166 Awe-Inspiring Aztec Names With Meanings

166 Awe-Inspiring Aztec Names With Meanings

Aztec baby names are strong and beautiful, with powerful meanings, so if you’re looking to honor your Mesoamerican heritage, why not consider one of our top Nahuatl names?

In this list, you’ll find lots of Aztec girl names, Aztec names for boys, and some gender-neutral Nahuatl names, too.

Quick Aztec history lesson:
Nahuatl was one of the primary languages of the Aztecs, mainly spoken in central and western Mexico, and it’s still spoken by about 1.5 million people in Central Mexico today!

Aztec people were mainly based in Tenochtitlan, now known as Mexico City, so if you have relatives nearby, or you’re from Mexico, you could have some Aztec ancestors!

Aztec people are also referred to as Tenochtitlan and Nahuatl ‒ after their main city and language.

We think of Aztec as an ancient civilization, but they actually lived between the 14th and 16th centuries ‒ the Mayan civilization, on which Aztec was based, is the older of the two societies.

A lot of Aztec names are based on Aztec gods, Mesoamerican culture, and all things natural ‒ think flowers, weather, animals…

From Ácatl to Zyanya, you’ll find all the best Aztec baby names here, complete with meanings and proper Aztec pronunciations!

So if you’re not sure on the Xochitl pronunciation or how to pronounce Tenochtitlan names, we’ve got you covered, with pronunciations throughout.

Quick tip: Aztec names ending in ‘tl’ are usually pronounced as a soft ‘t’ ‒ like ‘tuh’.

In this article: 📝

  • What are indigenous Mexican names?
  • What is the rarest baby name?
  • What are Aztec princess names?
  • What is an Aztec girl name?
  • What are some Aztec boy names?
  • What Aztec names are gender-neutral?
  • What are Aztec warrior names?

What are indigenous Mexican names?

Nahuatl names are names that come from the Nahuatl language, which was spoken by the Aztecs and other indigenous groups in Mexico before the arrival of the Spanish.

Aztec baby names, on the other hand, specifically refer to names that were used by the Aztecs.

Some examples of Nahuatl names include Xochitl, which means “flower” in Nahuatl, and Citlalli, which means “star”.

For Aztec baby names, you could consider the name Itzel, which means “rainbow lady”, or Tlalli, which means “earth”.

These names are not only unique and beautiful, but they also carry a deep connection to Mexico’s indigenous history and culture.

So if you’re looking for a meaningful name for your little one, Nahuatl names or Aztec baby names could be just what you’re looking for.

What is the rarest baby name?

Outside of Mexico, Aztec names are rare, but if you’re looking for truly unique Aztec baby names, how about:

  1. Sanse: (san-say) This gender-neutral name means “unique” in Nahuatl ‒ we haven’t found any uses of this Aztec name before, so you might be the first!

If you want something even rarer, why not try translating something into this Aztec Translator?

What are Aztec princess names?

Okay, so technically, there weren’t any actual Aztec princesses, but there were ‘women of noble standing’ who were treated as princesses.

If you’re after beautiful Aztec princess names, what about:

  1. Atotoztli or Huitzilxochtzin: (pronounced ah-toe-tosch-tlee or weet-seel-sho-ch-tzin) Atotoztli II was the daughter of the Aztec emperor Moctezuma I and ‘Queen’ Chichimecacihuatzin I. Not only did this powerful princess descend from Aztec royalty, but some historians also say that she ruled the Triple Alliance of three Nahuatl cities ‒ but her reign was omitted from historical records because she was a woman. Perfect for the little girl who will rule the world!
  2. Azcaxochtzin: (pronounced ahs-cahsh-oh-cht-seen) Another of the few female Aztec rulers, Azcaxochtzin was the ‘Queen’ of Tepetlaoztoc, in what’s now Central Mexico. As women weren’t allowed to fight in Aztec culture, queens would focus on internal matters ‒ running the state. Azca makes a sweet nickname.
  3. Ilancuéitl: (pronounced ih-lan-kwe-eet) The first ‘Queen’ of Tenochtitlan, there’s not much known about Ilancuéitl, apart from that her name means “old woman skirt” in Nahuatl ‒ a more traditional Aztec name.
  4. Bonus ‒ Siuapilli: (pronounced see-oo-ah-pilli) For something a little different, this pretty Aztec girl’s name means “princess” in Nahuatl.

