Your Baby’s Horoscope: All You Need to Know from an Astrology Expert

Your Baby’s Horoscope: All You Need to Know from an Astrology Expert

One of the most exciting parts about being a new parent is getting to know your new family member.

Long before they can talk, you’re sure to see glimpses of their personality shining through.

But what if you’d like to know more?

Have you ever wondered whether your baby’s horoscope might be able to tell you something about the person they’re potentially going to grow into?

If you have, you’re not alone.

Some moms-to-be even work with astrological timing in the hopes that their babe will have a particular zodiac sign. [1]

With the help of astrologer Karen Currie, of Stars & Signs, we’ve got the lowdown on what the stars could tell you about your baby’s personality and possible future.

Let’s look to the skies together. 🌃

In this article: 📝

  • How do I know my newborn baby’s horoscope?
  • Why should I know my baby’s zodiac sign?
  • Baby Zodiac Sign breakdown
  • Which Zodiac sign is the youngest?
  • What’s the best astrological sign for a baby?

How do I know my newborn baby’s horoscope?

Babies’ horoscope signs, like adults’, are determined by the date on which they’re born. [2]

Whether they’re a roaring Leo, a more secretive Scorpio, or a quirky Aquarius (more on these later) you might already notice patterns in your little one’s likes, dislikes, and reactions that will follow them for their whole life.

Astrologers determine your baby’s horoscope (which is basically a potential forecast for their future) based on their zodiac sign and the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Planets on their birth date. [3]

They do this using a baby’s birth or natal chart, officially known as an astrological chart which shows the placements of the celestial bodies at the very moment your babe makes their appearance.

Will my baby’s birth chart change if I have a C-section or a vaginal birth?

No — whether you have a vaginal birth or a C-section won’t change your baby’s astrological birth chart.

Having a C-section doesn’t ‘invalidate’ your baby’s natal chart, either.

It’s still based on the minute they are born, no matter how they’re born.

Why should I know my baby’s zodiac sign?

It’s completely normal for parents to be surprised by some aspects of their baby’s personality.

“And we often forget that whilst they carry our DNA, they are very separate people to us”, explains Astrologer Karen Currie.

Why are they the life and soul of the party while you’re an introvert at heart?

And will your nap-refusing baby channel their stubbornness and alertness  into something more helpful when they grow up (please)?

Astrologers say that your baby’s astrological sign can begin to give you the answers.

After all, if you have the inside track on where your child is coming from, what their strengths are, and the areas where they might need a bit more guidance, you might be able to understand their behavior and communicate better as you navigate their childhood together.

But it goes deeper than that, according to Karen: “Once you’ve considered their Sun sign, knowing some of the other planetary placements can be super helpful.

If your vibrant Leo baby has their communication planet, Mercury, in slower processing Taurus, then it could benefit them if you allow them extra time when reading.

Perhaps there’s Mercury in Gemini for your Virgo baby, so alongside their need for cleanliness, they may prefer to chat while they put their toys away with you.

A birth chart would reveal all of these placements.

Modern Astrologers believe babies are ‘born’ into their Rising Sign and that they move into their Moon Sign at around 9-10 months until they’re about 3 years old — those terrible twos when they’re still working out their emotional reactions.

After 3 years old, with nature and nurture, we begin to see the Sun sign finally emerging.”.

So there’s a lot to your baby’s birth chart, not just their Sun sign!

Get clued up: The 12 Birth Month Symbols and What They Mean

Baby Zodiac Sign breakdown

Ever wondered why your little Leo cries when you leave the room (they crave the spotlight and some validation that they matter to you, you see!), or why your fussy Virgo throws a tantrum at anything less than perfect playtime organization (those tiny minds love order and precision!)?

It might be more than just normal baby quirks — it could be written in the stars!

We’re diving into the world of children’s Zodiac Signs, offering a peek into how these celestial influences might be shaping your baby’s personality.

“It’s not about predicting the future or believing whole-heartedly in fate and a lack of free will”, as Karen explains but rather understanding those unique tendencies and celebrating what makes your babe unique.

