7 Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work (Most of the Time)

7 Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work (Most of the Time)

7 natural menopause treatments that really work? Can it be true?

We’ll take you through science-backed remedies that help.

First up: If you see headlines like The Best Natural Remedies for Menopause, proceed with caution.

That’s because the word “natural” is often used to advertise products not yet backed by science.

There’s a lot of research that still needs to be done on treatment for menopause symptoms.

And many “natural” remedies like herbal supplements have not been well-studied for their efficacy or risks.

But that doesn’t mean you just have to grin and bear your symptoms.

You can take steps to reduce your symptoms and support yourself through this new chapter of your life.

We’ll take you through the details.

In this article: 📝

  • What is the best treatment for menopause?
  • What vitamins are good for menopause?
  • What foods make menopause symptoms worse?
  • What foods fight menopause?
  • 7 Natural menopause treatments that really work
  • What is the best natural remedy for menopause?

What is the best treatment for menopause?

Menopause is defined as a point in time when you have been period free for 12 months.

It’s not a medical condition but rather a completely normal life transition.

It can come with some very uncomfortable symptoms, though.

As your ovaries stop producing estrogen – the hormone that’s been regulating your menstrual cycle – it’s common to experience hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood changes, amongst other things.

So what can you do about this?

Well, we’re all very different, and what works for one person may not work for another.

For many women, hormone replacement therapy (aka menopausal hormone therapy) can be really effective.

If you go through early menopause, or have surgical menopause because you have your ovaries removed, hormone replacement can be particularly useful in staving off health risks like bone loss and heart disease.

Menopausal hormone therapy works by upping your levels of estrogen and/or progesterone to relieve your symptoms.

It can be administered in various ways, including as pills, patches, creams, and sprays.

But hormone therapy is not a good idea for everyone and can be particularly risky for those who have medical conditions like certain types of cancers, blood clots, or strokes.

The best thing to do is talk through your options with your doctor and, together, weigh up the benefits and risks.

If menopausal hormone therapy is not right for you, other options are on the table.

The FDA has approved an antidepressant called paroxetine (Brisdelle) for the treatment of severe hot flashes.

And they’ve also given the okay to a medication called ospemifene (Osphena) to help out with menopause-related vaginal atrophy. This is when your vaginal walls become thinner, dryer, and more prone to irritation.

And then there are also lifestyle changes that can really help ease things up. (We’ll take you through some effective options below.)

What vitamins are good for menopause?

While no vitamin will take away menopause symptoms, quite a few have been shown to improve our quality of life as we age.

According to this article, these are some vitamins that may help:

B vitamins

Vitamin B6 and 12 should be an essential part of a menopause diet.

They help with all sorts of things, including transforming carbs, fats, and protein into energy and maintaining the function of the nervous system.

Deficiency can lead to a bunch of health issues, including heart disease and cognitive decline.

B vitamins can be found in a variety of different foods, including meat and meat products, fish, leafy greens, seeds, and fortified cereals.

Vitamin C

It’s great for bone health!

And it looks as though it may help with brain function, too.

It’s found in many delicious foods, including citrus fruits, strawberries, and tomatoes.

It’s also in bell peppers and cruciferous veg like broccoli and cabbage.

Vitamin D

This study explored the role of vitamin D in preventing several health conditions, including osteoporosis, diabetes, and cancer.

And this one showed a link between vitamin D and lower levels of mobility issues, anxiety, and depression.

The sun is the best source of vitamin D.

It can also be found in foods like oily fish, red meat, liver, and egg yolk.

There’s a significant amount of research to suggest that magnesium deficiency may be linked to menopause symptoms.

Magnesium can be found in whole grains, dark-green leafy veg, low-fat dairy products, and fortified cereals.

Some people also use dietary supplements like black cohosh, red clover, and evening primrose.

But the research has been inconsistent on whether these treatments are effective.

They may also come with serious side effects.

Black cohosh, for example, may be related to gastrointestinal problems and hepatitis and may conflict with other medications you might be on.

