Am I Having A Boy or A Girl? Tests for Baby’s Sex

Am I Having A Boy or A Girl? Tests for Baby’s Sex

Often the first thought after you get a positive pregnancy test is, am I having a boy or girl?

As a mama-to-be, it’s natural to be curious about your baby’s sex.

At some point in your pregnancy, an ultrasound or test can tell you whether you’re expecting a baby boy or girl, but when you’ve just found out you’re pregnant, the wait feels like so long!

And you want to know now!

Are you looking at your belly and wondering how to tell if you’re going to welcome a boy or girl?

Read on for some fun tips on how to tell if they’re a boy or girl.

In this article: 📝

  • Medical tests to find out if it’s a boy or girl
  • What are signs of having a boy or girl?
  • Chinese gender predictor
  • So, can you really predict, boy or girl?

Medical tests to find out if it’s a boy or girl

Let’s start by talking about the proven medical methods of finding out your baby’s sex.

Most people find out their baby’s sex at their 20-week anatomy scan.

By that time, your baby’s external genitalia is developed enough that your ultrasound tech will be able to identify the sex easily.

So this scan is pretty accurate.

There are also blood tests that can determine your baby’s sex.

Mamas over 35 commonly receive these blood tests as part of their prenatal care.

These tests identify the free fetal DNA, which contains baby’s chromosomes in the DNA present in mama’s bloodstream.

In case you’ve forgotten middle school bio: boys have an X and Y chromosome, and girls have two X chromosomes.

These blood tests have an accuracy rate of approximately 95-to-99%, according to 57 studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

There are also some blood tests available for sale, such as the Blue or Pink Early Gender Test, which looks for the Y male chromosome in a few blood drops obtained via a finger prick.

The presence of a Y chromosome indicates a boy, and the absence, a girl.

If you are receiving an amniocentesis, you can also find out the baby’s gender during this test.

What are signs of having a boy or girl?

Okay, let’s move on to the fun stuff.

You want to know if there are any hints or clues you can use to predict whether you’re having a boy or girl.

Well, we have to say first, there is no magic “boy or girl predictor” or gender predictor you can do at home.

But there are some signs that women have looked to for generations to predict a baby’s sex (though there is not always science to back this up).

Who knows, maybe they’ll work for you!

Morning sickness: boy or girl?

Most expectant mamas experience some level of morning sickness.

If you’re one of those women who experience severe nausea and vomiting, it’s said that you might be having a girl.

On the other hand, a lack of morning sickness, or mild morning sickness, may mean you’re expecting a baby boy.

However, another newer study has shown that there is a higher rate of morning sickness in boys than girls, so the science behind this theory is not air-tight.

Does night sickness mean boy or girl?

What if you have pregnancy nausea at night?

Well, some people who have hyperemesis gravidarum (a more extreme form of pregnancy nausea), who can have pregnancy nausea at night, can be more likely to be carrying a girl.

Baby heart rate: boy or girl?

Mamas across generations have believed that a fetal heart rate lower than 140 beats per minute signals a boy, while a heart rate above 140 beats per minute means it’s a baby girl.

Baby heart rate at 138: boy or girl? Could be a boy.

Fetal heart rate at 152 bpm: boy or girl? Could be a girl.

What about a fetal heart rate of 158 bpm: boy or girl? Again, could be a girl.

Medical research conducted in 2018 on 10,000 pregnancies showed that even though the heart rate for girls may have been slightly higher than that of boys, the difference is very small and may not be the most accurate method to use.

Fetal heart rate depends on a variety of factors, including the baby’s health, age, and activity.

So again, not a solid measure of sex.

What do you crave with a boy?

Now onto pregnancy cravings predicting baby’s gender.

Can’t live without those precious pregnancy milkshakes?

Since girls are “sugar and spice and everything nice”, mamas who crave sweets are believed to be expecting girls.

Or maybe all you want in the world is Szechuan noodles?

Well, cravings for spicy, salty, or sour foods are thought to indicate a boy.

Craving spicy food while pregnant: boy or girl? 🌶

The old adage goes that craving spicy food during pregnancy could indicate you’re expecting a bouncing baby boy.

The same goes if you’re craving hot sauce during pregnancy: boy or girl? According to the old wives’ tale, it’s a boy!

Craving soup during pregnancy: boy or girl? 🥣

Really into soup while pregnant? Well, that could be an indicator that you’ve got a baby boy headed your way!

Craving burgers during pregnancy: boy or girl? 🍔

Feeling meaty? Well, craving cheeseburgers could be your body’s way of telling you you’re expecting a boy!