There’s actually a particular way to read horoscopes in the astrology world, according to Karen: “Most Astrologers consider the Rising sign to be the most important piece of the jigsaw because this changes every couple of hours during a day.

So, a baby born at 6am on the same day as another born at 6pm might have the same Sun and Moon signs but their Rising signs will be very different.”.

So if you know your babe’s Rising sign, we suggest you read that first!

Not sure how to figure out their Rising sign? All you need is their date, time, and place of birth, and you can use a tool like Astrodienst to get their full astrological natal chart.

Aries ♈

March 21 – April 20
Impulsive, competitive, generous, adventurous

Your Aries baby might hit their milestones before other little ones their age.

As Karen says, “They may be more adventurous than their friends, too, and love a challenge.  The more fun and ambitious the task, the more likely they’ll really love doing it.

Impetus they may be but they have a really soft heart.

With their Mars ruled sign, they may be quick to get to a temper tantrum but quick to get over them too; they’ll melt your heart with their hugs and cuddles.”.

If you can keep up with them, they might benefit from some help in understanding that teamwork makes the dream work — although you can expect them to want to take the lead!

Expecting a natural-born leader? Browse our Aries baby names

Taurus ♉

April 20 – May 20
Stubborn, tenacious, charming, grounded

Taurus babies are as solid as the bull that represents them.

According to Karen, “These babies wrote the book on obstinacy so you’ll have to find new ways to get them to do what you need them to do.

Punishing these babies is tough with their fragile hearts because they are so in touch with their feelings — these Venus-ruled babies wear their hearts on their sleeves.

Capable, practical and methodical; they exercise caution when approaching something new so let them take their time to get there.

And their love of color and texture will make it so easy to buy presents for these Taurus babies.”.

There’s also a chance your little Taurean might be musical — Adele, Bono, Kelly Clarkson, Stevie Wonder, Enrique Iglesias, and Cher are just some of the celebrities who share this sign.

Mini bull on the way? Browse our top Taurus baby names

Gemini ♊

May 21 – June 20
Friendly, outgoing, creative, talkative

Whether you’ve got one baby or Gemini twins, they’ll be most at home in a crowd.

From Astrologer Karen Currie: “Active, curious and animated, they just want to ask all the questions all the time.

Not ones to be confined or restricted, they’ll become whiny if caged for too long so give them lots to entertain.

These Mercury-ruled babies have vivid imaginations so expect many imaginary friends as well as real ones in your home.

Once your baby begins communicating, you may have to spend time teaching them about not interrupting, they aren’t being intentionally rude, there are just so many words to come out!”.

You might also need to remind them to stay focused, especially when it comes to making big decisions.

Vivacious and often unstoppable, gentle guidance may be needed to teach Gemini babies how to fit in, sometimes.

Got a chatty Gemini on the way? Check out our Gemini baby names

Cancer ♋

June 21 – July 22
Sensitive, compassionate, loving, self-assured

Cancer is a zodiac sign that values closeness and emotion.

Karen breaks it down: “As a Moon ruled sign, your Cancer baby will wear their heart on their sleeve and, with their sensitivity to others, you may see their moods fluctuate.

They may not ask for your attention, but they’ll willingly and unconditionally take it when it’s given.

With such great empathy, they’ll be a favorite among their friendship groups.”.

Kids with this sign might be shy at first and need encouragement to explore.

They love being helpful and kind but you’ll need to teach them toughness to cope with life outside of family security.

If they feel supported, they’ll grow up into some of the best and most understanding friends anyone could wish for.

Water baby on the way? See our Cancer baby names

Leo ♌

July 23 – August 22
Charismatic, confident, loyal, born performer

Baby Leos love to be the center of attention and they are born leaders.

Ruled by the Sun, taking the spotlight comes easily.

But even if they have the charm and energy of a rockstar, it can be easy to hurt their feelings.

As Karen explains, “Leo babies will be organizing the other kids and instigating ideas.

