Bloody Show in Pregnancy: Is Labor on the Way?

Bloody Show in Pregnancy: Is Labor on the Way?

Woah. Can we cut down on the melodrama? Bloody show?

What is bloody show ‒ and what on earth does it have to do with pregnancy?

Have a baby, they said. It’ll be fun, they said ‒ and now there’s talk of a bloody show?!

Turns out, when it comes to pregnancy, a bloody show is more than just a description of a Quentin Tarantino movie.

But while a bloody show in pregnancy is nothing to worry about, it can look a little scary.

(Look, nobody said this was going to be pretty.)

So let’s find out a little more about this exciting adventure ‒ or, should we say, let’s get this bloody show on the road.

In this article: 📝

  • What is a bloody show?
  • What does the bloody show look like?
  • What is bloody show vs mucus plug?
  • How long after bloody show do you have a baby?
  • How long does bloody show last?
  • Other reasons for a bloody show

What is a bloody show?

A bloody show refers to the vaginal discharge that makes its appearance in the grand finale of your pregnancy.

It’s made up of a delightful mix of bloody mucus discharge from the cervix.


Yep, that little bundle that you’re going to hold in your arms sure knows how to make one hell of an entrance.

With a whole program of opening acts that look like they were crafted by an expert team of special effects pros, your tiny squirt seems to love a bit of drama.

And then, it’s important to remember that you may well go into labor with no bloody show at all.

What does the bloody show look like?

Here’s the funny part.

For all of that bravado, the bloody show can be pretty light.

So not like a period or even implantation bleeding ‒ even lighter.

(Seriously, is that name really necessary?)

What color should your bloody show be?

It’s usually a rather small amount of bloody mucus discharge and can range in color from red to pink to brown to even a lovely little stripey white-red design.

How much bloody show is normal?

You shouldn’t expect much of a bloody show at all ‒ just a tablespoon or two of bloody mucus discharge.

If you see heavy bleeding, speak to your doctor immediately.

What is bloody show vs mucus plug?

To understand the bloody show, let’s go back a little to what happens to your cervix while you’re pregnant.

Because our bodies are so damn amazing, the cervix chips in to protect the baby by creating a layer of mucus that serves as a plug for the uterus, limiting bacteria, viruses, or other enemies of growing babies.

It’s your baby’s own personal security system.

(Sheesh. Acting like a celebrity already.)

While that’s all well and good (thanks again, cervix!), that “mucus plug” that bars entry, also bars exit ‒ and that baby needs to get out somehow.

When it’s time for that to happen, the cervix embarks on its very own dilation process to ensure that your little one has an open(ish) passage to journey into the world.

Um…but what happens to the plug? Good question.

Well, first it loosens, then it releases.

How long after losing your mucus plug do you go into labor?

The thing is, pregnancy hates easy answers.

All bodies are different, and it’s up to yours to decide how to perform this particular feat.

Your mucus plug may drain from you in dribs and drabs, or it could fall out all at once.

Some women start losing their mucus plugs weeks before labor begins, and others as soon as labor begins.

It’s usually thick and gooey and ranges from a color palette of white and pink.

The bloody show and losing the mucus plug are often conflated but are not exactly the same thing.

The bloody show is the result of the dilation of the cervix.

When this happens, it results in the release of a bloody mucus discharge.

Mix them together, and you have yourself a bloody show.

That is pretty exciting because it means labor is either imminent or upon you.

Which means baby.

So, let’s return to the battle of the bloody show vs the mucus plug: while it is perfectly acceptable to lose your mucus plug up to weeks before you pop (usually only after 37 weeks of pregnancy), the bloody show gives you more of a reliable indicator that your baby is on their way.

To make things even more confusing, the bloody show and mucus plug can happen around the same time as your water breaking, which can result in a watery bloody show.

How long after bloody show do you have a baby?

Well, we know it’s our answer to a lot, but… it depends.

Every pregnancy is different ‒ every pregnant body, every baby, every set of circumstances.

