How Much Does It Cost to Freeze Eggs?

How Much Does It Cost to Freeze Eggs?

The freedom to freeze our eggs gives us more options than ever before.

There are many reasons this may be a good option for you, including health challenges, financial concerns, and the desire to address life and career goals before having kids.

But while VFI and egg freezing are amazing technological advancements that can help thousands of people start families, they’re not without their downsides, like the cost of freezing your eggs.

Basically, it doesn’t always lead to pregnancy, and it comes with a pretty hefty price tag.

So how much does it cost to freeze your eggs? The short answer is: a lot.

In this article: 📝

  • What is egg freezing?
  • How much does it cost to freeze your eggs?
  • Is freezing your eggs covered by insurance?
  • Can you freeze your eggs on the NHS?
  • What companies pay to freeze your eggs?
  • What if I can’t afford to freeze my eggs?
  • What is the best age to freeze your eggs?
  • Is freezing your eggs worth it?

What is egg freezing?

In a nutshell, egg freezing is the process where multiple eggs are grown during a cycle, with the help of fertility medications.

They are then retrieved from ovaries, and frozen for later use.

Egg freezing is getting more popular as a fertility treatment, as more and more women are opting to have children later in life — the average age of first-time mothers in the US has increased from about 21 to 30 years old since 1970. [1]

And while there are many reasons the age of first-time moms is on the uptick, the availability of more choices when it comes to fertility treatments is certainly a significant factor.

“As we get older, the quantity and quality of our eggs decrease”, embryologist Navya Muralidhar explains.

“Freezing our eggs may make getting pregnant later in life possible.”

And sometimes, health conditions, like cancer, can also get in the way of our egg supply.

According to a study by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the number of people in the US banking and freezing their eggs went from 16,786 to 24,558 in 2021 — a 31% increase. [2]

But while it’s becoming an increasingly popular choice, it’s not without its risks.

There are conflicting reports about how successful egg freezing is when it comes to pregnancy — with one reason being that the data is tricky to obtain and analyze.

So, while some reports suggest that successful pregnancies happen in around 2-12% of cases, some fertility experts think that number is as low as 1%. [3,4]

Either way, most professional experts agree that egg freezing is not a surefire thing when it comes to TTC — something to keep in mind before you weigh up the egg-freezing costs.

➡️ Get the full story: What is the Egg Freezing Process? All You Need to Know

How much does it cost to freeze your eggs?

Costs can range from $5,000 to $20,000 per stimulated cycle for egg freezing costs including storage — and that’s before you even factor in the cost to use the eggs in IVF. [5]

Essentially, there are multiple stages in the egg-freezing process — and each one comes at a price:

  1. Pre-screening tests ($250 to $500)
  2. Fertility medications, if needed, to stimulate egg production ($4,000 to $6,000)
  3. Freezing your eggs (around $1,000)
  4. Storing your eggs (around $300 to $1,000 per year)
  5. Using your frozen eggs to have a baby when you’re ready ($5,000 to $12,000)

Put that all together and you’re looking at tens of thousands of dollars.

Plus, the cost of freezing your eggs will depend on a range of factors, such as how many eggs you want to freeze, how long you want to store your eggs, and how many cycles you’ll need.

You’ll also usually be prescribed hormonal medications that help stimulate egg growth and maturation.

You might think the medications are to encourage ovulation, but that’s not actually the case, as Navya explains, “as we don’t want ovulation happening, we take multiple mature eggs out of the follicle before it naturally happens via ovulation”.

Sometimes, these medications are included in the cost of the egg-freezing procedure, but in others, you will have to pay extra.

Where you decide to carry out your egg freezing also affects how much you will have to pay, as some states or countries have cheaper egg freezing costs.

👉 Read next: How Much Does IVF Cost?

What state is the cheapest to freeze eggs?

The cheapest US state when it comes to freezing eggs cost is New York, ranging from $5,000 to $6,000 per cycle.

But that’s the cost of egg retrieval and freezing, excluding medications and the cost of egg freezing storage.

How much does it cost to keep an egg frozen?

It ranges from $600 and $1,000 a year, but the first year of storage is often included in the procedure costs.

Storage can be a pretty penny when it comes to the freezing eggs cost — it can mount up over a few years, depending on how long you want to freeze your eggs.