You’ll be teaching these proud lions the difference between being bossy and being a leader.

But these talented kids will probably be the envy of the quieter kids and their mums if they get the balance right.

Keep these Leo babies creatively entertained with some responsibility, and they will rise to the challenge.”.

If you channel their energy and show them how to be resilient, there’s no knowing where life might take them.

Lion cub on the horizon? Pick from our Leo baby names

Virgo ♍

August 23 – September 22
Caring, analytical, detail-oriented, smart

Virgo babies might enjoy problem-solving and pick up skills like reading and writing before their peers — as another Mercury-ruled sign, words are super important.

Astrologer Karen dives deeper: “More reserved from an early age, Virgo babies still need lots of love and hugs even if they don’t instigate it.

They can be fussy; clothes, food, toys and sleeping patterns even who they like or don’t like, so awareness about these sensitivities will help.

Encourage them to try new things but don’t force them to try carrots or kiss Aunt Agatha if they really don’t want to just yet.

Tantrums may be rarer with Virgo babies, and they’ll be horrified after the experience — especially if it’s in public.”.

Though they can sometimes be over-analytical, they’ll usually enjoy using their insights to help those around them.

Naturally orderly, they’ll be but to the quick by any criticism of their precise personality.

Earth angel on the way? See our Virgo baby names

Libra ♎

September 23 – October 22
Sociable, artistic, fun, natural-born peacemaker

Your little Libra’s sense of humor should make it easy for them to find playmates, but their natural tendency to avoid conflict and weigh up all their options might mean that it takes them a while to figure out what they want.

From Karen: “As another Venus ruled sign, it’s all about the aesthetic here, your Libra baby will really appreciate all those gorgeous new outfits you buy for them!

Their expressive faces make it easy for them to charm just about any grown-up who comes into contact with them.

They may even appear more mature with their natural grace and poise.

Temper tantrums generally come from frustration at their own indecision, so offering fewer choices and patience will avoid outbursts.

They often want to see both sides of a story and will be excellent at winning debates with you, like why sweets should be allowed now instead of later.”.

Find a name with the perfect balance from our top Libra baby names

Scorpio ♏

October 23 – November 21
Loyal, intense, brave, bold

Scorpio kids feel deeply and might be sensitive to your moods.

As Karen says, “Scorpio babies aren’t superficial, so you’ll always need to be honest with them.

As another Mars-ruled sign with an incredibly strong-will, compromises won’t come easy, and they may like to push the boundaries with you.

Curious and inquisitive, they want to know how things work and will be expert detectives in learning how things go back together.

Daring and deep, you’ll rarely know what your Scorpio baby is feeling and they can be secretive.

Their piercing eyes will make it tough to be too hard on these babies, though, especially with the level of intuition and affection that they give to those they love.”.

They may need extra encouragement to talk about their own feelings and even though they can be a little tactless at times, they’ll be mortified if they actually upset someone…

Still looking for the perfect name? Check out our Scorpio baby names

Sagittarius ♐

November 22 – December 21
Entertaining, energetic, outspoken, lifelong traveler

Sagittarian babies often grow up to be the class clown.

Karen breaks down the basics of Sagittarian babies: “Gregarious and happy by nature, it might take a lot to get this baby down.

With expansive Jupiter ruling this sign, they’re the ones who wave at strangers and have a big group of friends rather than a single bestie.

These kids need a happy and interesting environment to explore with their active and curious personality.

This is the ‘why?’ kid — every answer you give will be met with yet another question.

And don’t try lying to them, either — they’ll lose all respect if they ever find out!

Freedom and new ideas will build an independent individualist who’s not afraid to try something new.”.

You may have a hard time getting them to focus when they’re older and they don’t usually come with a verbal filter, but you’ll always have an adventure buddy.

Future travel buddy? Browse our Sagittarius baby names

Capricorn ♑

December 22 – January 19
Practical, disciplined, hardworking, big-hearted

Capricorns know what they want and what they need to do to get it.