What is an Aztec girl name?

There are lots of Aztec girl names to choose from, whether you’re after something strong or delicate, long or short.

In this list of Aztec girl’s names, you’ll find a few Aztec goddesses, nature-inspired names, and traditional Nahuatl names, along with a few cute nicknames for your baby girl!

  1. Acuecucyoticihuati: (pronounced ah-kweh-koo-kyoh-tiki-hwah-tee) If your baby girl is born by the beach, or from a family of sea-lovers, this is the perfect Aztec name for you. Acuecucyoticihuati is the Aztec goddess of the ocean and sea-life.
  2. Ahuic: (pronounced ah-hwee-ik) Another water name for a baby girl, Ahuic is the Aztec goddess of rivers and streams.
  3. Anacaona: (pronounced ana-kah-oh-nah) A lovely Aztec name for a blonde baby girl, Anacaona means “golden flower”. Ana is a lovely nickname.
  4. Atlacamani: (pronounced atlah-kah-mah-nee) Another Aztec goddess name, Atlacamani is the goddess of storms ‒ for the baby girl who arrives with a scream like thunder!
  5. Atlacoya: (pronounced atlah-koy-ah) This lyrical name is after the Aztec goddess of droughts.
  6. Atlatonan or Atlatonin: (pronounced Atlah-toe-nuhn) Perfect if you’re looking for a nature name for your baby, Atlatonan is the Aztec goddess of the earth.
  7. Atzi: (pronounced aht-see) For the baby born on the rainiest day, Atzi is an Aztec name meaning “rain”.
  8. Apozanolotl: (pronounced ah-poz-ahn-uh-lot) The Aztec goddess of purity, for your sweet little peanut.
  9. Ayauhteotl: (pronounced aya-tay-oht) Another Aztec goddess name, Ayauhteotl is the goddess of mist and haze ‒ perfect if your baby girl has grey-blue eyes. Aya is a sweet nickname.
  10. Chalchihuitlcue or Chalchiuhtlicue: (pronounced chal-chee-weet-lee-kway) Another Aztec goddess, Chalchihuitlcue reigned over water on the earth. Chalchihuitlcue also means “she who wears a jade skirt”.
  11. Chalmecacihuilt: (pronounced chal-meh-kah-see-weelt) One of the darker Aztec names on this list, Chalmecacihuilt is the goddess of the underworld. Want more dark baby names? Check out our gothic baby names guide.
  12. Chantico: (pronounced chan-tee-koh) Perfect for the baby born with a flash of red hair, Chantico is the Aztec goddess of fire. Chantico also means “she who lives in the house”.
  13. Chicomecoatl: (pronounced chee-meh-koh-aht) An Aztec goddess of corn and sustenance, Chicomecoatl also means “seven snakes” in Nahuatl.
  14. Chiconahui: (pronounced chee-koh-nah-wee) For the baby who makes your house a home, Chiconahui is the goddess of the hearth in Aztec culture.
  15. Chimalma: (pronounced chee-mal-mah) One of the strongest Aztec baby girl names. For the protector of the family, Chimalma means “shield-bearer”. Can be shortened to Alma.
  16. Chipahua: (pronounced chee-pah-wah) A Nahuatl name meaning “clean” or “purity”.
  17. Cihuatlatoque: (pronounced see-waht-lat-ohk-way) A cool Aztec name meaning “woman ruler”. For the little girl who you know will rise to the top.
  18. Cihuaton: (pronounced see-wah-ton) For fans of Louisa May Alcott’s novel, Cihuaton means “little woman” in Nahuatl.
  19. Citlalicue: (pronounced seet-lah-lee-kway) For the baby girl with a twinkle in her eye, this Aztec name means “dressed in stars”.
  20. Coatlicue: (pronounced coh-aht-lee-kway) The most revered goddess in Aztec mythology, Coatlicue is the mother of all gods ‒ one of the most beautiful Mesoamerican names.
  21. Cualtzin, Cualnēzqui, or Quetzaltic: (pronounced kwahlt-seen, kwal-nez-kee, or kwet-zahl-tik). Classic girl’s Aztec names, all Nahuatl words for “beautiful”. 💖
  22. Erendira: (pronounced eh-rehn-dee-rah) One of the prettiest Aztec girl’s names meaning “smiling princess”.
  23. Huixtocihuatl: (pronounced wee-sch-toe-see-waht) For the baby you’ve been waiting a while for, after the Aztec goddess of fertility.
  24. Itzel: (pronounced ee-tsch-el) Meaning “rainbow lady”. A beautiful name for a rainbow baby, perhaps?
  25. Itzpapalotl: (pronounced ee-tsch-papah-loht) Another gothic baby name, Itzpapalotl means “obsidian butterfly” in Nahuatl ‒ their word for bats.
  26. Ixcuiname: (pronounced eeksh-kwee-nah-may) Great for a baby born to a large family, Ixcuiname means “four sisters” or “four faces” in Nahuatl.
  27. Jatziri: (pronounced yaht-see-ree) A short-but-sweet Aztec name, meaning “dewdrop”.
  28. Macuilxóchitl: (pronounced mah-kwill-scho-cheet) A beautiful floral baby name for your little peanut, Macuilxóchitl means “five flowers”. 🌺
