How to Get Pregnant: Expert Advice from Fertility Doctors

How to Get Pregnant: Expert Advice from Fertility Doctors

Trying to conceive can leave you with a lot of unanswered questions.

Turns out, baby-making isn’t as straightforward as have sex, get pregnant. 🙃

Let’s be real, all the ins-and-outs (pun intended 😏) of getting pregnant can be tricky.

From tracking your egg count to figuring out the best days to get between the sheets… it’s a lot!

So we spoke with two top fertility specialists, Dr. Serena Chen and Dr. Shahin Ghadir, to dish all the deets on how to get pregnant.

In this article: 📝

  • How often should I have sex?
  • Can exercise affect my fertility?
  • How important are prenatal vitamins?
  • How much does age affect fertility?
  • How soon can I start trying again after a miscarriage?
  • Can I get pregnant with low AMH?
  • If I had trouble conceiving my first child, will I have trouble conceiving my second?
  • Why is it so hard to get pregnant?
  • How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant?

How often should I have sex?

Contrary to what you might’ve heard, it really doesn’t have to be 10 times a day (unless you want it to be!).

You don’t even have to have sex every day of your cycle.

Nope, more sex isn’t the magic answer — but it can’t hurt, right? 😉

Turns out, sperm can live for a few days, so you don’t need to go into overdrive.

“More isn’t necessarily better, especially if you don’t feel like it. Really, you just need to have sex two times in the five days before ovulation”, says Dr. Chen.

So it’s more about the timing of when you have sex.

The best way to get pregnant?

It’s all about knowing when you’re ovulating (when this cycle’s egg is released), which is when you’re most likely to conceive, AKA your fertile window.

Your fertile window timing depends on the length of your cycle.

If you have a 28-day cycle, your time of ovulation is probably around day 14 — that’s 14 days after your last menstrual period.

But if you have irregular periods or you’re not sure when you’re ovulating, there are ovulation testing kits that can help you pinpoint when’s best for getting between the sheets.

Once you know when you’re ovulating, you can get to know your ovulation symptoms and you can track it better.

There are lots of potential ovulation symptoms, like a raised basal body temperature, cervical mucus, cramps, tender breasts, increased libido… the list goes on.

Then your best bet to get pregnant is to have sex at least once a day in the days around your ovulation day — around days 10 to 15 if you have a 28-day cycle.

Can exercise affect my fertility?

Put simply, yes, exercise can impact your fertility, in both good and bad ways.

“Exercise can also be really helpful for some women in regulating their cycle”, says Dr. Ghadir.

“But any excessive exercise that would cause you to stop having a menstrual cycle can be detrimental, as this affects your ovulation”, says Dr. Ghadir.

So it’s all about moderation — getting your blood pumping is a good idea, but don’t do too much! ⚖️

If your exercise leaves you more fatigued and less energized, it could be doing you more harm than good.

Everyone is different, so you need to find a happy medium that works for you and your body.

Not sure where to start? We’ve got some great pregnancy workout ideas for you. 🏃‍♀️

And, as always, if in doubt, have a chat with your doctor.

How important are prenatal vitamins?

Seriously important. Who knew?!

“Folic acid is recommended for women trying to conceive. The first few weeks of pregnancy are really important, and this helps with baby’s development” says Dr. Chen.

It’s crucial in the early stages, even before you know you’re pregnant!

But prenatal vitamins aren’t just folic acid.

They also have vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, and vitamin D that are key for both you and your baby-to-be.

How much does age affect fertility?

OK, let’s be real about age and fertility.

It’s a factor, but it’s not the only factor.

“For women, your fertility starts to decline around the age of 35, for men, it starts around 40.” Says Dr. Chen.

“If you’ve been having unsuccessful unprotected sex for six months and you’re over 35, you should see a fertility specialist and get an evaluation. This doesn’t mean you’ll need treatment, but it’s good to get informed.”

Both men and women experience a natural decline in fertility as they get older.

It gets a little tougher, but definitely not impossible!

For women, things start to change more noticeably around 35, and for men, around 40.

If you’re under 35, it’s common to try for up to a year.

If it’s beyond a year, go ahead and book a chat with a fertility specialist.

How soon can I start trying again after a miscarriage?