From Astrologer Karen Currie: “With a sensible Saturn ruler, your Capricorn baby may often be referred to as ‘old soul’ even when they’re just a tiny tot, because they can be quite determined from a young age.

You’ll soon know what they like and what they don’t; they are efficient at bartering for what they need in life.

Your child might seem quite serious, but there’s a great sense of humor, which is let loose with those they trust — once the more responsible tasks are completed, of course.

You may see them playing teacher with other kids, they have a natural quality to know how things should be done.

It’s not all sensibility though, these kids are loving and affectionate, even if they are overly demonstrative.”.

Capricorn babies like consistency, and appreciate having room to be independent, but they might need some extra time and support as they prepare for any big life changes.

December-January baby on the way? Check out our Capricorn baby names

Aquarius ♒

January 21 – February 19
Social, friendly, inquisitive, curious

If you’ve got an Aquarian baby, they’ll love meeting new people and exploring new places.

Karen explains deeper: “If your Aquarius baby feels like an enigma wrapped in a puzzle then that’s about right!

They are all things at any one time; confusing and charming, needy and aloof, impetus and reserved — a flurry of contradictions and so much fun.

There’s an innate need for independence and freedom.

Another Saturn-ruled sign, you’d be wise not to tell them to do tasks, or how to do them without being asked for advice — it’s better simply to present an idea and let them figure out their own pathway through.

Exploring new concepts will keep your Aquarius baby amused, but they may have to be shown how to interact easily with others.

Where intellect abounds, common sense may stumble a few times, so be prepared for a few scrapes and bumps along the way.

If your Aquarius baby is particularly quiet, don’t fret — they’re simply deep in logical thought, processing their day.”.

So you may need an extra cup of coffee — Aquarius babies are easily bored and don’t like to slow down for anything or anyone!

After a name as unique as your Air baby? See our Aquarius baby names

Pisces ♓

February 20 – March 20
Imaginative, artistic, sensitive, romantic

According to Astrologist Karen Currie, “Your Pisces baby might seem a little different to others because slipping from reality to make-believe comes so easily to them.

They’ll be having such fun conversations with their toys, the baby monitor will give you hours of joy.

Indulge this imaginative side, and you’ll see their creativity blossom over the years.

Not ones to be rushed, you’ll get there faster by joining them in their magical world.

Once you’re there, they’ll willingly join you in whatever needs to be done.

You may need to be aware of when they’re up for socializing and when they need some alone time.”.

Your thoughtful Piscean baby might feel a little moody or nervous sometimes, but they’ll come out of their shell when they’re close to the people they love.

Once they’ve stepped out of their comfort zone, be sure to give lots of praise and reassurance — the world can seem a little tough to a super-sensitive Pisces as they pick up on atmospheres and tensions.

Fishing for the perfect name? Check out our Pisces baby names

Which Zodiac sign is the youngest?

When astrologers talk about signs being old or young, they mean that people born under that sign have either “young” or “old” souls.

Younger signs are associated with a carefree attitude and older signs with wisdom and compassion.

Is your toddler especially contemplative, thoughtful, and love their routines?

It might be because they have an “older” zodiac sign.

Aries is traditionally the youngest sign, and Pisces is one of the oldest.

What sign is childish?

Well, let’s put it this way: it can be hard to convince a Gemini to take something seriously; Pisceans lead from the heart and get lost in their imaginations, and Aries and Cancer signs are associated with toddler-level tantrums, even as adults.

The flip side? While these childish signs come with some “immature” personality traits, they also live their whole lives with the energy and warm-heartedness of little kids.

What’s the best astrological sign for a baby?

There’s no such thing as the ‘best’ baby zodiac sign — we think they’re all perfect!

Your baby is your baby and there’s so much more to them than just their Sun sign.

Whether you get on as harmoniously as a hardworking Taurus and Capricorn, or butt heads like a peacemaking Virgo and an outspoken Sagittarius, you guys were meant for each other, and, with love, patience and understanding, you’re going to make it work.


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