  29. Mayahuel: (pronounced mah-yah-well) The goddess of fertility and childbearing, for when you’ve had a long TTC journey. This is one of the Aztec people’s different ways to spell Maya, which can be a lovely nickname for Mayahuel.
  30. Metztli: (pronounced met-z-tlee) Another gothic Aztec baby name is Metztli, meaning the goddess of the night. For the baby with dark hair.
  31. Miyaoaxochitl: (pronounced mee-yao-ascho-cheet) Another natural Aztec baby name, and one of the more traditional girl’s Aztec names, Miyaoaxochitl means “maize tassel flower” ‒ a plant that was important to the Tenochtitlan people.
  32. Nahuatl: (pronounced nah-waht) Why not give your little peanut a name that’s the most important in Aztec culture? Nahuatl is the language spoken by the Aztec people, and also the goddess of water and rivers.
  33. Nenetl: (pronounced neh-neht) One of the most adorable Aztec baby girl names. For your precious baby girl, Nenetl means “doll” in Nahuatl.
  34. Omecihuatl: (pronounced oh-may-see-waht) For your perfect little wonder, Omecihuatl is the Aztec goddess of duality and all creation.
  35. Quetzalxochitl: (pronounced kayte-zal-scho-cheet) A classic Aztec name for girls meaning “precious flower” or “queen”. Can be shortened to Queztal.
  36. Sugey: (pronounced soo-hey) For the ray of sun in your life, Sugey means “sunlight” in Nahuatl.
  37. Tayanna: (pronounced tie-ahn-nah) A melodic Aztec name meaning “gift from God”. Can be shortened to Taya or Anna.
  38. Teicuih: (pronounced tie-key) One of the most popular Nahuatl girl names. For a new baby girl with an older sibling, this is the perfect name. Teicuih means “younger sister” in Nahuatl.
  39. Ticualtzin: (pronounced tik-wahlt-seen) Meaning “you are beautiful” in Nahuatl. Other versions of this name are Ticualnēzqui or Tiquetzaltic.
  40. Tlazohtzin: (pronounced tlah-zoh-tzin) An Aztec baby girl name with two beautiful meanings ‒ “little necklace of flowers” and “one who is loved”.
  41. Toci or Tozi: (pronounced toh-see) Why not name your baby girl after her grandmother? Toci means “grandma” in Nahuatl, and also represents one of the Aztec earth goddesses.
  42. Tonalnan: (pronounced tohn-al-nahn) A shining Aztec baby name meaning “mother of light” ‒ one of our favorite Mesoamerican names.
  43. Tonantzin: (pronounced tohn-ant-seen) Another of the Aztec earth goddesses, this name literally translates to “honored mother”.
  44. Tzitzamitl: (pronounced tss-eets-ah-meet) The grandmother goddess of Aztec lore, a lovely way to commemorate your baby’s grandma.
  45. Xilonen: (pronounced schee-lo-nehn) Xilonen is the Aztec goddess of corn and maize, but her name means “hairy one” in Nahuatl ‒ for a baby born with a full head of hair!
  46. Xiloxoch: (pronounced schee-lo-scho-ch) Another of the floral Nahuatl girl names, Xiloxoch means “calliandra flower”.
  47. Xiomara: (pronounced see-oh-mara or zee-oh-mara) There are a few meanings of Xiomara in Aztec culture ‒ “guest”, “I love you”, and “battle”.
  48. Xitllali or Xitlali: (pronounced see-tlah-lee) For the baby born at night, one of our favorite Aztec names is Xitlali, meaning “Aztec goddess of the moon”.
  49. Xochicotzin: (pronounced scho-chee-koht-seen) A floral Aztec baby girl name meaning “little necklace of flowers”.
  50. Xóchitl: (pronounced zo-cheet) One of the sweetest Aztec names for girls, the Xóchitl name meaning is “flower” in Nahuatl. Xochi is a sweet nickname, too!
  51. Xochiquetzal: (pronounced zo-chee-kayt-zul) Similar to Xóchitl, Xochiquetzal means “beautiful flower” in Nahuatl, and is also the name of the Aztec goddess of love.
  52. Xochiyotl: (pronounced zo-chee-yoht) Another Aztec flower name, Xochiyotl means “heart of a gentle flower”. Chiyo is a cute nickname.
  53. Xoco: (pronounced zo-koh) Perfect for a baby with an older sibling is the Aztec baby name Xoco, meaning “younger sister”.
  54. Xocotzin: (pronounced zo-koht-seen) For the youngest baby in a big family, Xocotzin means “youngest daughter” in Nahuatl.
  55. Yoloxochitl: (pronounced yo-loh-zo-cheet) One of the more musical-sounding Aztec names for girls, Yoloxochitl means “flower of the heart”.
  56. Zeltzin: (pronounced selt-seen) For the tiniest newborn baby, Zeltzin means “delicate”.
  57. Zaniyah: (pronounced san-ee-yah) A popular Aztec girl’s name is Zaniyah, meaning “forever” and “always”. Can also be spelled Zyanya and Zaniya, or shortened to Zan.

