How to Boost Your Fertility Naturally: Things to Try

How to Boost Your Fertility Naturally: Things to Try

When you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s almost impossible to predict how long it will take.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to boost fertility naturally.

When you’re looking to get pregnant, it’s almost impossible to predict how long it will take.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to tip the odds in your favor.

Fertility problems have become a serious issue for many.

This is demonstrated by the fact that 10% to 15% of couples encounter this problem.

Many variables can affect fertility, such as age, lifestyle, or biology.

Fortunately, there are natural ways to improve fertility.

We know you’re already dreaming about that baby bump so we won’t waste any time.

From diet to exercise to monitoring your ovulation cycle, this guide will help you get your mind and body in the best possible shape for conception.

(This article has been medically reviewed by embryologist and fertility expert, Navya Muralidhar.)

In this article: 📝

  • 1. Know when you ovulate
  • 2. Reduce stress levels
  • 3. Get active
  • 4. Reduce alcohol consumption
  • 5. Cut caffeine
  • 6. Go organic
  • 7. Eat healthy food
  • 8. Use diverse protein sources
  • 9. Start a supplement program
  • 10. Quit smoking
  • 11. Encourage your partner to lead a healthy lifestyle

1. Know when you ovulate

Keeping a close eye on your ovulation cycle can increase your chances of conceiving.

A menstrual diary or a tracking application and an ovulation calculator can help you to find out when ovulation will occur, especially if you don’t have regular periods.

Generally, ovulation happens about eleven days after your period starts, so that’s a good place to start.

Another indicator can be your body temperature, as it increases due to hormonal changes occurring during ovulation.

Try using a basal body temperature to help track down your ovulation day, or pick up an ovulation test kit.

2. Reduce stress levels

Stress and anxiety can reduce your chances of getting pregnant, so it’s important to keep it under control.

There are many ways to handle stress.

Yoga and meditation are great for preparing your body as they are based on breathing and relaxation. They’ll help you combat stress.

Other women swear by techniques like reflexology and acupuncture.

Regardless of the method you choose, you should always remember that it’s important to take out time for yourself.

3. Get active

Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Sedentary lifestyles are connected to infertility, so it’s important to move around and exercise regularly.

Having said that, it’s important that you exercise in moderation, as too much exercise can be counterproductive, too.

4. Reduce alcohol consumption

It’s been confirmed that alcohol consumption can negatively impact fertility, but it’s unclear just how much will do so.

Women who drink heavily (seven or more drinks a week) are more likely to have fertility problems than those who don’t.

Even if your consumption is moderate, you might want to further reduce your intake of alcohol while you are trying to conceive ‒ just in case!

5. Cut caffeine

For years it’s been thought that caffeine can negatively affect fertility.

But recent studies were unable to find a clear connection between the two.

However, we just don’t know enough at this point, so limiting your coffee intake to one cup per day might be a good idea.

6. Go organic

It’s been proven that organic food has a higher nutritional density (and a lower level of pesticides) than non-organic food.

There are also other factors; for example, some metals (such as cadmium) found in pesticides have been connected to male infertility.

Such chemicals are known as gonadotoxins and longer exposure to these can affect male and female fertility.

7. Eat healthy food

A balanced diet not only affects your overall health – it affects your ability to conceive.

If you’re facing fertility issues, it’s recommended that you eat as healthy as possible.

This means including as many (or all) food groups in your diet.

Here are some things to consider:

  • Keep your carb intake low and reduce the intake of refined carbs (they cause insulin and sugar spikes).
  • Increase fiber consumption; it’ll help keep hormone and sugar levels balanced.
  • Cut out as much trans fats as possible.
  • Include foods rich in antioxidants as they may improve fertility for both men and women.

8. Use diverse protein sources

Proteins are a key part of any diet, however, that doesn’t mean your protein has to come from meat.

There are plenty of vegetable protein sources, some of which have been proven to reduce the risk of struggling to conceive (e.g., beans and seeds).

9. Start a supplement program

Along with good food, you might want to consider including multivitamins and prenatal supplements in your diet.

One fertility supplement the Peanut community recommends is the Vitabiotics Pregnacare Conception Max.

It provides Zinc which contributes to normal fertility and reproduction, plus Omega-3, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Selenium, Magnesium, Coenzyme Q10, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Inositol, and an advanced form of folic acid, called L-Methylfolate.

Pregnacare Conception Max has been specially formulated to help build and safeguard your nutritional stores ready for pregnancy.

It’s important to remember that, while they are not a substitute for eating nutritious food, supplements will provide a source of nutrients to safeguard your diet.

10. Quit smoking

Women who smoke have a much higher rate of infertility.

The more you smoke, the more difficult it will be for you to get pregnant, as it harms your overall health and prematurely ages your eggs.

Smoking cigarettes has also been linked to birth differences, so it’s well worth dropping the habit before you start trying.

11. Encourage your partner to lead a healthy lifestyle

It takes two to tango!

So, encourage your partner to make lifestyle changes too, like avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, maintaining a healthy diet and weight (whatever that means for them), find a healthy work/life balance, and exercise regularly.

🔍 Read More: Tips For Getting Pregnant In Your 30s

Essentially, good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are key to having a healthy body and reproductive system.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you must make changes all at once!

Start small and go from there. Good luck!

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