So for some pregnancies, a bloody show can mean baby’s mere hours away, but other mamas could be waiting for another week for baby to make their grand appearance.

How long after bloody show did labor start?

You might be wondering how long after bloody show do you go into labor?

Well if you’re waiting patiently for labor, a bloody show could be an indicator that it’s just around the corner.

But it also might not.

It could be hours or days from bloody show to labor.

Should I go to hospital after bloody show?

It’s generally best to see your doctor if you think you’ve had a bloody show.

Even if labor hasn’t started yet, they can run some checks to make sure everything is looking healthy.

But if you’re experiencing bloody show and cramps, then definitely make your way to the hospital ‒ that could mean labor has started and baby’s officially on their way!

What happens to the bloody show if labor is induced?

The one very real thing about all things pregnancy is that it so often doesn’t follow the specific plans we have for it.

In many cases, labor has to be induced.

While yes some mamas might need a little push to get labor going, this doesn’t mean they cannot still go down the vaginal birthing route.

But needing to take a little detour on this birthing journey does not mean you cannot still deliver the way you wanted – whether this is vaginal, assisted, or via C-section.

Speak to your doctor about your ideal outcome, and they can advise what delivery methods are the safest for you.

One of the first steps a doctor or midwife will try when it comes to labor induction is what’s known as a membrane sweep.

This involves them “sweeping” the cervix with their finger.

Why?, you ask.

Well, it may encourage that amniotic sac to gently separate from the walls of your uterus and, as a result, trigger the release of prostaglandins (hormones produced by the body during labor) and kick the whole process into gear.

So is a bloody show after a sweep a good sign?

Well, again, there are no one-size-fits-all answers, but some sign of a bloody show after your sweep may mean that the process has worked effectively and that you could soon be on your way to giving birth.

How long does bloody show last?

The bloody show itself is a short performance.

As it involves passing just a couple of tablespoons of bloody mucus discharge, it may happen over a couple of hours.

But if your bloody show lasts for more than a day, or you notice more blood than a little mixed with discharge, we recommend checking in with your doctor.

Other reasons for a bloody show

There are several reasons why you may be seeing what looks like a bloody show in pregnancy.

Bloody show after membrane sweep

Sometimes, for example, your late-stage cervical exams can cause a bit of bleeding that can be confused with the infamous bloody show.

So what you think could be a bloody show after cervical exam might be a little bleeding mixed with your natural leukorrhea (vaginal discharge).

If you see some brown discharge after membrane sweep, that could be a little spotting mixed with discharge ‒ likely not a bloody show after sweep.

Bleeding after cervical check or bloody show? It’s likely to be a little bleeding.

But if there’s a lot of blood, or the spotting lasts for more than 3 days, it’s best to check in with your doctor.

Does bloody show after membrane sweep mean labor is coming?

Yes, a bloody show after membrane sweep could mean that labor is on the way.

But “on the way” can mean all sorts for different pregnancies ‒ for some, it could mean hours, for others, days.

But if you think you’re having a bloody show after a membrane sweep, it’s worth talking to your doctor asap ‒ labor could be right around the corner!

How long does bloody show last after sweep?

So if you have a bloody show after a membrane sweep, how long is it likely to last?

Anywhere from an hour or two (if it comes in one go) to a few days (if it’s coming out slower).

And you might not even notice it at all!

Bloody show but no contractions

Well, while a bloody show can be a precursor to labor, it can take weeks from your bloody show until labor and contractions actually start.

When it comes to labor, bloody shows aren’t the only indicator that baby’s on the way.

🔎 Dive deeper: Signs That Labor is 24–48 Hours Away

As always, if you’re concerned about bleeding during pregnancy, there’s no point in waiting to contact your healthcare practitioner.

They’ll talk you through the best course of action and make sure that all is moving along as swimmingly as it should.

But, if it is your standard bloody show ‒ dare we say, enjoy it?

Sounds weird, but this is one of the greatest bloody shows of your life.

And if you’re looking to share your experience of a bloody show, or you want to hear about other bloody show stories, join our community of mamas on Peanut.


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