How much does it cost to freeze eggs for 5 years?

In addition to the egg retrieval costs, depending on how many cycles you need, it can cost around $11,000 to freeze and store your eggs for 5 years.

How much does it cost to freeze 1 egg?

Well, the egg-freezing process doesn’t really freeze them one at a time, so we can’t give a clear cost for freezing a single egg.

Navya explains why: “Our natural menstrual cycle works this way: one egg of the month is released, while it waits around for the sperm. However the entire point of egg freezing medication is to increase the number of eggs retrieved, thus improving chances of success.”

Generally speaking, about 10-15 eggs are collected and frozen, to increase their chances of at least one or two eggs surviving, undergoing fertility procedures and implanting.

How much does it cost to use your eggs?

When you are ready to use your eggs, you will need to undergo fertility treatment, like an embryo transfer.

According to Yale Medicine, this will come in at an additional cost of up to $18,000, depending on how many cycles of treatment you have. [6]

Is freezing your eggs covered by insurance?

Whether your insurance covers some of these procedures will depend on your specific coverage and location.

In some states, insurance companies are required to offer coverage for fertility treatment, but even then, it’s unlikely that the full cost of egg freezing will be taken care of.

Some fertility clinics and reproductive endocrinologists offer financial programs that help you pay off the costs in instalments or offer some of your money back if you don’t go through the whole process.

Can you freeze your eggs on the NHS?

If you’re in the UK, it can be quite tricky to get the NHS to fund your egg freezing cycle, unless you meet their guidelines.

Navya breaks it down: “Egg freezing is covered by the NHS if you’re under the age of 42 or undergoing medical treatment that affects your fertility such as chemotherapy.
However, there are resources, like NICE guidelines and local ICBs, that you can contact to help reduce egg-freezing costs.”

What companies pay to freeze your eggs?

Did you know that some companies actually cover the cost to freeze eggs?

That’s right — usually the bigger companies in the US, but some cover the entirety of the egg freezing cost while others foot part of the bill.

Does Spotify pay for egg freezing?

Yes, Spotify pays for the cost of egg freezing, up to $10,000. [8]

Does Amazon pay for fertility treatments?

Yes, Amazon can help cover the price of some fertility treatments, like the cost of egg freezing (either in full or partially), via the fertility benefits provider, Progyny. [9]

Does Facebook cover the egg-freezing cost?

Yes, Facebook (or Meta) covers part of the egg-freezing cost as part of their employee insurance benefits. [8]

Does Apple cover the egg-freezing cost?

Yes, Apple also covers part of the cost of egg freezing for employees. [8]

What if I can’t afford to freeze my eggs?

It can be hard to financially prepare for the cost of egg freezing when working with a tight budget.

However, some fertility clinics, insurance plans, and employers offer payment plans to reduce the impact of the hefty egg-freezing cost.

If you’re worried about the cost of freezing eggs, speak with your healthcare provider, they can put you in the right direction.

What is the best age to freeze your eggs?

There’s no “best age” to get pregnant — so there’s no “best age” to freeze your eggs.

Doing it in your mid- to late-20s or early 30s is a good idea so that you have enough healthy eggs for the job.

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) says that egg freezing is generally not recommended for women over the age of 38 due to age-related decline in the quality of eggs. [7]

Navya explains why: “Freezing your eggs at age 38 can result in fewer eggs, lesser quality and even the chances of genetic abnormalities, compared to freezing your eggs in your late 20s or early 30s.”

🔎 Dig deeper: Improving Egg Quality: Expert Tips from a Nutritionist

Is freezing your eggs worth it?

Figuring out whether egg freezing is the right option for you means having a long conversation with your doctor.

“For some, the reality may be an expensive treatment, with less guarantee of having kids. For others, it can be a reproductive choice for pregnancy later on in their life, or a crucial fertility-preserving option before cancer treatments.”, according to Navya.

That being said, everyone’s journey and cause behind egg freezing is different.

Ultimately, it’s all about whether the benefits outweigh the cons.

We know, the TTC journey can be tough, from figuring out your egg-freezing costs to navigating the other considerations of fertility treatments.

But you don’t have to go through it alone — join our TTC community on Peanut.

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