What are some Aztec boy names?

You’ll find fewer religious Aztec names in these Nahuatl boy names ‒ Aztec boy names tend to be after cultural objects or nature.

Here’s our ultimate guide to Aztec baby boy names, with meanings and pronunciations:

  1. Acalan: (pronounced ah-kah-lan) A strong Aztec boy’s name referring to a Tenochtitlan narrow rowing boat. For the baby born by a river.
  2. Ácatl: (pronounced ah-kaht) Another name for a riverside baby, Ácatl means “giant reed” in Nahuatl.
  3. Ahuatzi: (pronounced ah-wayt-see) One of the many natural Aztec names for boys, Ahuatzi means “small oak tree”.
  4. Camaxtli: (pronounced kah-maz-tlee or kah-masch-tlee) This name has a strange meaning when translated ‒ “without deer sandal”, but it’s also the name of the Aztec god of the hunt. Can be shortened to Cam or Maz/Max.
  5. Chicahua: (pronounced chee-ka-wah) The ultimate strong Aztec boy’s name, Chicahua literally means “strong”.
  6. Chimalli or Chimalley: (pronounced chee-mah-lee) A powerful Aztec boy’s name meaning “shield”.
  7. Cipactonal: (pronounced see-pak-tohn-al) If you’re looking for a celestial Aztec name, you’ve found it! Cipactonal is the Aztec god of astrology and calendars, and the Nahuatl word also means “production of the day”.
  8. Cipactli: (pronounced see-pak-tlee) While the word Cipactli might look similar to Cipactonal, it’s got a totally different meaning in Nahuatl. Cipactli is a tough-sounding Aztec boy’s name meaning “crocodile”.
  9. Coyotl: (pronounced koh-yoht) Another boy’s name after a fierce animal, Coyotl means “coyote” ‒ one of the most traditional Mesoamerican names.
  10. Cozcatl: (pronounced kosch-kaht) For the oh-so-precious baby boy, Cozcatl means “jewel”.
  11. Cuetzpalli or Cuetzpallea: (pronounced kwehtz-pah-lee) Translated from Nahuatl to “lizard”, you can also shorten this cool Aztec name to Pal or Pally.
  12. Guatemoc: (pronounced gwah-teh-mok) For the baby boy who you know will have their eyes on the prize, Guatemoc means “falling eagle” or “diving eagle”.
  13. Huitzilin: (pronounced weet-slee-leen) One of the most adorable Aztec names for boys, Huitzilin means “hummingbird”.
  14. Ilhicamina: (pronounced eel-hee-kah-mee-nah) Perfect for the baby with his sights set high, Ilhicamina means “he who hunts the sky” or “he who shoots arrows at the sky”.
  15. Itzcali: (pronounced eets-kah-lee) A lovely Aztec baby boy’s name meaning “house of beauty”.
  16. Itzcoatl: (pronounced eets-koh-aht) If you’re baby’s born with dark hair, this is the perfect Aztec name, meaning “obsidian serpent”. Itzcoatl was also the name of one of the most prolific Aztec rulers, so it’s certainly a name with a rich, powerful history!
  17. Itzli: (pronounced eets-lee) Another dark Aztec name, Itzli means “obsidian”, a type of naturally black glass.
  18. Itztli: (pronounced eets-tlee) Similar to Itzli, Itztli means “obsidian knife” ‒ for the baby boy you know will have a sharp wit!
  19. Mahuizoh: (pronounced mah-wee-soh) For the baby who shines in your life, Mahuizoh means “glorious person”.
  20. Matlalihuitl: (pronounced maht-lah-lee-weet) Feathers were precious items in Aztec culture, so naming your baby after “green-blue feathers” would be a sign of ultimate respect to Aztec culture.
  21. Mictlantecuhtli: (pronounced mihct-lan-tay-kuht-lee) Meaning “lord of Mictlan”, Mictlantecuhtli was also the name of the god of the dead ‒ perfect if you’re looking for an Aztec gothic-type baby name.
  22. Milintica: (pronounced mih-leen-tee-kah) A fiery baby name, Milintica means “he waves fire” in Nahuatl. Perfect for the red-haired baby boy.