Hopefully, once more research has been done on herbal remedies for menopause symptoms, we’ll have more options for effective treatments.

What foods make menopause symptoms worse?

If you’re experiencing vasomotor symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and heart palpitations, some foods could trigger or worsen your symptoms.

These include spicy foods, anything processed, too much salt or sugar, and alcohol.

But we’re all different – so it’s best to figure out if anything makes your symptoms worse.

It can help to keep a diary of foods that don’t agree with you so that you know to avoid them in the future.

What foods fight menopause?

On the other hand, there are dietary choices that can make some menopause symptoms more manageable as well as giving your changing body a dose of love.

Phytoestrogens are particularly useful for helping women balance their hormones as they approach menopause.

It’s down to how closely phytoestrogens mimic the chemical structure of estrogen.

As they enter your body, your estrogen receptors treat them as one of their own – the only difference being phytoestrogens don’t bind to the receptors as tightly as naturally-produced estrogen.

So while this means the effects of phytoestrogen may not be as strong as estrogen, it still boasts significant benefits for menopausal women.

Phytoestrogens have two main fighting powers in particular: relieving hot flashes and preventing osteoperosis.

Flaxseed, soybean, and tofu are perhaps the best sources of phytoestrogens, but you can also find them in plenty of fruit and vegetables like garlic, beans, berries, grapes, and plums.

And speaking of natural alternatives to hormone replacement…

7 Natural menopause treatments that really work

Right, so what can you do to increase your comfort and quality of life during this time?

We’ll take you through the strategies that help.

1. Counseling

The impact menopause can have on our mental health is significant.

Beyond dealing with uncomfortable symptoms, this time of life is often filled with other stressors like family and work challenges.

Research has shown that counseling can have a significantly positive effect on your quality of life postmenopause. Whether you opt for group or solo counseling is up to you.

2. Mindfulness training

Mindfulness is the practice of focussing one’s attention on the present and, without judgment, observing the thoughts and sensations that arise.

It’s proven to have all sorts of benefits, including stress reduction, boosting working memory, and improving symptoms of depression.

In particular, a recent study has revealed that those who practice mindfulness may experience reduced menopause symptoms.

3. Paced breathing

Basically, this is breathing deeply and slowly.

And it’s showing promise as a treatment for hot flashes.

This study showed positive effects in the group that practiced paced breathing twice a day by taking six breaths per minute for fifteen minutes.

4. Clinical hypnosis

This alternative treatment is proving effective in the treatment of hot flashes – and in doing so, reducing stress and improving sleep quality.

5. Massage

If you’ve ever had a therapeutic massage, we don’t need to tell you about the stress-reducing magic of this practice.

And now, research is showing how its benefits may extend to helping with menopause symptoms.

This study showed how effective massage could be at improving sleep quality.

And this one explained that aromatherapy massage, in particular, may improve the overall experience of menopause symptoms.

6. Eating a healthy, balanced diet

Remember all those vitamins that help? Yep, it’s worth getting them in your system.

It can be tough to get all the vitamins you need from your food alone.

Supplements can help.

To make an informed choice about which supplements to go with, the FDA has brought out this updated guide on nutritional labels for supplements.

In it, they include a list of the daily recommended amount of each vitamin.

Another part of a healthy diet is to keep well hydrated.

Getting enough liquid can help with everything from reducing the experience of hot flashes to helping stave off urinary tract infections, which can become more common as we age.

7. Good vibrations

This might be the most entertaining prescription you will ever receive.

If you are experiencing a thinning or drying of the vagina (called “vaginal atrophy” – a term we’re not too fond of), set a date with a vibrator!

And there’s research to back this up.

(Psst. If you want help finding the perfect fit, we’ll take you through our favorites here.)

What is the best natural remedy for menopause?

That depends on who you ask.

But we’d say support.

This is a major life event, and it can co-occur with so many other stressors.

Talk to a counselor, your friends and family, and your Peanut menopause community.

We really don’t have to do this alone.

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