How to Make Your Period End Faster: Is It Possible?

How to Make Your Period End Faster: Is It Possible?

Knowing how to make your period end faster feels like a superhero skill we’d all be keen to master.

We get it, periods can be a pain.

Why do they always seem to arrive just before major events?

That big beach holiday, sports match, or, um, your own wedding day?

Yep, periods know no bounds.

While you can take part in and enjoy activities when you’re on your period, if it’s making you feel uncomfortable, you might wonder what your options are.

So here’s the lowdown:

When it comes to how to make your period end faster once it’s started, there’s no method that’s 100% reliable and safe.

That being said, there are some methods that can give you some control over period planning.

The best option? Hormonal birth control.

Here’s how it works.

In this article: 📝

  • How to make your period end fast with birth control
  • How to make your period end faster naturally

How to make your period end fast with birth control

The best way to stop your period from time to time is by using hormonal birth control.

Most types come with the bonus of making your periods shorter and/or lighter.

Here are the different options and how they might help:

The monthly pill

The pill works by affecting the hormones — estrogen and progesterone — that handle ovulation.

(Ovulation is the process when an egg is released from one of your ovaries. If an egg doesn’t meet up with an awaiting sperm, your body sheds it — along with the other pregnancy prep your body has been doing — through your period.)

Because hormonal birth control prevents you from ovulating, it also changes other parts of your menstrual cycle. No ovulation, means no egg being released, means no need to have a period.

But hold on, don’t you usually still have a period when you’re on the pill?

Yep. Sort of. But it’s more of a scheduled monthly bleed rather than a period period.

This is how it works:

Your monthly schedule of daily pills includes some placebos.

These sugar pills don’t contain hormones in them.

Rather, they’re placeholders that help you keep your month on track.

The “period” you have when you’re in the placebo part of your monthly journey is actually withdrawal bleeding, and a result of your body adjusting to lower hormone levels.

Skipping these placebos means you skip the withdrawal bleeding which means you skip your “period.”

Luckily, you shouldn’t suffer adverse effects by skipping the placebos.

That period was fake anyway. Scientists say it’s safe to go ahead.

The ring or patch

The ring is a device that goes inside your vagina. The patch sticks to your skin. Both release hormones into your system.

Using the ring or patch to gain control over your period works similarly to how you would use the monthly pill for this purpose.

Both the ring and the patch are usually three weeks on and one week off. Skip the week off and you skip your period.

(Note that with the pill, the ring, and the patch, we don’t have 100% control. You may have some breakthrough spotting anyway.)

Extended cycle contraceptives

These pills work on a 90-day cycle. It’s only after this extended cycle you take a break from the hormones.

When you do, you might get a “period” (which is actually withdrawal bleeding.)

So this option means you’ll only have about four bouts of bleeding a year.

Hormonal IUDs

This form of hormonal birth control is inserted into your uterus.

While you might have some cramping and spotting in the first few months of getting an IUD, this usually doesn’t last long.

After that, you’ll either have very light periods or no period at all.

Note that non-hormonal IUDs (also known as a copper coil) might have the opposite effect.

With a copper coil, you may experience longer and more painful periods than you’re used to.

This is totally normal, but if it’s causing too much discomfort, you may want to consider other contraception options instead.

So that’s if you want to gain control ahead of time. But what if your period has already started?

Well, that’s a little trickier and you may not have as much control.

Bodies are not too keen on stopping a process they’ve already started, so there are no guarantees when it comes to making your period end faster once it’s already begun.

All birth control comes with the risk of some unpleasant side effects.

Chat to your healthcare provider about the best option for your needs.

Speaking to friends and our Peanut community about their experiences can also help you make the right choice.

How to make your period end faster naturally

Unfortunately, there are no guaranteed ways to gain control of your periods without using hormonal birth control.

But there are definitely methods you can try that could make them shorter, lighter, or all-round more manageable.

Most of these are good for your reproductive and overall health anyway, so even if they don’t lead to a shorter period, implementing them may help you feel better throughout your cycle.

Get your heart rate up

We know. You’re cramping, bloated and tired, and may not want to hear this — but there’s evidence to suggest that aerobic exercise can make menstrual symptoms more manageable.

Something to be aware of is that really intense exercise can get in the way of your cycle in ways that may cause health problems.

If you’re concerned, talk through it with a healthcare professional.

Have sex

Sex can help you end your period if it results in pregnancy.

But there is some talk about other ways sex may help.

While it’s not a sure-fire way to end a period quicker, there has been some early research to suggest a relationship between the hormones released during sex and your reproductive cycles.

Scientists are still getting to the bottom of this one. In the meantime, have fun doing your own research.

Another option? Enjoy sex while on your period.

Try a herbal remedy

There are no guarantees with herbal remedies, but if you’re looking for some natural solutions, there are some to try.

Fennel’s anti-inflammatory properties mean it could reduce pain and blood flow while you’re on your period.

And studies have shown that ginger could also reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.

Drink water

Staying hydrated is pretty important, anyway. A bonus?

It may influence the length of your period.

Being hydrated can also reduce bloating and cramps, and may also make your period lighter.

Shoot for about eight glasses of water a day.

Get the right nutrients

If you find yourself reaching for salty or sugary snacks when it’s that time of the month, you’re not alone.

But it’s important to get some nutrient-filled foods in, too.

Foods that are rich in magnesium, like nuts, seeds, greens, and fish, may ease the symptoms of long, painful periods.

Vitamin B6 — which you’ll find in eggs, poultry, or fish — has also been shown to affect period symptoms.

Before taking supplements, it’s a good idea to speak to a medical practitioner to see if it’s right for you.

Choose different sanitary products

OK, so there’s no scientific backing for this one, but some people swear by using sanitary products that encourage ‘free bleeding’ to shorten their periods.

Think pads or menstrual cups.

These products collect blood as it flows, rather than absorbing it in the vaginal canal as a tampon would.

Switching products can at least make those last few days of your period feel like they’re going by a little quicker.

Periods can be a little unpredictable at times, and unfortunately can’t be tamed as much as we’d like them to.

Sometimes, you’re just going to have to accept that your period is coming to a big event with you.

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