  23. Netzahualcoyotl: (pronounced neht-sah-wahl-koh-yoht) A long Aztec boy’s name, but popular during the 14th century in Mexico, Netzahualcoyotl means “hungry coyote”.
  24. Nochehuatl: (pronounced noh-chay-waht) For the baby boy who will always be there, Nochehuatl means “constant”.
  25. Ocotlan: (pronounced ok-oht-lan) If you’re looking for a nature-inspired Aztec baby name, look no further ‒ Ocotlan means “pine”. A great name if your family home is near lots of pine trees.
  26. Ometecuhtli: (pronounced oh-may-teh-kuht-lee) A beautiful Aztec boy’s name, Ometecuhtli was the Aztec god of duality and life. The male version of Omecíhuatl.
  27. Tecuani: (pronounced teh-kwah-nee) For the baby boy who arrives in the world with a roar, Tecuani is a Nahuatl word for “jaguar” or “tiger”.
  28. Tezcacoatl: (pronounced tehs-kah-koh-aht) Another name based in Aztec mythology, Tezcacoatl is the “serpent king” ‒ a beast of awesome power.
  29. Tezcatlipoca: (pronounced tehs-kaht-lee-poka) Another space Aztec name is Tezcatlipoca, meaning the Aztec god of the Great Bear constellation and the night sky.
  30. Tlacelel: (pronounced tlah-keh-lel) For your little hero, Tlacelel means “greatest hero” in Nahuatl.
  31. Tlaloc: (pronounced tlah-lok) Another Aztec god, the god of rain ‒ Tlaloc also means “he who makes things sprout”. Perfect for a green-fingered family.
  32. Tlanextic: (pronounced tlah-nesch-tik) For the baby boy born early in the morning, Tlanextic means “light of dawn”.
  33. Tlanextli: (pronounced tlah-nesch-tlee) For your little ray of light, Tlanextli is an Aztec name meaning “radiance” or “splendour”.
  34. Tlasotepilli: (pronounced tlah-soh-teh-pillee) A sweet Aztec boy’s name meaning “prince”.
  35. Tlilpotonqui: (pronounced tlihl-poh-tohn-kee) One of the rarer Aztec names for boys, ideal for a baby boy with jet-black hair, Tlilpotonqui means “feathered in black”.
  36. Tonatiuh: (pronounced toh-nah-tee-uh) You are my sunshine, my only sunshine… Tonatiuh means “sunshine” in Nahuatl. ☀️
  37. Tonauac: (pronounced toh-nah-wak) Another sunny Aztec baby boy name, Tonaunac means “one who possesses light”.
  38. Ueman: (pronounced wee-man) Of course, having a baby is a special experience, so why not name your baby Ueman, meaning “venerable time” in Nahuatl.
  39. Xicohtencatl: (pronounced schee-koh-ten-kaht) An adorable Aztec boy name meaning “angry bumblebee”. Xico is a sweet nickname.
  40. Xihuitl: (pronounces schee-weet) For the baby boy who arrives into your life like a shooting star, Xihuitl means “comet”.
  41. Xipilli: (pronounced schee-pee-lee) Your baby boy is your little prince, so Xipilli is the perfect Aztec name, meaning “jewelled prince”.
  42. Xiuhtecuhtli: (pronounced schyoo-tek-uht-lee) Another baby name meaning “fire”, perfect for red-haired babies, or baby boys born under a fire sign.
  43. Xochipilli: (pronounced scho-chee-pee-lee) The Aztec god of love and flowers. For the baby boy who makes you smile.
  44. Yaotyl or Yaotel: (pronounced yow-til) This popular Aztec boy’s name means “rival”.
  45. Yolyamanitzin: (pronounced yol-ta-mahn-eet-seen) Could this baby boy be a future lawyer, perhaps? Yolyamanitzin means “he who is just and considerate” in Nahuatl. Can be shortened to Yolya or Manit.
  46. Zipactonal: (pronounced see-pak-tohn-al) Not to be confused with Cipactonal, Zipactonal means “harmonic light”.
  47. Zolin: (pronounced soh-leen) Another Aztec boy’s name after an animal, Zolin means “quail”.


