6 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a pea!

6 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a pea!

Week 6 at a glance

If you feel like your moods are changing faster than the amount of chocolate in your stash, congratulations!

You may just be 6 weeks pregnant.

Partly due to the fact that estrogen and progesterone are having a power struggle inside you, and partly due to the fact that, umā€¦ this is BIG deal, youā€™re legitimately feeling a kaleidoscope of feelings that range on the spectrum from ecstasy to terror, and everything in-between.

While still very much in your first trimester, at 6 weeks pregnant, this is no longer a drill.

Youā€™ve likely told one or two people, had at least one weird food craving, and started to dream about what this means for the rest of your life.

You also may have been introduced to the wonderful world of morning sickness and are developing uncanny abilities to sniff out smells from what feels like light years away.

But itā€™s all worth it!


Because there are some truly mind-blowing things happening in that belly.

In this article: šŸ“

  • Week 6 at a glance
  • Baby development at 6 weeks
  • Pregnancy symptoms at 6 weeks
  • Pregnancy tips at 6 weeks

Baby development at 6 weeks

Your baby is about half as long as long as an aspirin, about 60 times as tall as a piece of paper and about one-six-hundred-fiftieth the length of a Volkswagen beetle.

At six weeks, that little fetus is coming in at a whopping 0.55 to 0.64 centimeters long.

My, how theyā€™ve grown.

Also, and listen to this one:

Thereā€™s a heartbeat!

You can also start to make out tiny marks that will one day be your babyā€™s facial features, and your little fish is starting to develop a backbone in the guise of a tail.

(First-ever Halloween costume. Clever child.)

So thatā€™s your itsy bitsy little fetus, but what about you?

You know, the infrastructure keeping this whole operation standing?

Pregnancy symptoms at 6 weeks

While we cannot stress enough that every experience is different ā€“ some women experience no symptoms at all ā€“ there are some common ones to look out for.

Knowing what these are can, if nothing else, allow you to feel a little less alone as you navigate this pretty crazy experience.

Some common 6 weeks pregnant symptoms include:

  • Ye olde crampy cramps. Look thereā€™s some serious renovation work inside going on in that uterus to make room for this new guest of yours. This is going to come with some growing pains. (If the pains are severe or accompanied by a fever and an upset stomach, get to your doc, of course.)
  • Mood swings.
  • Youā€™re sick to your stomach. Yes, the first trimester comes with that old favorite: morning sickness. Nausea, vomiting, fun, fun, fun. Dry crackers and bananas are lovely items to have in your snackbox.
  • Mood swings.
  • Youā€™re pooped. Totally okay to be feeling fatigued at this point. The fact that a few weeks ago you could accomplish double in your day is just going to have to be okay for now.
  • Mood swings.
  • You have to pee. All the time.
  • Mood swings.
  • You may experience some spotting. This is called implantation bleeding and is normal. (Always, always, however: if youā€™re worried, talk to your healthcare provider.)
  • In case we didnā€™t mention, mood swings.

Can you have a baby bump at 6 weeks?

Can you see pregnancy at 6 weeks?

Chances are that you wonā€™t be able to see much of a bump at this point.

(Sorry, not quite the time for the preggie belly photoshoot.)

For visible proof, a 6 weeks pregnant ultrasound is your best bet.

Right now, your belly is not letting on.

Poker face.

What are the chances of miscarriage at 6 weeks?

According to one study, your chance of a miscarriage drops to about 10% from the six-week point, but the study itself isnā€™t very strong.

Really, the strongest research tells us that 80% of miscarriages happen within the first trimester and drop significantly after 12 weeks.

Pregnancy loss is sadly still not as much a part of public dialogue as it should be.

If you do suffer a pregnancy loss, reach out for support to both your circles and to healthcare providers.

Know that youā€™re not alone and that whatever youā€™re feeling is valid.

Pregnancy tips at 6 weeks

So what should you be doing at 6 weeks?

Well, every journey is different but hereā€™s your 6 weeks pregnant checklist:

  • Get comfy: As your baby grows, so will your belly! Time to invest in some stretchy pants and comfy clothes that will take you through your pregnancy journey.
  • Stay healthy: Whatever that means for you ā€’ gentle exercise, eating nutritionally-dense foods, staying hydrated, and looking after your mental health.
  • Find your people: Connect with other moms-to-be, whether itā€™s online or in person. Share experiences, ask questions, and find support from others who are going through the same thing.
  • Keep up with those prenatal vitamins: Baby needs those nutrients! Donā€™t forget to take your prenatal vitamins every day.

Remember, every pregnancy journey is unique, so try not to compare yourself to others.

Take care of yourself, stay positive, and enjoy this exciting time!

This is a time filled with a mixed bag of joy, uncertainty, and what may feel like an emotional breakdance going on inside you.

(Crying at chocolate commercials? Youā€™re not alone, mama)

When the feelings come up, let them.

Your body is doing a remarkable job right now.

Be kind to it.

Act with compassion for yourself.

Youā€™re pretty damn awe-inspiring for making it here.

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