Does Matcha Cause Infertility?

Does Matcha Cause Infertility?

You may know of matcha as a type of hot beverage — ‘matcha tea’ — which is a Japanese green tea.

But, what is matcha’s role in fertility, and the women’s health space? 🤔

Could it affect your menstrual cycle, or your ability to conceive?

We’ll jump right in and get you up to speed!

In this article: 📝

  • What is matcha?
  • Does matcha affect fertility?
  • Should you avoid matcha tea while trying to conceive?
  • Can you drink matcha during IVF?
  • Is matcha good for endometriosis?

What is matcha?

A finely ground powder of leaves from the Camellia Sinensis plant, matcha is a type of green tea.

You may also hear coffee orders including matcha…

“Matcha latte to go, please!”

It’s a popular powder, for sure!

So, how does it differ from green tea?

Well, although it’s from the same plant, it’s grown differently.

Specifically, it’s grown in the shade during its growth period, meaning different compounds are enhanced, including caffeine, chlorophyll, L-theanine, and a number of catechins (natural antioxidants). 👩‍🔬

Catechins help to reduce oxidative stress in the body, and prevent cellular damage.

Matcha also boasts health benefits, such as being anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant, and supporting cognitive function, and it’s rich in vitamins and minerals.

Basically, it’s got a lot going on. ✨

That’s why it’s considered the crème de la crème in the tea world. 🫖

Does matcha affect fertility?

So, taste aside…

Is matcha good for fertility?

Or could it make you infertile?

So, remember those catechins we spoke about above… how they can help with a bunch of things?

Turns out, the high concentration of catechins in matcha could actually stop iron from being absorbed properly in your body… 🩸

And we all know how important iron is for feminine health…

Iron has a big impact on your menstrual cycle, so, if you become deficient in iron, this could lead to lower fertility in women.

But, there’s not a lot of scientific research behind it…

Does matcha affect male fertility?

Unfortunately, there’s currently limited research examining the effects of matcha on male fertility.

But matcha, like other green teas, contains caffeine and catechins, which are antioxidants.

Studies suggest that a high amount of caffeine can have an adverse effect on sperm quality and fertility in men.

But a moderate consumption of matcha is unlikely to have significant negative effects on male fertility.

In fact, studies have found that green tea with high levels of catechins — like matcha — actually plays a role in improving sperm quality and DNA damage.

As mentioned above, matcha can potentially reduce oxidative stress levels in the body.

But overconsumption could have the opposite effect, and actually cause more oxidative stress, which can be harmful to sperm quality and quantity.

Realistically, for both women and men, the studies are limited, and more research needs to be done around the link between match and fertility to make a final decision.

If you’re concerned or need any support, make sure you speak to your healthcare provider for advice.

Should you avoid matcha tea while trying to conceive?

So, is matcha bad for you when you’re trying for a baby?

Well, the jury’s still out on that… 👩‍⚖️

As well as potential issues around fertility levels, others theorize that matcha could actually help you conceive.

As matcha contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which is thought to help manage stress and anxiety, by reducing stress levels while you’re TTC, that could help to move things along.

The less stress the better when you’re trying to conceive. 🧘‍♀️

But, of course, there are the iron and caffeine levels to consider, too, as mentioned above.

It could be worth limiting your matcha tea intake while you’re TTC and pregnant to one cup a day, to account for the caffeine recommendation of 200-300mg a day.

But there’s not currently any evidence to suggest that caffeine can affect your fertility — it’s more about limiting for when there’s a bun in your oven.

☕ Get clued up: All About Fertiliteas

Is matcha bad for female hormones?

So, how does matcha affect our hormones?

Does it even have an impact?

Let’s jump right into it. 👇

Is matcha high in estrogen, or does it reduce it?

It’s a bit of a mixed bag with this one…

Some studies found that green tea has been associated with reduced levels of estrogen.

But again, more research is needed in this area, so the jury is out…

If you’re not sure, the best person to ask is your healthcare provider.

Does matcha increase progesterone?

It’s a possibility that matcha could increase progesterone, yes!

One study in animals found that green tea causes an increase in FSH and progesterone levels.

So, by extension, matcha may be able to produce the same results. 🤷‍♀️

But, again, there aren’t a lot of science-backed studies behind this.

How does matcha affect periods?

So, the word on the street is that matcha can help relieve menstrual cramps

L-theanine to the stage for an encore! 👏

But, as we mentioned above, it could also tinker with your iron levels, which can disrupt your menstrual cycle if you become anemic.

If you’re not getting enough iron, this could cause a delay to your period, or make them irregular.

But, again, not a lot of scientific research has gone into this, so it’s best to check in with the doc if you’re unsure!

Can you drink matcha during IVF?

While there’s not much scientific evidence out there to suggest you shouldn’t, if matcha has the ability to throw your iron levels about a bit, you may want to lay off.

Although you’re not necessarily trying to conceive with IVF, you are wanting to produce eggs.

And, as iron and hemoglobin can have an impact on your menstrual cycle, that may cause delays to your period, or your ovulation. 🥚

But, some women have shared their own stories about how they found that matcha tea helped them on their IVF journeys. 🤷‍♀️

(But it’s worth saying that these are anecdotal and not medically proven to help.)

Ultimately, if you’re unsure, the best person to ask would be your doctor.

They can recommend the best supplements for you based on your individual needs.

🔍 Get Clued Up: Can You Drink Matcha While Pregnant?

Is matcha good for endometriosis?

Possibly, yes!

It’s been proposed in studies previously that green tea could inhibit the growth of endometriosis.

And, as matcha is a type of green tea, the theory could extend to matcha, too.

It’s also suggested it could be helpful in reducing the severity of symptoms of PCOS, too.

But, again, be sure to check in with your doctor before you start taking any supplements for any pre-existing health condition.

🤔 Learn more: What Is Endometriosis?

So, there you have it!

All you need to know about matcha and fertility. 🍵

Remember, always check in with your doctor before taking supplements while you’re trying to conceive or pregnant.

Want more advice?

Head on over to Peanut and join in the conversation. 🥜


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