What Aztec names are gender-neutral?

There are also a lot of Aztec baby names that can work for boys, girls, and they-bies.

Here’s our list of the best Aztec gender-neutral names:

  1. Amoxtli or Amoztli: (pronounced ah-mosch-tlee) If you’re an avid reader, how about the Aztec name Amoxtli, meaning “book”.
  2. Atl: (pronounced aht) Another water name for your baby, Atl means “water” in Nahuatl.
  3. Aztec: (pronounced ahz-tek) What better Aztec name for your little peanut than Aztec?
  4. Citlalee or Citlalli: (pronounced see-tah-lee) A beautiful celestial, gender-neutral Aztec name, Citalee means “star”. ⭐
  5. Citlalic or Citallic: (pronounced see-tah-lik) Another space name, Citalic means “rising star” ‒ for the baby who you know will have their name in shining lights.
  6. Coaxoch: (pronounced coh-asch-och) While traditionally an Aztec girl’s name, Coaxoch can also be used for boys and they-bies, meaning “serpent flower”.
  7. Coyolxauhqui: (pronounced cot-ohl-schaw-key) A lyrical Aztec name meaning “golden bells”, perfect for a blonde baby who ‘sings’ their arrival. Coyo is a sweet nickname.
  8. Cozamalotl: (pronounced kohsch-mah-lot) A beautiful name for your rainbow baby, Cozamalotl means “rainbow” in Nahuatl.
  9. Cualli or Cuallea: (pronounced kwah-lee) A short Aztec unisex baby name, Cualli means “good” in Nahuatl.
  10. Cuicatl: (pronounced kwee-caht) A musical name for your baby, Cuicatl means “song”.
  11. Erandi: (pronounced eh-ran-dee) For the baby born as the sun rises, Erandi means “dawn”.
  12. Etapalli: (pronounced eh-tah-pah-lee) A sweet name for your baby, Etapalli means “wing” in Nahuatl.
  13. Eztli: (pronounced ehz-tlee) An Aztec name meaning “blood”, for the latest addition to your family.
  14. Ichtacka: (pronounced eech-tah-kah) For the surprise baby or the pregnancy you kept hidden, Ichtacka means “secret”.
  15. Icnoyotl or Ichnoyotl: (pronounced eek-no-yoht or eech-no-yoht) A lovely gender-neutral Aztec name meaning “friendship”.
  16. Ihuicatl: (pronounced ee-wee-kaht) For the baby who’s a gift from above, this Aztec name means “sky”.
  17. Ikniutli: (pronounced eek-nee-oot-lee) A baby named Ikniutli will truly be a friend to everyone. This Aztec word means “friend”.
  18. Itotia: (pronounced eet-oh-tee-ah) For your little twinkle-toes, Itotia means “dance” in Nahuatl.
  19. Ixtli: (pronounced eek-tlee) Another popular Aztec name in the 14th and 15th centuries, Ixtli means “face”.
  20. Kauitl: (pronounced kah-weet) If your baby’s kept you waiting, how about naming them Kauitl, meaning “time” in Nahuatl.
  21. Mazatl: (pronounced mas-aht) A common name in 1300s Mexico, Mazatl means “deer”.
  22. Meztli: (pronounced mez-tlee) Another space name for your baby, Meztli is the Aztec word for “moon”. Perfect if your baby arrives in the middle of the night.
  23. Mixcóatl: (pronounced misch-coh-aht) One of the Aztec gods who reigned over hunting and food, Mixcóatl also means “sky serpent”.
  24. Mizquixaual: (pronounced mis-key-schaw-wal) While traditionally an Aztec girl’s name, Mizquixaual can also be used for baby boys. Mizquixaual was actually Aztec face paint made of mesquite, used in religious ceremonies.