Meat aversion during pregnancy: what gender?

Or are you decidedly not in a meaty mood? The saying goes that you could have a baby girl in your future.

While your cravings might be all over the place during pregnancy, we wouldn’t bank on them to predict your baby’s sex.

Are you more tired when pregnant with a girl?

What if you’re feeling sleepy during pregnancy: does that mean a boy or girl?

Well, according to a small study in Boston in 2003, having more energy could mean that you’re expecting a baby boy.

So if you’re more tired when pregnant, a baby girl could be making her first appearance in a few months.

Insomnia in early pregnancy: boy or girl?

What if you’re tired, but can’t sleep during pregnancy?

According to our mamas on Peanut, that could mean you’re going to have a beautiful baby girl.

Which baby moves faster boy or girl?

According to a study in 2001, a baby moving earlier in pregnancy (known as quickening) could be a sign that you’re having a baby boy.

That could mean that a very active baby in womb means a boy (or girl) ‒ to be honest, it’s not exactly set in stone!

Right hip pain during pregnancy: boy or girl?

This is a very specific boy or girl predictor ‒ according to the old wives’ tale, right hip pain during pregnancy can be an indicator that you’re having a baby boy.

The adage doesn’t mention left hip pain, but we think it could mean you’re having a baby girl.

Low sex drive during pregnancy: boy or girl?

What about your pregnancy sex drive as a gender predictor?

Supposedly, having a higher sex drive can mean that you’re expecting a baby boy, but if your sex drive dips or stays the same, you’re expecting a baby girl.

Carpal tunnel in pregnancy: boy or girl?

Carpal tunnel is a surprisingly common pregnancy symptom, impacting around 3 in 10 women during pregnancy.

But what does it mean ‒ boy or girl?

Well, since more women have carpal tunnel syndrome than men, carpal tunnel in pregnancy could mean that you’re carrying a baby girl.

Gas problem during pregnancy: boy or girl?

What if you have more gas than usual during pregnancy?

Well, being gassy during pregnancy could mean you’re expecting a baby boy.

White discharge during pregnancy means boy or girl?

If you notice more leukorrhea (that’s pregnancy discharge) while pregnant, that could mean that you’re carrying a boy.

But if you notice a sudden change in your pregnancy discharge, it’s best to visit a doctor, just in case.

It could be a sign of infection, so worth checking out.

Do you get more headaches when pregnant with a girl?

Apparently, it’s actually the opposite ‒ more of our mamas on Peanut reported getting headaches while pregnant with a baby boy!

Are you more emotional when pregnant with a boy?

The saying goes that if you’re feeling more prone to tears and more emotional, you’re pregnant with a baby girl, because the added female hormones ramp things up.

There’s not actually any foundation in that, but it’s a fun boy or girl predictor.

Angry during pregnancy: boy or girl?

Feeling angrier than usual? You could be carrying a baby boy!

Does your nose get bigger when pregnant with a boy?

While it’s true that your nose may swell a bit during pregnancy, it’s not true that it is an indicator of baby’s sex.

However, the old adage goes that if your nose gets bigger during pregnancy, a baby boy is on his way!

Vivid dreams in pregnancy: boy or girl?

Many mamas say they have vivid dreams during pregnancy ‒ it makes sense, all those hormones fluctuating, body changes, and pregnancy anxiety ‒ the perfect cocktail for weirdly vivid dreams.

But do vivid dreams in pregnancy mean a boy or a girl? Well, it depends on the gender of the character in your dreams.

If you dream of men and boys, it’s a baby boy. If you dream of women and girls, it’s a baby girl.

Or so the old wives’ tale says!

Bad dreams during pregnancy: boy or girl?

What about nightmares during pregnancy? Well, that could mean that you’re having a baby boy.

Breast size increase during pregnancy means boy or girl?

Weirdly enough, a small study in 2015 was done to prove this old wives’ tale once and for all.

The result? Bigger boobs in pregnancy could mean you’re having a baby boy.

However, we take this study’s results with a heap of salt ‒ it was only carried out on 93 women, so it’s not a big enough sample size to definitively prove or disprove this theory.

Itchy breast during pregnancy: boy or girl?

There is a boy or girl theory that’s doing the rounds on the internet at the moment ‒ itchy breasts during pregnancy mean you’re having a boy.

But there’s nothing to support this theory, so it’s just another fun boy or girl predictor.

Tailbone pain during pregnancy: boy or girl?

