A Letter to Chrissy Teigen, From a Mama Who Had a Miscarriage

A Letter to Chrissy Teigen, From a Mama Who Had a Miscarriage

Thank you, Chrissy Teigen, for shining a light on such an important conversation. No woman should have to go through this in silence.

I’ve never penned a letter to a stranger before. You must receive them all the time, letters from strangers. But today, having learned of the loss of your son Jack, I no longer feel we are strangers, and I feel compelled to write.

I doubt there is a single woman not deeply moved by your story. What you probably don’t know is how grateful we are for your bravery.

6 months ago, I lost my baby too. “There is no heartbeat” she said. But I already knew. The anticipation of love, beauty and potential had gone in an instant. It was replaced by a feeling of inadequacy, failure, and hopelessness.

Muted by our grief and what people wanted to hear, we mourned alone, at night, whilst others slept.

I didn’t talk about the fact my breasts still ached, smells still made me sick, and the swelling in my abdomen which still made me feel like something was there, like someone was there.

We went to work. We watched tv. We didn’t say a word.

Sharing your loss, grief, and despair opened a door that I was unable to open alone. I’ve cried for you, myself, my family, and my baby.

You have helped me grieve, I no longer feel silenced or alone. I will forever feel you are no longer a stranger because you saved me. You legitimized my pain.

I am grateful, so very grateful. Millions of other women must be too.

You will forever be the woman who set me (us) free.

Love from,

A mom x

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