Frequent Urination During Pregnancy: What to Know

Frequent Urination During Pregnancy: What to Know

When you’re pregnant, it’s very likely you’ll find yourself making more bathroom trips than usual—and not just because you’re experiencing the joys of pregnancy nausea.

Frequent urination during pregnancy is really common for many mamas-to-be, starting in the first trimester and lasting right up until birth.

So why do you pee a lot when pregnant? And is it ever the sign of a problem?

We’ve got the 411 on pregnancy pee right here.

In this article: 📝

  • Is frequent urination a sign of pregnancy?
  • How early do you start peeing a lot in pregnancy?
  • Why does early pregnancy cause frequent urination?
  • Do you still pee a lot later in pregnancy?
  • Is frequent urination in pregnancy a problem?
  • What can you do about frequent urination in pregnancy?

Is frequent urination a sign of pregnancy?

Peeing more often than usual is indeed a common early pregnancy symptom, along with nausea, tiredness, light cramps, and a more sensitive sense of smell.

So if you’re TTC and you think your frequent bathroom dashes could be a sign of pregnancy, the best thing to do is to take a home pregnancy test.

Then, if it’s positive, you can book in with your healthcare provider so they can confirm your result and possibly start your prenatal care.

How early do you start peeing a lot in pregnancy?

When does frequent urination start in pregnancy?

It can begin as early as week four—that’s around the time you’d usually be expecting your period, about two weeks after conception.

But because no two pregnancies are exactly alike, neither are their pee patterns.

You may only start to experience this symptom towards the end of the first trimester—if you experience it at all.

Why does early pregnancy cause frequent urination?

It’s all down to the big hormonal changes that happen in early pregnancy as your baby starts to grow.

The level of fluid in your body increases, and your heart begins to pump more blood through your veins.

All this extra fluid means more work for your kidneys.

Luckily, they’re ready to rise to the challenge.

They happily filter the liquid to remove waste from your body, meaning more urine ends up in your bladder.

And that’s what leads to frequent urination in early pregnancy.

Plus, as you progress through the first trimester, your uterus starts to expand and press on your bladder, and this can also make you feel like you need to go to the bathroom more often.

Do you still pee a lot later in pregnancy?

You might find that you get a break from that urgent need to pee in the second trimester as your body gets used to its new normal.

But it’s common for frequent urination in pregnancy to start again in the third trimester, particularly when your baby’s head drops down into your pelvis during the last few weeks before birth.

This process is also called lightening or dropping and can put your bladder under more pressure.

Your pelvic floor muscles (the muscles that support your bladder, bowel, and uterus) are also having to work extra hard with the weight of your baby pressing against them.

So you might also experience occasional little leaks of pee when you cough, sneeze or laugh.

Is frequent urination in pregnancy a problem?

Frequent urination in pregnancy isn’t usually anything to worry about—it’s a natural side effect of the changes your body is going through.

Sometimes, though, feeling like you need to pee all the time can be a sign of a UTI (urinary tract infection).

These are common during pregnancy.

Other UTI symptoms to look out for include:

  • Pee that’s cloudy or has a bad smell
  • Blood in your pee
  • Pain or a burning feeling when you pee
  • Feeling like you desperately need to pee but not much coming out when you try to go
  • Nausea
  • Pain low down in your abdomen

Most UTIs are simple to treat—often with antibiotics.

But if they’re not treated there’s a risk they could lead to a more serious infection.

So it’s really important to get in touch with your healthcare provider if you suspect you have a UTI or are concerned about anything pee-related.

What can you do about frequent urination in pregnancy?

Staying hydrated during pregnancy is essential.

After all, your baby is literally swimming around in amniotic fluid—and that needs to be topped up regularly.

So don’t be tempted to drink less overall to minimize those bathroom trips.

Plus, dehydration can increase your risk of developing a UTI.

But there are a few things you can try that may reduce your urge to pee and help you manage other bladder-related issues:

  • Avoid caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, tea, and some sodas. Caffeine has a diuretic effect, meaning it makes you pee more than usual—not helpful when you’re already experiencing frequent urination during pregnancy! Plus, it’s recommended that you limit your caffeine intake while pregnant anyway. Herbal tea, hydrating mocktails, and ice water with a squeeze of lemon make great substitutes.
  • Limit how much you drink before bedtime. If your frequent urge to pee is interrupting your sleep, try cutting down on fluids an hour or so before you go to bed.
  • Lean forward when you pee to help empty your bladder fully, which can be more difficult later in pregnancy.
  • Know where the nearest restroom is. If you’re going to a new place, try to find out where the nearest toilet will be before the urge attacks. That way, you’ll know you’ve got somewhere you can dash if you need to!
  • Practice your pelvic floor exercises (Kegels). Strengthening your pelvic floor can help support your bladder and reduce the risk of leaks. Your pelvic floor muscles are the muscles you use to stop peeing mid-flow. To give them a workout, simply squeeze, hold for three seconds, then relax for three seconds. Try doing this ten times, three times a day. Work up to ten-second holds over time.

As annoying as those extra bathroom trips are, the good news is that frequent urination during pregnancy has an end date.

Once your baby is born, your hormones have settled, and your uterus has shrunk down again, the urge to pee should ease.

And in the meantime, through all your pregnancy highs and lows, your Peanut Community is here for you.

We’re having the conversation. ❤️

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