Do Prenatal Vitamins Help You Get Pregnant?

Do Prenatal Vitamins Help You Get Pregnant?

If you’re trying to give your body all the support it needs for baby-making, you might be wondering if you should be taking a prenatal vitamin or two.

The answer is yes, prenatal vitamins are a great idea to help get your body baby-ready.

While helping you get pregnant isn’t what prenatal vitamins are designed to do, they can help you to have a healthy pregnancy when you do get pregnant.

But there’s more to the story, so let’s unpack this a little.

In this article: 📝

  • What are prenatal vitamins?
  • Do prenatal vitamins help you get pregnant?
  • Will taking prenatal vitamins increase your chances of getting pregnant?
  • Which prenatal vitamins are best?
  • Are there any side effects to taking prenatal vitamins?
  • When should you start taking a prenatal vitamin?

What are prenatal vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins are specially formulated to provide daily vitamins and minerals that are essential for your health and the health of a potential baby.

Most prenatal supplements include the following nutrients:

  • Folic acid. Folic acid acts as an antioxidant and is really important as it reduces the risk of birth defects that could develop early on in pregnancy. If you can, start this one at least a month before you hop off your contraception. Take 600mcg a day (that’s micrograms, not milligrams).
  • Iron. You need about twice the amount of iron you normally do when you’re pregnant. Take 27mg a day.
  • Calcium. Calcium’s job is to develop your and your baby’s bones, muscles, and teeth. Take 1,000mg a day.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are super important for the development of your baby’s brain and nervous system. Omega-3 fatty acids can be taken as a supplement, and they can be found in a variety of foods, such as walnuts, flaxseed, broccoli, and oily fish, like salmon.
  • Vitamins A, C, D, B6, and B12. You might not be getting enough of these vitamins through your diet and lifestyle alone. Dose up on the amounts recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to make sure your body is baby-ready.

Do prenatal vitamins help you get pregnant?

Unfortunately no, not exactly.

Prenatal vitamins aren’t magic fertility drugs.

If you’re struggling to get pregnant (and you’re not alone if you are, one in eight couples have trouble conceiving), taking prenatal vitamins won’t help on their own.

They also aren’t a substitute for taking good care of yourself by eating as healthily as you can and exercising as much as possible.

If you want to get pregnant, you still need to eat foods that are bursting with nutrients, and you need to move your body to try to shake any excess weight, reduce your blood pressure, and manage your stress levels.

But prenatal vitamins may still be an important part of the journey if you’re trying to conceive.

They can make sure your baby has everything they need to develop healthily and happily, and can lower your risk of giving birth prematurely.

Read on to find out what you should be popping – and how much.

Will taking prenatal vitamins increase your chances of getting pregnant?

Again, while they won’t really increase your chances, they’ll help to give you some of the essential vitamins you need before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and beyond.

And, of course, they’re not only good for you, but good for your little peanut, too.

The best time to start taking prenatal vitamins is about three months before you conceive your baby.

Of course, pregnancy isn’t an exact science, but if you’re lucky enough to be able to plan ahead, try and introduce some vitamins into your body in advance.

Which prenatal vitamins are best?

Well, that’s up to you and your body – only you will know what works best for you.

But our Peanut mamas recommend the Vitabiotics Pregnacare Max as a prenatal supplement.

This advanced formula helps to safeguard the daily intake of important nutrients and provides the maximum support in the Pregnacare range.

Plus it provides the UK Department of Health daily recommended levels of 400µg folic acid and 10µg vitamin D.

Folic acid contributes to maternal tissue growth during pregnancy.

As for vegan mamas, Herbaby by Mixhers offers a pre and postnatal liquid supplement that’s packed with 100% natural plant-based ingredients (that includes sugar and gluten-free).

Easy to absorb, this fruity formula also swaps folic acid for a synthetic form called methylated folate which can help prevent morning sickness.

We’re here for that.

Are there any side effects to taking prenatal vitamins?

The dosage you take of the vitamins above, as well as any other prenatal supplements your doctor recommends, is quite important.

If you take too much, some of them might cause, rather than prevent, birth defects, so pay close attention to the instructions you get.

Prenatal vitamins can also have some side effects, and you might find that you battle with stomach cramps, dark poop, or diarrhea.

Some mamas-to-be also report back pain, muscle pain, dizziness, blurred vision, or hives.

When should you start taking a prenatal vitamin?

If you’re thinking about trying for a baby soon, it’s recommended to start taking a prenatal vitamin about three months before your desired conception.

During the first few weeks of pregnancy, it may not seem like much is going on inside your uterus, especially because you can’t feel much and you won’t see a baby bump yet.

But the opposite couldn’t be more true!

Those first few weeks are extremely important for fetal health and development, and your baby’s body is rapidly growing and changing, as is yours!

If you decide to breastfeed, your doctor may also recommend that you continue taking a prenatal vitamin after you deliver.

Always speak to your doctor before you start taking prenatal vitamins.

They’ll make sure you’re getting everything you need in the right amounts, so that when that pregnancy test comes back positive, you’re ready to roll!

Looking for more info to support you on your pregnancy journey? Check out the links below:

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