  25. Montezuma or Moctezuma: (pronounced mont-eh-zoo-mah or mok-teh-zoo-mah) One of the more famous Aztec emperors, Montezuma’s name means “lord who frowns angrily” ‒ perfect if your little peanut arrives with a scowl. Monty or Zuma are lovely nicknames.
  26. Necahual: (pronounced neh-cah-wahl) For the baby who perhaps hasn’t had the easiest journey, Necahual is an Aztec word meaning “survivor”.
  27. Nochtli: (pronounced nocht-lee) A cute Aztec name, Nochtli means “prickly pear fruit” ‒ so sweet!
  28. Ohtli: (pronounced oht-lee) Give your baby a decisive name so they know the way to go ‒ Ohtli means “road” or “path” in Nahuatl.
  29. Patli, Patlee, or Patlea: (pronounced pat-lee) Perfect for an IVF baby, or if you’ve had a lengthy TTC journey, Patli means “medicine” or “healing”.
  30. Quetzalli: (pronounced kwet-sah-lee) An important name in Aztec culture, Quetzalli means “beautiful feather”. Can be shortened to Zalli or Salli.
  31. Tenoch: (pronounced teh-noch) A super-sweet name for your little peanut, meaning “fruit”.
  32. Tepeloyotl: (pronounced teh-peh-loy-oht) For the baby to an outdoorsy family, Tepeloyotl means “heart of the mountains”.
  33. Tlachinolli: (pronounced tlah-chee-noh-lee) Ideal for babies born in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius ‒ the fire signs ‒ this Aztec name means “fire”.
  34. Tlalli: (pronounced tah-lee) Or, if your baby’s born under Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn Sun (the earth signs), Tlalli makes the perfect Aztec baby name, meaning “earth”.
  35. Tlayouak: (pronounced tlah-you-ak) For the baby born with dark brown eyes or a mess of dark hair, this is an Aztec name meaning “dark”.
  36. Teiuc: (pronounced tay-uk) This Aztec name means “second born”, for the baby with an older sibling.
  37. Teoxihuitl: (pronounced tay-oh-schi-weet) An Aztec name with a few different meanings ‒ “divine” “precious”, and “turquoise”. Perfect if you’re looking for names meaning turquoise.
  38. Tochtli or Tototl: (pronounced toch-tlee or tot-oht) For the baby who loves to kick! Tochtli means “rabbit” in Nahuatl.
  39. Tolteca or Toltecatl: (pronounced tohl-teh-kaht or tohl-teh-kah) Perfect for the baby born into a creative family is the Aztec name Tolteca, meaning “artist”.
  40. Tonaltzintli: (pronounced tohn-alt-seen-tlee) For the ray of light in your life, Tonaltzintli is the Aztec word for “Sun”.
  41. Xiuhcoatl: (pronounced schee-uh-koh-aht) If your baby arrived out of the blue, how about the Aztec name Xiuhcoatl, meaning “comet”.
  42. Xiuhtonal: (pronounced schee-uh-tohn-al) A beautiful Aztec gender-neutral name meaning “precious light”.
  43. Xocoyotl: (pronounced scho-koh-yot) A gender-neutral version of Xocotzin, Xocoyotl means “youngest child”. Can be shortened to Xoco.
  44. Xolotl: (pronounced scho-lot) Twins? No problem ‒ Xolotl means “previous twin” in Nahuatl.
  45. Yolihuani or Yolihuali: (pronounced yol-ee-wah-nee or yol-ee-wah-lee) A magical Aztec name meaning “source of life”.
  46. Yaretzi: (pronounced yah-reht-see) Let your baby know you’ll always be there, with this Aztec name Yaretzi, meaning “always loved”.
  47. Yolokuikatl: (pronounced you-loh-kwee-kaht) A lyrical Aztec name meaning “heart song”.
  48. Yolotli or Yollotl: (pronounced you-loht-lee or you-loht) A perfect Aztec name for your little peanut, Yolotli means “heart” in Nahuatl.

