of your pregnancy runs from about week 14 to week 18.

Your second trimester has just started, and you’re hopefully beginning to feel more human after the fun and games of the first.

Some people even find they get an energy boost about now.


Your baby is growing fast.

At the start of the month, they’ll be around 3.5 inches long, head to toe.

By the end of the month, they’ll be almost 5.6 inches.

They’ll be putting on weight too.

On average, they’ll weigh about 1.5 ounces at the start of the month and almost 6.7 ounces by the end.

There are some other pretty cool changes going on, too:

They have fingerprints

Yes, your baby’s future as a criminal mastermind has just taken a blow!

Those little fingerprints are starting to form. And so are their facial features.

They’re growing hair

A fine down called lanugo is growing all over their body to help them keep warm.

They can do stuff

Like yawn and hiccup.

How cute is that?!

And they can stretch, grasp, and do somersaults too.

They can hear you

Chat or sing to your little peanut, and they’ll hear you!

It’ll help them get used to the sound of your voice.

And don’t worry if you can’t carry a tune — they can’t heckle just yet.

4 months pregnant symptoms

So, what’s going on for you?

Nausea will hopefully be done and dusted now.

But your body is starting to produce lots more blood.

And as your uterus begins to stretch, your other organs feel the pinch.

All this can lead to a number of different symptoms.

Indigestion and heartburn

Your growing uterus is pushing on your stomach.

At the same time, pregnancy hormones are making your muscles relax.

It’s hardly surprising your stomach acid isn’t staying where it should.

Hello, heartburn!


Those pregnancy hormones relax your intestines, too, meaning food travels through them more slowly.

Your heavier uterus is pressing on your bowels.

And higher iron levels make it harder to break down food.

It’s no wonder you’re struggling to poop.

Increasing the fiber in your diet, exercising, and drinking plenty of water can help.

But if you’re still struggling, talk to your doctor.

They may prescribe a laxative.


You’re gaining weight, changing posture, and pregnancy hormones are relaxing your spine.

It’s a combination that often leads to backache.

Round ligament pain

Sudden twinges in your lower abdomen or groin can result from changes to your round ligaments.

These are cords of tissue that support your uterus.

As it grows, they stretch — and occasionally ping back like a rubber band that’s been pulled too tight.


A stuffy or blocked nose

A blocked nose is a common pregnancy symptom.

The extra blood in your body could be causing your nasal passages to swell.

Those pesky hormone changes could be playing a part, too.

Varicose or spider veins

The increase in fluid puts pressure on your veins, sometimes leading to varicose or spider veins.

Compression socks can often help.


As your uterus grows, it starts to press on your lungs.

There’s less space for air, so you get out of breath more easily.

Bleeding gums

Your changing hormones can also increase plaque on your teeth.

That can inflame your gums, leaving them sore or bleeding.

Good dental hygiene will help keep on top of the problem.

Stretch marks

Between 50 and 90% of pregnant women get stretch marks.

As your belly grows, the skin can tear, leaving behind small scars.

The jury’s out on whether they can be prevented or removed.

But one thing’s for sure — they’re a record of something beautiful.

We give you the full lowdown on pregnancy stretch marks here.

When to see a doctor

If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor straight away:

  • Spotting — whether new or heavier than usual
  • Bleeding
  • Severe pain in your back or abdomen
  • A temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
  • Pain when you pee
  • Dizziness or blurred vision
  • A headache that’s severe or won’t budge
  • Persistent diarrhea or vomiting
  • Watery vaginal discharge

Some of these could be caused by something as simple as dehydration.

But it’s important to get checked out quickly so your doctor can ensure nothing more serious is going on.

What does being 4 months pregnant look like?

You may have the beginnings of your 4 months pregnant belly bump.

But everyone’s different, and there’s no rule for a 4 months pregnant belly size.

How does your stomach feel at 4 months pregnant?

Your bump will still be quite small.

But you may experience round ligament pain, which can strike low in your tum.

If that happens, try to take it easy.

Gentle warmth on your belly can help.

And a maternity belt can give your growing bump a little extra support.

Can you feel a baby at 4 months?

You may feel your baby’s first small movements now.

But if you’re 4 months pregnant and your baby’s not moving, don’t worry.

Many mamas won’t feel anything until 5 months.

First-time mamas are more likely to feel those first flutterings later.

And the position of the placenta can affect things too.

If it’s attached to the front of your uterus, it can make it harder to feel your baby moving.

What should you not do at 4 months pregnant?

All the usual pregnancy advice applies — not smoking, avoiding certain foods, and so on.

Your baby will be growing fast now, so don’t be surprised if you feel hungry!

You’ll need to increase your calorie intake by about 300 calories a day to get all the nutrients you both need.

You’ve made it through that first trimester.

Take a bow!

For many people, the second is a picnic in comparison.

So, if you get that boost of energy, enjoy it!

But if you find it’s not all a bed of roses, you’re not doing anything wrong.

From constipation to a bunged-up nose, there are plenty of symptoms that can make month 4 pretty interesting.

Try to remember that something incredible is behind it all.

Your little one can now stretch, yawn — and hear every word you say (or sing!).

For more advice on handling every stage of your pregnancy, check out our week-by-week pregnancy guide.

And if you need support, join us on Peanut.

We’re here for you! ❤️


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