If you’re wondering how to conceive after a pregnancy loss — or when — remember that there really is no one-size-fits-all solution.

Loss is hard, whether it happens early or later in a pregnancy.

It’s okay to take time for yourself — your feelings are valid and deserve space.

Although it’s safe to have sex soon after a loss, Dr. Ghadir advises women to consider waiting for at least two cycles.

“Allow your body some time to recover, and after that, you can go ahead and start trying to conceive again.”

But each person’s experience and body are different.

You may feel ready sooner, you might need more time.

There’s no pressure, just do what feels right for you. 🫶

👉 Want more info? Pregnancy After Miscarriage: Everything You Need to Know

Can I get pregnant with low AMH?

ICYMI, your AMH level helps piece together a picture of your fertility as it indicates your egg count.

The higher your AMH level, the more eggs you have, and vice versa.

“A solid number is anything above 1, but it also depends on your age. If you’re 30, 1.1 is quite low, but if you’re 42, 0.9 is really good.” says Dr. Ghadir.

Don’t know yours? Ask your doctor!

But it’s worth knowing that a low AMH doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant — it’s not the only measure of your fertility.

You could have a low AMH, but fantastic egg quality.

After all, we’re all different, so have a chat with your doc about your fertility levels.

If I had trouble conceiving my first child, will I have trouble conceiving my second?

“Remember, for baby number two, you’re always older, and age is a very powerful fertility factor.” says Dr. Chen.

She advises that if you had trouble with your first babe, get yourself checked out with a fertility specialist.

Having challenges the first time round doesn’t automatically mean you’ll have them again, but it is possible.

That’s why it’s worth chatting with a fertility specialist.

They can assess your individual situation and give you a clear picture of where things stand.

This way, you’ll feel informed and prepared, no matter what.

Why is it so hard to get pregnant?

Let’s face it, getting pregnant isn’t always as easy as 1, 2, baby.

Here’s the thing: there are a few reasons why it might take some couples a bit longer than expected.

  • Timing is tricky: Conception really depends on that perfect window when sperm meets egg. Knowing your cycle and fertile window is a big help, but let’s be honest, sometimes time isn’t on your side.
  • Bodies are unique: Everyone’s body is different, and fertility can vary from person to person. Age can play a role, as can overall health and medical issues.
  • Stress can be a downer: We all know stress isn’t good for us, and fertility is no exception. Chronic stress can affect your hormones and ovulation, making it harder to conceive. The ultimate vicious cycle. 🙃

The good news? There are ways to boost your chances! 🥳

How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant?

There are a few things you can do to boost your chances of getting pregnant.

No guarantees, but these top tips might help you along your way to getting that bun in your oven:

  • Timing is key: Know your fertile window! Track your cycle to pinpoint those prime days when you’re most likely to get pregnant.
  • Less stress, more success: Turns out, stress can be a real downer on your fertility. Do whatever it takes to keep your stress levels down — yoga, meditation, bubble baths… Whatever works for you.
  • Healthy habits: Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, veggies, and whole grains gives your body the fuel it needs. Plus, regular exercise (not too intense!) keeps your energy levels up and your body healthy.
  • Get vits: Prenatal vitamins with folic acid are a must-add to your routine. They give your body a head start on those essential nutrients needed for pregnancy.
  • Stop smoking and drinking: If you drink alcohol and/or smoke, you can boost your chances of conceiving by kicking those habits. Both booze and smoking can negatively affect your fertility.
  • If in doubt, ask: Don’t hesitate to chat with your doctor! They can answer all your questions, address any concerns, and might even recommend some additional tips specific to you.

How can I get pregnant on my first try?

Sorry, but there are no guarantees when it comes to getting pregnant.

You can do all the ‘right’ things, get yourself checked and find no barriers, but sometimes, it just doesn’t happen.

Getting pregnant can take some time for some couples.

It’s a journey.

If you’ve been trying for a while and have any worries, don’t be afraid to see a fertility specialist.

Even if it doesn’t happen on the first try, you’re taking all the right steps to create the best environment for your future babe.

Be patient with yourself and focus on those healthy habits.

And if you want to talk to other women in the same boat as you, who get it, join us on Peanut.

We’re having the conversation.

Keep at it, mama-to-be, you’ve got this! 💪


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