What are Aztec warrior names?

Aztec warrior names are not only strong and powerful, but they also reflect the rich cultural history of the Aztec people.

These names are not only fitting for a warrior, but they also carry a sense of honor and strength.

  1. Atlatl: (pronounced at-laht) One of our favorite Aztec warrior names, Atlatl means “spear-thrower”.
  2. Cuauhtémoc (pronounced kwoh-teh-mohk) Meaning “descending sun”, also the name of the last Aztec emperor.
  3. Necalli: (pronounced neh-kahl-ee) One of the more popular Aztec warrior names, Necalli means “battle”.
  4. Ocelotl: (oh-seh-lot) A word we’ve adopted in English, Ocelotl is actually the Nahuatl word for “warrior” or “jaguar”, and was a popular Aztec baby name.
  5. Teyacapan (pronounced t-yah-kah-pan) Meaning “he who watches over us”.
  6. Tlacaelel: (pronounced tuh-cah-eh-lel) Meaning “he who shakes the earth”.
  7. Tupoc or Tupac: (pronounced too-pok or too-pak) Another cool Aztec name from the Nahuatl word for “warrior”, made famous by rapper Tupac Shakur in the 80s and 90s.
  8. Xipil: (pronounced schee-pil) Another name for a red-haired baby, Xipil means “of fire” or “noble one”.
  9. Yaotl: (pronounced yaow-t) For the baby who might have had to fight to be here, Yaotl is a Nahuatl word for “warrior”, “fighter” or “soldier”.

Aztec baby names are a fantastic way to honor Mexico’s rich cultural heritage and give your little one a unique and meaningful name.

From powerful Aztec warrior names like Tlacaelel and Cuauhtémoc to beautiful Nahuatl names like Xochitl and Citlalli, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Not only do these names have a strong cultural significance, but they also sound pretty cool too.

And let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to give their baby a name that makes them sound like a legendary warrior or a celestial being?

So, whether you’re looking for something strong and powerful or something beautiful and unique, Aztec baby names have got you covered.

Just remember to approach this cultural tradition with respect and understanding, and you’ll be sure to find the perfect name for your little one.

Don’t forget to share your favorite Aztec names on Peanut!

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