This is more of a boy or girl predictor based on hearsay, but we’ve heard that having more tailbone pain (or pain anywhere in your body) can be an indicator that you’re having a baby girl.

Posterior placenta means boy or girl?

Did you know that the positioning of your placenta is the subject of another boy or girl theory?

An anterior placenta could mean you’re carrying a girl, whereas a posterior placenta could mean you’re expecting a boy.

Bitter taste in mouth during pregnancy: boy or girl?

If you’re tasting something bitter or metallic (even when not eating), that could mean you’re expecting a baby girl.

But there’s no actual proof for this, it’s just a fun boy or girl predictor.

Low iron in pregnancy: boy or girl?

Some mamas on Peanut have reported mild anemia (iron deficiency) while carrying baby boys, so having low iron in pregnancy could mean you’re having a boy.

Body odor during pregnancy: boy or girl?

Feeling especially smelly during pregnancy? Well, that could mean you’re carrying a baby boy.

Another of our favorite (but not accurate) boy or girl tests is to eat a clove of garlic (which may be a weird pregnancy craving), and if you have instant body odor, you’re carrying a boy ‒ if not, it’s a girl.

Does acne during pregnancy mean boy or girl?

What if you have pimples on face during pregnancy ‒ boy or girl?

Well, acne during pregnancy could mean you’re having a baby girl, due to the higher levels of hormones.

Or so they say…

Pregnancy rhinitis: boy or girl?

If you have a blocked nose in pregnancy, is it a boy or girl?

Well, feeling sniffly could mean you’re expecting a baby girl!

Nosebleed in pregnancy: boy or girl?

Nosebleeds in pregnancy are actually pretty common, but the old wives’ tale goes that they happen more often if you’re expecting a baby girl.

What’s the difference between a girl bump and boy bump?

Apparently, the shape and size of your bump is another boy or girl test, according to our mamas of Peanut.

A ‘neat’ bump that’s front-facing indicates a boy, while a more ‘spread out’ bump indicates a girl.

Small belly during pregnancy means boy or girl?

Supposedly, a smaller baby bump means you’re carrying a little baby boy. Aww!

Do you gain more weight when pregnant with boy or girl?

Strangely enough, there might just be some fact behind this boy or girl test.

According to the CDC, if you gain more weight during a pregnancy, you’re more likely to be expecting a baby girl.

If you gain less while pregnant, it’s more likely to be a baby boy.

Pregnant and always hungry: boy or girl?

If you have more of an appetite, apparently, that could mean you’re carrying a baby boy.

Or at least according to a study in 2003… of just 403 women.

Sensitive to smell during pregnancy: boy or girl?

Being more sensitive to smells is a common symptom of pregnancy ‒ after all, your hormones are fluctuating, and they can impact how you register smells.

So smellier things seem smellier.

The adage goes that, if you’re more sensitive to smells during pregnancy, you’re expecting a baby girl, because she’s apparently wreaking havoc on your already fluctuating hormones.

Am I more likely to have a girl or a boy?
You might assume that it’s a 50/50 chance of having a boy or a girl.

But you’d be wrong.

Well, you’d actually be pretty close to right ‒ according to a study by the World Health Organization, for every 100 girls born in the world, 105 boys are born.

So instead of 50/50, it’s more like 50.5/49.5.

And that doesn’t actually account for babies who are born intersex.

What are my chances of having a girl?

While there are a few practices you can try to increase your chances of conceiving a girl, the reality is that there’s not much you can do to influence your baby’s sex.

So your chances of having a girl are basically 50%.

However, if you’re conceiving via IVF or another fertility treatment, you may have more say in what sex your baby is born with.

What are the chances of me having a boy?

Keen to have a baby boy?

Well, just like a baby girl, your chances of conceiving a baby boy are about 50%.

Chinese gender predictor

So the story goes, centuries ago, a chart was found in the royal tomb of a Chinese emperor with details of how to predict a baby’s gender.

All you need is the date they were conceived and your age, and, like magic, you can find out whether you’re expecting a baby girl or a boy!

But how accurate the Chinese gender calculator really is… is another story.

Try our free Chinese gender predictor here!

So, can you really predict, boy or girl?

We know what you’re thinking after this mega-list of boy or girl tests: am I having a boy or girl?

Well, let’s just say that you probably shouldn’t pick your nursery color scheme based on your cravings or levels of morning sickness.

However, if you want a fun way to pass the time before your blood test or 20-week scan – or some fodder for a baby shower game – use these gender clues to make some guesses!


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