Can I Take a Pregnancy Test at Night?

Can I Take a Pregnancy Test at Night?

Have an inkling you may be pregnant and just can’t wait until morning? ⏰

Or maybe you’ve got a busy morning planned, and peeing on a stick (and the emotions that come with that… 😵‍💫) would kinda slow you down?

We hear you.

And we get why taking a pregnancy test in the evening may be a bit easier.

But, is testing at night less accurate?

Let’s walk through all you need to know about testing in the evening to have the most reliable results. 👶

In this article: 📝

  • Can you take a pregnancy test at night?
  • How accurate is a pregnancy test at night?
  • How do you take a pregnancy test at night?
  • Will a pregnancy test work if you pee during the night?
  • Can 12 hours make a difference in a pregnancy test?

Can you take a pregnancy test at night?

Yes, you can take a pregnancy test at night, but it might not be as accurate as testing first thing in the morning.

That’s because pregnancy tests detect a hormone called hCG in your urine — and these levels are significantly higher when you’re pregnant.

But if your pee is super diluted (like it could be after a day of regularly drinking water), sometimes, those pesky hCG levels are harder to detect and won’t show up. 💦

So, although modern-day pregnancy tests can detect hCG at night, if your urine is too diluted, it may miss the mark — and could actually produce a false-negative result.

That’s why first thing in the morning is best, as you’ve drunk little-to-no water overnight, and your urine is still at its most concentrated.

At this time of day, it’s much more likely that hCG will show up to the party if you are pregnant. 🥳

👉 Find out when’s the best time to take a pregnancy test

How accurate is a pregnancy test at night?

Although you can take a pregnancy test at any time of day, testing at night might not be the most accurate, but it depends on a few factors: what time of night you’re taking the test, how much you’ve had to drink that day, how you take your test… the list goes on.

Let’s jump into some FAQs around testing at night to help you get the most reliable results from your tests. 👇

Does it matter what time of day you take a pregnancy test?

Yes, timing does matter.

While you can take a pregnancy test at any time of the day, a test in the evening may be less accurate than testing in the morning, because your pee is more diluted and might cover your early hCG levels.

So, we’d say, to be safe and not waste any money on tests, stick to the morning test when your alarm goes off. ⏰

When is the most accurate time to take a pregnancy test: morning or night?

Testing in the morning is more accurate than testing at night.

That’s because your pee is more likely to be less diluted first thing in the morning, so your hCG levels would be easier for the pregnancy test to detect.

So, stick to that morning routine rather than risking it at night, we say. 💤

Why is my pregnancy test negative at night but positive the in morning?

It’ll likely be because your urine is more diluted at night.

Throughout the day and the evening, you’ve probably been keeping your water levels up (as you should be!).

But, that hCG hormone likes to hide behind diluted pee 🫣 — so coax it out by only testing in the morning for the most accurate result.

Can a pregnancy test fail if taken at night?

It won’t necessarily ‘fail’ — but, yes, it can provide a false-negative if your pee is too diluted.

We’d usually think of a ‘failed test’ as a test that’s invalid.

This happens if the test hasn’t worked for some reason.

Reasons for a failed or invalid test could be because of user error (like making a mistake about how long to pee on the stick for), or a fault with the test itself.

🔍 Get clued up: What is an Invalid Pregnancy Test?

How do you take a pregnancy test at night?

If your mornings are too busy, or you just can’t wait to take a test, it may just make more sense for you to test at night.

While it’s not as accurate as testing with your first morning pee (or FMP, as our Peanut moms-to-be call it!), there are some ways you can improve the accuracy of your night-time pregnancy test.

So, here are our quick tips for taking pregnancy test at night:

1. Drink less in the evening 🌙

The more you drink before your test, the more diluted your pee will be.

Meaning, the harder it will be to read your hCG levels.

Try not to drink too much before the test and then, once the test has been taken, ensure you rehydrate before bed.

Also, make sure you leave about a 3 hour gap since you last taken a pee. This will ensure that HCG levels are high enough to be detected.

2. Wait until your missed period 🩸

Testing too early in your cycle could lead to a false-negative result, which may be picked up in a morning test.

To try and be as accurate as possible, wait until the day of your missed period instead.

3. Follow the instructions 📄

Sure, you might be a pregnancy test pro and know all the ins and outs of testing.

But it’s best to read through the instructions to make sure you’re doing every step right, just in case.

Every manufacturer has slightly different instructions, so it’s best to be on the safe side.

Will a pregnancy test work if you pee during the night?

Yes, depending on how long it’s been since you last drank, and how concentrated your pee is, it could be just as accurate as your first morning pee (technically it counts as a morning pee though, right?).

Ultimately, you can take a pregnancy test at any time of day, even in the ‘wee’ hours of the morning (couldn’t resist the pun!), but waiting a while since your last drink (and your last pee since then) is the best way of getting an accurate result.

Can 12 hours make a difference in a pregnancy test?

Yes, it sure can — oh, what a difference those 12 hours can make…

Your hCG levels are likely to be much more detectable in the morning, not hiding behind lots of H2O. 💦

So, to be extra sure, test in the morning for the most reliable results — when your pee is the most concentrated.

So can you take a pregnancy test at night? Yes, you can!

But, if you are pregnant, it may not show up as a positive until morning.

Finding it tricky to figure work the results (thanks, line eyes 😵‍💫)?

That’s where we can help.

You’re always welcome to join our Peanut Community for a fresh pair of eyes and a supportive chat. 🤗


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