Boobs Sore After Period? Here's What You Need to Know

Boobs Sore After Period? Here's What You Need to Know

Tender breasts are par for the course when you’re menstruating but boobs sore after your period?

What’s that all about?

You might be quite used to experiencing sore boobs before your period, as one of a bunch of not-so-fun PMS symptoms.

We all know what breast soreness feels like and we rarely bat an eyelid when it comes back from time to time (blame those hormonal fluctuations)

But when the pain won’t budge even after the period is over… that’s uncomfortable in more ways than one.

Let’s take a quick tour through breast pain and its causes (plus when to see your doctor).

In this article 📝

  • Is it normal to feel breast pain before period?
  • How long do your breasts stay sore after ovulation?
  • Why are my breasts sore after my period ended?
  • When should I be concerned about breast pain?

Is it normal to feel breast pain before period?

If you regularly get sore breasts in the run-up to your period, that’s what’s known as cyclic breast pain.

It’s super common, affecting about 70% of women and it’s one of three types of mastalgia (the medical term for breast pain) – the others being non-cyclic and extramammary mastalgia.

Cyclic breast pain tends to hit in the second half of your menstrual cycle – the luteal phase – after you’ve ovulated and it’s thought to be linked to the hormonal changes that take place during your cycle.

Your boobs might feel achy, tender, and heavy, or you might even experience a sharp, shooting pain.

They may also start to feel lumpy or swollen in the few days before your period starts.

Fortunately, the pain tends to disappear once your period has arrived.

While it’s certainly annoying, cyclic breast pain isn’t generally something to worry about.

How long do your breasts stay sore after ovulation?

It’s most common to feel cyclic breast pain five to 10 days before your period starts.

Ovulation happens around the middle of your cycle, which is about 14 days before your period (for an average 28-day cycle).

So you could start to feel breast pain just a few days after ovulating, and it could last until the start of your period.

How long should breast pain last after your period?

Cyclic breast pain normally goes away pretty quickly once you’ve got your period.

So if you’re still sore after your period has finished, the pain might not be linked to your cycle.

More on that below.

Why are my breasts sore after my period ended?

I got my period but my breasts are still sore! you cry, What’s going on?

Well, for starters, breast pain after your period is less likely to be linked to your hormones – meaning cyclic breast pain is definitely off the table.

That’s not to say hormonal imbalance is not part of the problem, but non-cyclic breast pain is generally related to internal anatomical changes, injury, infection, or surgery.

Extramammary breast pain, on the other hand, is when the source is actually elsewhere like your heart, lungs, or chest wall.

These types of mastalgia can affect one or both of your breasts, and there are lots of possible causes.

Let’s go through a few of them:

1. Your bra

If your bra isn’t giving you enough support, the ligaments that connect your breasts to your chest can get overstretched and become painful.

Erm, ouch.

Solution? Check that your bra is the right size and that it’s giving you the right amount of support.

If not, our guide on how to measure your bra size will have you decked out in comfy, fitted bliss in no time.

2. Injury

Injury to your breast from playing sports or undergoing surgery can cause pain that hangs around for anything from a few days to a few weeks. 🤕

And it’s not always your boob that suffers the blow.

Sometimes, an injury to the chest, shoulder, or arms can cause breast ache.

Yep, research shows that certain repetititve moments can strain the pectoralis major muscle and lead to chest pain that your boobs may pay the price for. 😐

3. Pregnancy

It’s possible that what you thought was your period was actually implantation bleeding or early pregnancy spotting.

In that case, your sore boobs could be an early sign of pregnancy. 🤰

Keep an eye for for early pregnancy signs like:

4. Breastfeeding

Your boobs can get tender and painful when you’re breastfeeding for a multitude of reasons.

You may be experiencing breast engorgement – where your breasts feel overly full, tight, and hard.

This is common in those very early stages of motherhood, when your milk is coming in or baby isn’t feeding as much.

Even skipping a pumping session can lead to engorged breasts.

Another culprit? Mastitis.

If you have red swollen boobs that feel warm, alongside stinging when you breastfeed and flu-like symptoms, mastitus may be to blame.

5. Thrush

Mastitis isn’t just limited to women who breastfeed but there are other infections that can give your boobs a tough time.

Caused by candida albicans, a yeast infection under the breast can give rise to a painful rash.

Cue itching and burning sensations. 😩

If you feel a sharp stabbing pain in your breast and your nipples are sore to touch, you could be dealing with a fungal infection.

6. Medication

Breast pain can be a side effect of certain medications, including some hormone replacement treatments (HRT), contraception, antibiotics, and antidepressants. 💊

Typical medications that cause sore breasts include chlorpromazine, oxymetholone (a synthetic male hormone), methyldopa (used to treat hypertension), and diuretics.

7. Breast cyst

Another possible cause of sore boobs after your period is a painful breast cyst – a non-cancerous, fluid-filled lump in your breast.

These often clear up on their own, but if you find a lump in your breast, it’s best to get it checked out by your doctor.

8. Breast cancer

Breast pain isn’t a common symptom of breast cancer, but it is possible.

In particular, a rare type of cancer called inflammatory breast cancer can cause your breasts to become painful, swollen, and red or discolored.

When should I be concerned about breast pain?

As we saw above, if you regularly get sore boobs before your period, that’s not something to worry about.

Unless it’s causing you severe discomfort.

If you’re experiencing unusual breast pain after your period, though, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor.

Especially if you also have:

  • A lump in your breast
  • Symptoms of an infection, such as fever, redness, or swelling
  • Discharge from your nipples
  • Severe pain
  • Skin changes

At the end of the day, pain is pain.

You don’t have to accept it just because it’s expected or you can tolerate it.

You deserve to feel at ease in your body, so reach out.

No matter what you need or where you’re at – you’re not alone.

Our Peanut community is always here for support.

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